Ruby gem for logging to LogDNA

--- * **[Installation](#installation)** * **[Quick Setup](#quick-setup)** * **[API](#api)** * **[Contributing](#contributing)** * **[License](#license)** # Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'logdna' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install logdna # Quick Setup After installation, call logger =, options) => # to set up the logger. Options are optional variables that may contain hostname, app name, mac address, ip address, log level specified. options = { :hostname => myHostName, :ip => myIpAddress, :mac => myMacAddress, :app => myAppName, :level => "INFO" # LOG_LEVELS = ['TRACE', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'FATAL'] or your customized log level :env => "PRODUCTION" } To send logs, use "log" method. logger.log('This is my first log') => "Saved" # Saved to buffer. Ready to be flushed automatically By default, it will log at the level of "INFO" unless you specified otherwise during the initialzation of the logger. You can change a particular message's log level. logger.log('This is warn message', {:level => "WARN"}) You can also send a metadata with your message by specifying 'meta' field logger.log('This is a message with metadata', {:meta => {:once => {:first => "nested1", :another => "nested2"}}, :level => "TRACE"}) Hostname and app name cannot be more than 80 characters. This logger extends the standard Ruby logger and inherits some of the conventions from it.'This is info log') # same as logger.log('This is info message', {:level => "INFO"}) => true logger.trace('trace log') logger.error('error log') You can also set logger level, environment, app name this way: logger.env = 'PRODUCTION' = 'NEW APP NAME' logger.level = 'FATAL' logger.level = Logger::FATAL # Important Notes 1. This logger assumes that you pass in json formatted data 2. This logger is a singleton (do not create mutiple instances of the logger) even though the singleton structure is not strongly enforced. # API ##, options = {}) Instantiates a new instance of the class it is called on. ingestion_key is required. | Options | Default | |---------|---------| |{ :hostname => Host name } | Device's default hostname | |{ :mac => MAC address } | Nil | |{ :ip => IP address } | Nil | |{ :app => App name } | 'default' | |{ :level => Log level } | 'INFO' | |{ :env => STAGING, PRODUCTION .. etc} | Nil | |{ :flushtime => Log flush interval in seconds } | 0.25 seconds | |{ :flushbyte => Log flush upper limit in bytes } | 500000 bytes ~= 0.5 megabytes | Different log level displays log messages in different colors as well. - ![TRACE DEBUG INFO Colors]( "Trace" "Debug" "Info" - ![WARN Color]( "Warn" - ![ERROR Fatal Colors]( "Error" "Fatal" # Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at # License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](