3.2.7 (Media Mark) 420bf2466da828b2130a91572faede804325175b o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[~o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode :@value[I"I/* * Forms * -------------------------------------------------- */:ET: @type:silent;[�: @linei: @options{�o; ;[I"+/* GENERAL STYLES * -------------- */; T; ;;[�;i; @o; ;[I"//* Make all forms have space below them */; T; ;;[�;i; @o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode: @rule[I" form; T: @tabsi�:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence: @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence ;[o:Sass::Selector::Element : @name[I" form; T:@namespace0;i:@filenameI"�; F: @subject0: @sourceso:Set: @hash{�;i;@ ;i;@ ;[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode;[I"margin; T;o:Sass::Script::List ;[o:Sass::Script::Number;i�:@numerator_units[�:@denominator_units[�;i:@originalI"0; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i;#I"0; F; @o:Sass::Script::Variable ;I"baseLineHeight; T:@underscored_nameI"baseLineHeight; T;i; @:@separator: space;i; @;i�:@prop_syntax:new;[�;i; @;i:@has_childrenT; @o;;[I" fieldset; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" fieldset; T;0;i;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i;@@;i;@@;[o;;[I"padding; T;o:Sass::Script::String;I"0; T; :identifier; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @o;;[I"margin; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @o;;[I"border; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @;i;*T; @o; ;[I"8/* Groups of fields with labels on top (legends) */; T; ;;[�;i; @o;;[I"legend; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I"legend; T;0;i;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i;@f;i;@f;[o;;[I"display; T;o;+;I" block; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @o;;[I" width; T;o;+;I" 100%; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @o;;[I"padding; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @o;;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @o;;[I"font-size; T;o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o;$ ;I"baseFontSize; T;%I"baseFontSize; T;i; @:@operand2o; ;f1.5;![�;"@+;i;#I"1.5; F; @:@operator: times;i; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @o;;[I"line-height; T;o;- ;.o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i ; @;/o; ;i;![�;"@+;i ;#I"2; F; @;0;1;i ; @;i�;(;);[�;i ; @o;;[I" color; T;o;$ ;I" grayDark; T;%I" grayDark; T;i!; @;i�;(;);[�;i!; @o;;[I"border; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i"; @o;;[I"border-bottom; T;o;+;I"1px solid #e5e5e5; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i#; @o; ;[I"/* Small */; T; ;;[�;i%; @o;;[I" small; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" small; T;0;i&;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i&;@�;i&;@�;[o;;[I"font-size; T;o;- ;.o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i'; @;/o; ;f 0.75;![�;"@+;i';#I" 0.75; F; @;0;1;i'; @;i�;(;);[�;i'; @o;;[I" color; T;o;$ ;I"grayLight; T;%I"grayLight; T;i(; @;i�;(;);[�;i(; @;i&;*T; @;i;*T; @o; ;[I"/* Set font for forms */; T; ;;[�;i,; @o;;[I"+label, input, button, select, textarea; T;i�;o;;[ o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" label; T;0;i1;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i1;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i1;@�;0;o;;{�;i1;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I"button; T;0;i1;@�;0;o;;{�;i1;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;i1;@�;0;o;;{�;i1;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" textarea; T;0;i1;@�;0;o;;{�;i1;@�;i1;@�;[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode;I"font-shorthand; T: @args[o;$ ;I"baseFontSize; T;%I"baseFontSize; T;i2; @o;+ ;I"normal; T; ;,;i2; @o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i2; @:@keywords{�:@splat0;[�;i2; @o; ;[I"-/* Set size, weight, line-height here */; T; ;;[�;i2; @;i1;*T; @o;;[I"$input, button, select, textarea; T;i�;o;;[ o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i7;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i7;@(o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I"button; T;0;i7;@(;0;o;;{�;i7;@(o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;i7;@(;0;o;;{�;i7;@(o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" textarea; T;0;i7;@(;0;o;;{�;i7;@(;i7;@(;[o;;[I"font-family; T;o;$ ;I"baseFontFamily; T;%I"baseFontFamily; T;i8; @;i�;(;);[�;i8; @o; ;[I"`/* And only set font-family here for those that need it (note the missing label element) */; T; ;;[�;i8; @;i7;*T; @o; ;[I",/* Identify controls by their labels */; T; ;;[�;i;; @o;;[I" label; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" label; T;0;i<;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i<;@e;i<;@e;[o;;[I"display; T;o;+;I" block; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i=; @o;;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;+;I"5px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i>; @;i<;*T; @o; ;[I"5/* Form controls * ------------------------- */; T; ;;[�;iA; @o; ;[I"&/* Shared size and type resets */; T; ;;[�;iD; @o;;[I"Rselect, textarea, input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input[type="datetime"], input[type="datetime-local"], input[type="date"], input[type="month"], input[type="time"], input[type="week"], input[type="number"], input[type="email"], input[type="url"], input[type="search"], input[type="tel"], input[type="color"], .uneditable-input; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;iU;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" textarea; T;0;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iU;@�o:Sass::Selector::Attribute;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""text"; T:@flags0;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iU;@�o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""password"; T;70;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iU;@�o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""datetime"; T;70;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iU;@�o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""datetime-local"; T;70;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iU;@�o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""date"; T;70;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iU;@�o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""month"; T;70;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iU;@�o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""time"; T;70;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iU;@�o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""week"; T;70;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iU;@�o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I" "number"; T;70;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iU;@�o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""email"; T;70;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iU;@�o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I" "url"; T;70;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iU;@�o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I" "search"; T;70;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iU;@�o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I" "tel"; T;70;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iU;@�o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""color"; T;70;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o:Sass::Selector::Class;[I"uneditable-input; T;iU;@�;0;o;;{�;iU;@�;iU;@�;[o;;[I"display; T;o;+;I"inline-block; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;iV; @o;;[I"height; T;o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;iW; @;i�;(;);[�;iW; @o;;[I"padding; T;o;+;I"4px 6px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;iX; @o;;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;- ;.o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;iY; @;/o; ;i;![�;"@+;iY;#I"2; F; @;0:div;iY; @;i�;(;);[�;iY; @o;;[I"font-size; T;o;$ ;I"baseFontSize; T;%I"baseFontSize; T;iZ; @;i�;(;);[�;iZ; @o;;[I"line-height; T;o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i[; @;i�;(;);[�;i[; @o;;[I" color; T;o;$ ;I" gray; T;%I" gray; T;i\; @;i�;(;);[�;i\; @o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i]; @;4{�;50;[�;i]; @o;;[I"vertical-align; T;o;+;I"middle; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i^; @;iU;*T; @o; ;[I"�/* Reset appearance properties for textual inputs and textarea * Declare width for legacy (can't be on input[type=*] selectors or it's too specific) */; T; ;;[�;ia; @o;;[I"'input, textarea, .uneditable-input; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;ie;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;ie;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" textarea; T;0;ie;@�;0;o;;{�;ie;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-input; T;ie;@�;0;o;;{�;ie;@�;ie;@�;[o;;[I" width; T;o;+;I" 206px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;if; @o; ;[I"+/* plus 12px padding and 2px border */; T; ;;[�;if; @;ie;*T; @o; ;[I"1/* Reset height since textareas have rows */; T; ;;[�;ih; @o;;[I" textarea; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" textarea; T;0;ii;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;ii;@;ii;@;[o;;[I"height; T;o;+;I" auto; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;ij; @;ii;*T; @o; ;[I"/* Everything else */; T; ;;[�;il; @o;;[I"Jtextarea, input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input[type="datetime"], input[type="datetime-local"], input[type="date"], input[type="month"], input[type="time"], input[type="week"], input[type="number"], input[type="email"], input[type="url"], input[type="search"], input[type="tel"], input[type="color"], .uneditable-input; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" textarea; T;0;i|;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i|;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i|;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""text"; T;70;i|;@;0;o;;{�;i|;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i|;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""password"; T;70;i|;@;0;o;;{�;i|;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i|;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""datetime"; T;70;i|;@;0;o;;{�;i|;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i|;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""datetime-local"; T;70;i|;@;0;o;;{�;i|;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i|;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""date"; T;70;i|;@;0;o;;{�;i|;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i|;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""month"; T;70;i|;@;0;o;;{�;i|