require "thor" require "rainbow" require "fileutils" module Tlapse::CLI class Alpha < Thor desc "serve", "Start a drb server via which photo capturing may be performed remotely" option :host, desc: "The hostname on which the server is run", type: :string, default: "localhost", aliases: %i(H) option :port, desc: "The port on which the server is run", type: :numeric, default: 9000, aliases: %i(p) def serve server = host: options[:host], port: options[:port] ) puts "Serving on #{server.full_host}" server.serve end desc "compile", "Use ffmpeg to combine all .jpg files in the current directory" option :force, desc: "Force overwrite any existing output files", type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: %i(f) option :out, desc: "The desired output filename", type: :string, default: "out.mkv", aliases: %i(o) def compile video = out: options[:out] if video.outfile_exists? if options[:force] FileUtils.rm video.outfile puts "Removed file #{video.outfile}" else Tlapse::Logger.error! "#{video.outfile} exists. Use -f to overwrite or " \ "-o to specify a different output file." end end video.create! end desc "organize", "Cannonically organize pictures in the current directory" option :dry_run, desc: "Print out what would change without actually changing anything", type: :boolean, default: false def organize Tlapse::Util.organize! dry_run: options[:dry_run] end desc "capture", "Capture a series of timelapse photos" option :interval, desc: "The interval (in minutes) at which pictures will be taken", type: :numeric, default: 5, aliases: %i(i) option :until, desc: %(Time to stop capturing. Can use special "sunset" or "sunrise"), type: :string, default: "sunset" option :compile, desc: "When done capturing, compile photos into a video", type: :boolean, default: false option :compile_out, desc: "Specify the name for the generated video file", type: :string, default: "out.mkv" def capture dirname = FileUtils.mkdir_p dirname Dir.chdir dirname cmd = Tlapse::Capture.timelapse_command( to: parse_time(options[:until]), interval: options[:interval].minutes ) if options[:compile] video = outfile: options[:compile_out] ) if video.outfile_exists? Tlapse::Logger.error! "The file #{video.outfile} already exists in" \ " the directory #{dirname}. Please delete it or use the" \ " --compile-out option to specify a different filename." end cmd += " && #{video.create_command}" end exec cmd end no_commands do def parse_time(time) case time when "sunset" then Tlapse::SolarEvent.sunset when "sunrise" then Tlapse::SolarEvent.sunrise else Time.parse(time) end end end end end