require 'lou' require 'spec_helper' describe Lou do context 'with no transformations defined' do let(:klass) do do extend Lou end end describe '#apply' do it 'returns the input' do expect(klass.apply('this is the input')).to eq('this is the input') end end describe '#undo' do it 'returns the input' do expect(klass.undo('this is the input')).to eq('this is the input') end end end context 'with one transform' do let(:klass) do do extend Lou transform forward { |x| x.push 'world' }.backward { |x| x.delete_if { |y| y == 'world' } } end end describe '#apply' do it 'applies the forward transform' do expect(klass.apply(%w(hello))).to eq(%w(hello world)) end it 'does not change the input object' do input = %w(hello) expect { klass.apply(input) }.to_not change { input } end end describe '#undo' do it 'applies the backward transform' do expect(klass.undo(%w(hello world))).to eq(%w(hello)) end it 'does not change the input object' do input = %w(hello world) expect { klass.undo(input) }.to_not change { input } end end end context 'with two transforms' do let(:klass) do do extend Lou transform forward { |x| x + ', or not to be' }.backward { |x| x.gsub(/, or not to be$/, '') } transform forward { |x| x + ', that is the question.' }.backward { |x| x.gsub(/, that is the question\.$/, '') } end end describe '#apply' do it 'applies all of the forward transforms in order' do expect(klass.apply('To be')).to eq('To be, or not to be, that is the question.') end end describe '#undo' do it 'applies all of the backward transforms in reverse order' do expect(klass.undo('To be, or not to be, that is the question.')).to eq('To be') end end end end