;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i|;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""time"; T;70;i|;@;0;o;;{�;i|;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i|;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""week"; T;70;i|;@;0;o;;{�;i|;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i|;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I" "number"; T;70;i|;@;0;o;;{�;i|;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i|;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""email"; T;70;i|;@;0;o;;{�;i|;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i|;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I" "url"; T;70;i|;@;0;o;;{�;i|;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i|;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I" "search"; T;70;i|;@;0;o;;{�;i|;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i|;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I" "tel"; T;70;i|;@;0;o;;{�;i|;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i|;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""color"; T;70;i|;@;0;o;;{�;i|;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-input; T;i|;@;0;o;;{�;i|;@;i|;@;[o;;[I"background-color; T;o;$ ;I"inputBackground; T;%I"inputBackground; T;i}; @;i�;(;);[�;i}; @o;;[I"border; T;o; ;[o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i~;#I"1px; F; @o;+ ;I" solid; T; ;,;i~; @o;$ ;I"inputBorder; T;%I"inputBorder; T;i~; @;&;';i~; @;i�;(;);[�;i~; @o;2;I"box-shadow; T;3[o; ;[ o;+ ;I" inset; T; ;,;i; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i;#I"0; F; @o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i;#I"1px; F; @o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i;#I"1px; F; @o:Sass::Script::Funcall;I" rgba; T;3[ o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i;#I"0; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i;#I"0; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i;#I"0; F; @o; ;f 0.075;![�;"@+;i;#I" 0.075; F; @;4{�;50;i; @;&;';i; @;4{�;50;[�;i; @o;2;I"transition; T;3[o; ;[o;+ ;I"border; T; ;,;i{; @o;+ ;I"linear; T; ;,;i{; @o; ;f0.2;![I"s; T;"[�;i{;#I" 0.2s; F; @;&;';i{; @o; ;[o;+ ;I"box-shadow; T; ;,;i{; @o;+ ;I"linear; T; ;,;i{; @o; ;f0.2;![I"s; T;"[�;i{;#I" 0.2s; F; @;&;';i{; @;4{�;50;[�;i{; @o; ;[I"/* Focus state */; T; ;;[�;i}; @o;;[I"&:focus; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o:Sass::Selector::Parent;i~;I"�; Fo:Sass::Selector::Pseudo ; : class;[I" focus; F: @arg0;i~;@u;0;o;;{�;i~;@u;i~;@u;[ o;;[I"border-color; T;o;:;I" rgba; T;3[ o; ;iW;![�;"@+;i;#I"82; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i;#I"168; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i;#I"236; F; @o; ;f0.8;![�;"@+;i;#I"0.8; F; @;4{�;50;i; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @o;;[I"outline; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"outline; T;o;+;I"thin dotted \9; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"/* IE6-9 */; T; :normal;[�;i�; @o;2;I"box-shadow; T;3[o; ;[ o;+ ;I" inset; T; ;,;i�; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i�;#I"1px; F; @o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i�;#I"1px; F; @o;:;I" rgba; T;3[ o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o; ;f 0.075;![�;"@+;i�;#I" 0.075; F; @;4{�;50;i�; @;&;';i�; @o; ;[ o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o; ;i ;![I"px; T;"[�;i�;#I"8px; F; @o;:;I" rgba; T;3[ o; ;iW;![�;"@+;i�;#I"82; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"168; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"236; F; @o; ;f0.6;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0.6; F; @;4{�;50;i�; @;&;';i�; @;4{�;50;[�;i�; @;i~;*T; @;i|;*T; @o; ;[I"0/* Position radios and checkboxes better */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"0input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"]; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;I"�; Fo;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""radio"; T;70;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;@�o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""checkbox"; T;70;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"margin; T;o;+;I"4px 0 0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"*margin-top; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"/* IE7 */; T; ;?;[�;i�; @o;;[I"margin-top; T;o;+;I"1px \9; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"/* IE8-9 */; T; ;?;[�;i�; @o;;[I"line-height; T;o;+;I"normal; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"C/* Reset width of input images, buttons, radios, checkboxes */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"�input[type="file"], input[type="image"], input[type="submit"], input[type="reset"], input[type="button"], input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"]; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;I"�; Fo;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""file"; T;70;i�;@@;0;o;;{�;i�;@@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;@@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""image"; T;70;i�;@@;0;o;;{�;i�;@@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;@@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I" "submit"; T;70;i�;@@;0;o;;{�;i�;@@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;@@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""reset"; T;70;i�;@@;0;o;;{�;i�;@@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;@@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I" "button"; T;70;i�;@@;0;o;;{�;i�;@@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;@@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""radio"; T;70;i�;@@;0;o;;{�;i�;@@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;@@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""checkbox"; T;70;i�;@@;0;o;;{�;i�;@@;i�;@@;[o;;[I" width; T;o;+;I" auto; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"-/* Override