# frozen_string_literal: true # rubocop: disable Lint/ConstantDefinitionInBlock namespace :profile do def profile(name, execution, &definition) require "dry-initializer" require "ruby-prof" require "fileutils" definition.call result = RubyProf.profile do 1_000.times { execution.call } end FileUtils.mkdir_p "./tmp" FileUtils.touch "./tmp/#{name}.dot" File.open("./tmp/#{name}.dot", "w+") do |output| RubyProf::DotPrinter.new(result).print(output, min_percent: 0) end FileUtils.touch "./tmp/#{name}.html" File.open("./tmp/#{name}.html", "w+") do |output| RubyProf::CallStackPrinter.new(result).print(output, min_percent: 0) end system "dot -Tpng ./tmp/#{name}.dot > ./tmp/#{name}.png" end desc "Profiles initialization with required param and option" task :required do profile("required", -> { User.new :Andy, email: "andy@example.com" }) do class User extend Dry::Initializer param :name option :email end end end desc "Profiles initialization with default param and option" task :defaults do profile("defaults", -> { User.new }) do class User extend Dry::Initializer param :name, default: -> { :Andy } option :email, default: -> { "andy@example.com" } end end end desc "Profiles initialization with coerced param and option" task :coercion do profile("coercion", -> { User.new :Andy, email: :"andy@example.com" }) do class User extend Dry::Initializer param :name, proc(&:to_s) option :email, proc(&:to_s) end end end desc "Profiles initialization with coerced defaults of param and option" task :default_coercion do profile("default_coercion", -> { User.new }) do class User extend Dry::Initializer param :name, proc(&:to_s), default: -> { :Andy } option :email, proc(&:to_s), default: -> { :"andy@example.com" } end end end end desc "Makes all profiling at once" task profile: %i[ profile:required profile:defaults profile:coercion profile:default_coercion ] # rubocop: enable Lint/ConstantDefinitionInBlock