#!/usr/bin/env ruby require_relative '../lib/retrospec/cli' require 'trollop' opts = Trollop::options do version "0.1.0 (c) Corey Osman" banner <<-EOS A framework to automate your development workflow by generating common files and test patterns. EOS opt :module_path, "The path (relative or absolute) to the module directory (Defaults to current directory) " , :type => :string, :required => false, :default => nil opt :installed_plugins, "List the installed plugins", :type => :boolean, :require => false opt :available_plugins, "Show an online list of available plugins", :type => :boolean, :require => false end if opts[:installed_plugins] Retrospec::Cli.list_installed_plugins end if opts[:available_plugins] Retrospec::Cli.list_available_plugins end