of generic input selector */; T; ;;[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"J/* Set the height of select and file controls to match text inputs */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"select, input[type="file"]; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;@�o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""file"; T;70;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[ o;;[I"height; T;o;$ ;I"inputHeight; T;%I"inputHeight; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"_/* In IE7, the height of the select element cannot be changed by height, only font-size */; T; ;?;[�;i�; @o;;[I"*margin-top; T;o;+;I"4px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I">/* For IE7, add top margin to align select with labels */; T; ;?;[�;i�; @o;;[I"line-height; T;o;$ ;I"inputHeight; T;%I"inputHeight; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"@/* Make select elements obey height by applying a border */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"select; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@;i�;@;[ o;;[I" width; T;o;+;I" 220px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"I/* default input width + 10px of padding that doesn't get applied */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"border; T;o; ;[o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i�;#I"1px; F; @o;+ ;I" solid; T; ;,;i�; @o;$ ;I"inputBorder; T;%I"inputBorder; T;i�; @;&;';i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"background-color; T;o;$ ;I"inputBackground; T;%I"inputBackground; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"B/* Chrome on Linux and Mobile Safari need background-color */; T; ;;[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"9/* Make multiple select elements height not fixed */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"#select[multiple], select[size]; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;i�;I"�; Fo;6;[I" multiple; T;0;00;0;70;i�;@=;0;o;;{�;i�;@=o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;i�;@=o;6;[I" size; T;0;00;0;70;i�;@=;0;o;;{�;i�;@=;i�;@=;[o;;[I"height; T;o;+;I" auto; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"6/* Focus for select, file, radio, and checkbox */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"dselect:focus, input[type="file"]:focus, input[type="radio"]:focus, input[type="checkbox"]:focus; T;i�;o;;[ o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;i�;I"�; Fo;< ; ;=;[I" focus; T;>0;i�;@g;0;o;;{�;i�;@go;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;@go;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""file"; T;70;i�;@go;< ; ;=;[I" focus; T;>0;i�;@g;0;o;;{�;i�;@go;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;@go;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""radio"; T;70;i�;@go;< ; ;=;[I" focus; T;>0;i�;@g;0;o;;{�;i�;@go;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;@go;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""checkbox"; T;70;i�;@go;< ; ;=;[I" focus; T;>0;i�;@g;0;o;;{�;i�;@g;i�;@g;[o;2;I"tab-focus; T;3[�;4{�;50;[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"9/* Uneditable inputs * ------------------------- */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o; ;[I"//* Make uneditable inputs look inactive */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I",.uneditable-input, .uneditable-textarea; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-input; F;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-textarea; F;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[ o;;[I" color; T;o;$ ;I"grayLight; T;%I"grayLight; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"background-color; T;o;:;I"darken; T;3[o;$ ;I"inputBackground; T;%I"inputBackground; T;i�; @o; ;i;![I"%; T;"[�;i�;#I"1%; F; @;4{�;50;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"border-color; T;o;$ ;I"inputBorder; T;%I"inputBorder; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;2;I"box-shadow; T;3[o; ;[ o;+ ;I" inset; T; ;,;i�; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i�;#I"1px; F; @o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i�;#I"2px; F; @o;:;I" rgba; T;3[ o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o; ;f 0.025;![�;"@+;i�;#I" 0.025; F; @;4{�;50;i�; @;&;';i�; @;4{�;50;[�;i�; @o;;[I"cursor; T;o;+;I"not-allowed; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"O/* For text that needs to appear as an input but should not be an input */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I".uneditable-input; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-input; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@);i�;@);[o;;[I" overflow; T;o;+;I"hidden; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"N/* prevent text from wrapping, but still cut it off like an input does */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"white-space; T;o;+;I"nowrap; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I";/* Make uneditable textareas behave like a textarea */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I".uneditable-textarea; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-textarea; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@M;i�;@M;[o;;[I" width; T;o;+;I" auto; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"height; T;o;+;I" auto; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"3/* Placeholder * ------------------------- */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o; ;[I"|/* Placeholder text gets special styles because when browsers invalidate entire lines if it doesn't understand a selector */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"input, textarea; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@qo;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" textarea; T;0;i�;@q;0;o;;{�;i�;@q;i�;@q;[o;2;I"placeholder; T;3[�;4{�;50;[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"5/* CHECKBOXES & RADIOS * ------------------- */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o; ;[I"E/* Indent the labels to position radios/checkboxes as hanging */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I".radio, .checkbox; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I" radio; F;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I" checkbox; F;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"min-height; T;o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"=/* clear the floating input if there is no label text */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"padding-left; T;o;+;I" 20px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o;;[I"A.radio input[type="radio"], .checkbox input[type="checkbox"]; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I" radio; F;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o; ;[o; ;[I" input; F;0;i�;@�o;6;[I" type; F;0;0I"=; F;[I""radio"; F;70;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I" checkbox; F;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o; ;[o; ;[I" input; F;0;i�;@�o;6;[I" type; F;0;0I"=; F;[I""checkbox"; F;70;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I" float; T;o;+;I" left; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"margin-left; T;o;+;I" -20px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I":/* Move the options list down to align with labels */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"F.controls > .radio:first-child, .controls > .checkbox:first-child; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I" controls; F;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@I">; Fo; ;[o;8;[I" radio; F;i�;@o;< ; ;=;[I"first-child; F;>0;i�;@;0;o;;{�;i�;@o;;[ I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I" controls; F;i�;@;0;o;;{�;i�;@I">; Fo; ;[o;8;[I" checkbox; F;i�;@o;< ; ;=;[I"first-child; F;>0;i�;@;0;o;;{�;i�;@;i�;@;[o;;[I"padding-top; T;o;+;I"5px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"5/* has to be padding because margin collaspes */; T; ;;[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"\/* Radios and checkboxes on same line * TODO v3: Convert .inline to .control-inline */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"$.radio.inline, .checkbox.inline; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I" radio; F;i�;I"�; Fo;8;[I"inline; F;i�;@E;0;o;;{�;i�;@Eo;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I" checkbox; F;i�;@Eo;8;[I"inline; F;i�;@E;0;o;;{�;i�;@E;i�;@E;[ o;;[I"display; T;o;+;I"inline-block; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"padding-top; T;o;+;I"5px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"vertical-align; T;o;+;I"middle; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o;;[I"G.radio.inline + .radio.inline, .checkbox.inline + .checkbox.inline; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I" radio; F;i�;I"�; Fo;8;[I"inline; F;i�;@};0;o;;{�;i�;@}I"+; Fo; ;[o;8;[I" radio; F;i�;@}o;8;[I"inline; F;i�;@};0;o;;{�;i�;@}o;;[ I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I" checkbox; F;i�;@}o;8;[I"inline; F;i�;@};0;o;;{�;i�;@}I"+; Fo; ;[o;8;[I" checkbox; F;i�;@}o;8;[I"inline; F;i�;@};0;o;;{�;i�;@};i�;@};[o;;[I"margin-left; T;o;+;I" 10px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"0/* space out consecutive inline controls */; T; ;;[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"%/* INPUT SIZES * ----------- */; T; ;;[�;i; @o; ;[I"*/* General classes for quick sizes */; T; ;;[�;i; @o;;[I".input-mini; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"input-mini; T;i;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i;@�;i;@�;[o;;[I" width; T;o;+;I" 60px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @;i;*T; @o;;[I".input-small; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"input-small; T;i;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i;@�;i;@�;[o;;[I" width; T;o;+;I" 90px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @;i;*T; @o;;[I".input-medium; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"input-medium; T;i;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i;@�;i;@�;[o;;[I" width; T;o;+;I" 150px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @;i;*T; @o;;[I".input-large; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"input-large; T;i;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i;@ ;i;@ ;[o;;[I" width; T;o;+;I" 210px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @;i;*T; @o;;[I".input-xlarge; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"input-xlarge; T;i ;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i ;@ ;i ;@ ;[o;;[I" width; T;o;+;I" 270px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i ; @;i ;*T; @o;;[I".input-xxlarge; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"input-xxlarge; T;i ;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i ;@3 ;i ;@3 ;[o;;[I" width; T;o;+;I" 530px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i ; @;i ;*T; @o; ;[I"!