require 'json' # A {Metasploit::Credential::PasswordHash password hash} that cannot be replayed to authenticate to other services. # {#data} is a string in the format `'msf_krbenckey:::'`. # # This class contains information relevant to a Kerberos EncryptionKey # which is used to encrypt/decrypt arbitrary Kerberos protocol message data - such as the AS-REP krbtgt ticket and enc-part. class Metasploit::Credential::KrbEncKey < Metasploit::Credential::PasswordHash # # Constants # # Valid format for KrbEncKey enctype portion of {#data}: numeric characters # @see ENCTYPE_NAMES TYPE_REGEXP = /(?\d+)/ private_constant :TYPE_REGEXP # Valid format for KrbEncKey key portion of {#data}: lowercase hexadecimal characters KEY_REGEXP = /(?[0-9a-f]+)/ private_constant :KEY_REGEXP # Valid format for KrbEncKey enctype portion of {#data}: lowercase hexadecimal characters SALT_REGEXP = /(?[0-9a-f]*)/ private_constant :SALT_REGEXP # Valid format for {#data} composed of `'msf_krbenckey:::'`. DATA_REGEXP = /\Amsf_krbenckey:#{TYPE_REGEXP}:#{KEY_REGEXP}:#{SALT_REGEXP}\z/ private_constant :DATA_REGEXP # ENCTYPE_NAMES = ( { |_hash, enctype| "unassigned-#{enctype}" }).merge({ 0 => 'reserved-0', 1 => 'des-cbc-crc', 2 => 'des-cbc-md4', 3 => 'des-cbc-md5', 4 => 'reserved-4', 5 => 'des3-cbc-md5', 6 => 'reserved-6', 7 => 'des3-cbc-sha1', 8 => 'unassigned-8', 9 => 'dsaWithSHA1-CmsOID', 10 => 'md5WithRSAEncryption-CmsOID', 11 => 'sha1WithRSAEncryption-CmsOID', 12 => 'rc2CBC-EnvOID', 13 => 'rsaEncryption-EnvOID', 14 => 'rsaES-OAEP-ENV-OID', 15 => 'des-ede3-cbc-Env-OID', 16 => 'des3-cbc-sha1-kd', 17 => 'aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96', 18 => 'aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96', 19 => 'aes128-cts-hmac-sha256-128', 20 => 'aes256-cts-hmac-sha384-192', 21 => 'unassigned-21', 22 => 'unassigned-22', 23 => 'rc4-hmac', 24 => 'rc4-hmac-exp', 25 => 'camellia128-cts-cmac', 26 => 'camellia256-cts-cmac', 65 => 'subkey-keymaterial' }) private_constant :ENCTYPE_NAMES # # Attributes # # @!attribute data # # @return [Hash{Symbol => String}] # # Callbacks # before_validation :normalize_data # # Validations # validate :data_format # # Class methods # # @param [Integer] enctype The enctype # @param [String] key The key bytes # @param [String,nil] salt The salt # @return [String] # @raise [ArgumentError] if an option is invalid def self.build_data(enctype:, key:, salt: nil) raise ArgumentError('enctype must be numeric') unless enctype.is_a?(Numeric) raise ArgumentError('key must be set') if key.nil? "msf_krbenckey:#{enctype}:#{as_hex(key)}:#{as_hex(salt)}" end # # Instance Methods # # The enctype as defined by # # @return [Integer] def enctype parsed_data[:enctype] end # The key # # @return [String] def key parsed_data[:key] end # The salt used as part of creating the key. This is normally derived from the Kerberos principal name/Realm. # For windows the following convention is used to create the salt: # # # This value can be nil if the salt is not known # @return [String,nil] The key salt if available def salt parsed_data[:salt] end # A string suitable for displaying to the user # # @return [String] def to_s "#{ENCTYPE_NAMES[enctype]}:#{self.class.as_hex(key)}#{salt ? ":#{self.class.as_hex(salt)}" : ''}" end private # Converts a buffer containing bytes to a String containing the hex representation of the bytes # # @param hash [String,nil] a buffer of bytes # @return [String] a string where every 2 hexadecimal characters represents a byte in the original hash buffer def self.as_hex(value) value.to_s.unpack1('H*') end # Converts a buffer containing bytes to a String containing the hex representation of the bytes # # @param hash [String,nil] a buffer of bytes # @return [String] a string where every 2 hexadecimal characters represents a byte in the original hash buffer def self.as_bytes(value) [value.to_s].pack('H*') end # @return [Hash] The parsed data with enctype, key, salt keys def parsed_data match = data.match(DATA_REGEXP) return {} unless match { enctype: match[:enctype].to_i, key: self.class.as_bytes(match[:key]), salt: match[:salt].empty? ? nil : self.class.as_bytes(match[:salt]) } end # Normalizes {#data} by making it all lowercase so that the unique validation and index on # ({Metasploit::Credential::Private#type}, {#data}) catches collision in a case-insensitive manner without the need # to use case-insensitive comparisons. def normalize_data if data = data.downcase end end # Validates that {#data} is in the expected data format def data_format unless DATA_REGEXP.match(data) errors.add(:data, :format) end end public end