/* Grid style input sizes */; T; ;;[�;i; @o;;[I"�input[class*="span"], select[class*="span"], textarea[class*="span"], .uneditable-input[class*="span"], .row-fluid input[class*="span"], .row-fluid select[class*="span"], .row-fluid textarea[class*="span"], .row-fluid .uneditable-input[class*="span"]; T;i�;o;;[ o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i;I"�; Fo;6;[I" class; T;0;0I"*=; T;[I""span"; T;70;i;@M ;0;o;;{�;i;@M o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;i;@M o;6;[I" class; T;0;0I"*=; T;[I""span"; T;70;i;@M ;0;o;;{�;i;@M o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" textarea; T;0;i;@M o;6;[I" class; T;0;0I"*=; T;[I""span"; T;70;i;@M ;0;o;;{�;i;@M o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-input; T;i;@M o;6;[I" class; T;0;0I"*=; T;[I""span"; T;70;i;@M ;0;o;;{�;i;@M o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"row-fluid; T;i;@M ;0;o;;{�;i;@M o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i;@M o;6;[I" class; T;0;0I"*=; T;[I""span"; T;70;i;@M ;0;o;;{�;i;@M o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"row-fluid; T;i;@M ;0;o;;{�;i;@M o; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;i;@M o;6;[I" class; T;0;0I"*=; T;[I""span"; T;70;i;@M ;0;o;;{�;i;@M o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"row-fluid; T;i;@M ;0;o;;{�;i;@M o; ;[o; ;[I" textarea; T;0;i;@M o;6;[I" class; T;0;0I"*=; T;[I""span"; T;70;i;@M ;0;o;;{�;i;@M o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"row-fluid; T;i;@M ;0;o;;{�;i;@M o; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-input; T;i;@M o;6;[I" class; T;0;0I"*=; T;[I""span"; T;70;i;@M ;0;o;;{�;i;@M ;i;@M ;[o;;[I" float; T;o;+;I" none; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @o;;[I"margin-left; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @;i;*T; @o; ;[I"2/* Ensure input-prepend/append never wraps */; T; ;;[�;i; @o;;[I"�.input-append input[class*="span"], .input-append .uneditable-input[class*="span"], .input-prepend input[class*="span"], .input-prepend .uneditable-input[class*="span"], .row-fluid input[class*="span"], .row-fluid select[class*="span"], .row-fluid textarea[class*="span"], .row-fluid .uneditable-input[class*="span"], .row-fluid .input-prepend [class*="span"], .row-fluid .input-append [class*="span"]; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"input-append; F;i#;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o; ;[o; ;[I" input; F;0;i#;@� o;6;[I" class; F;0;0I"*=; F;[I""span"; F;70;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"input-append; F;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-input; F;i#;@� o;6;[I" class; F;0;0I"*=; F;[I""span"; F;70;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"input-prepend; F;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o; ;[o; ;[I" input; F;0;i#;@� o;6;[I" class; F;0;0I"*=; F;[I""span"; F;70;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"input-prepend; F;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-input; F;i#;@� o;6;[I" class; F;0;0I"*=; F;[I""span"; F;70;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"row-fluid; F;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o; ;[o; ;[I" input; F;0;i#;@� o;6;[I" class; F;0;0I"*=; F;[I""span"; F;70;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"row-fluid; F;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o; ;[o; ;[I"select; F;0;i#;@� o;6;[I" class; F;0;0I"*=; F;[I""span"; F;70;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"row-fluid; F;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o; ;[o; ;[I" textarea; F;0;i#;@� o;6;[I" class; F;0;0I"*=; F;[I""span"; F;70;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"row-fluid; F;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-input; F;i#;@� o;6;[I" class; F;0;0I"*=; F;[I""span"; F;70;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o;;[ I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"row-fluid; F;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o; ;[o;8;[I"input-prepend; F;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o; ;[o;6;[I" class; F;0;0I"*=; F;[I""span"; F;70;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o;;[ I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"row-fluid; F;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o; ;[o;8;[I"input-append; F;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� o; ;[o;6;[I" class; F;0;0I"*=; F;[I""span"; F;70;i#;@� ;0;o;;{�;i#;@� ;i#;@� ;[o;;[I"display; T;o;+;I"inline-block; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i$; @;i#;*T; @o; ;[I";/* GRID SIZING FOR INPUTS * ---------------------- */; T; ;;[�;i); @o; ;[I"/* Grid sizes */; T; ;;[�;i,; @o;2;I"grid-input; T;3[o;$ ;I"gridColumnWidth; T;%I"gridColumnWidth; T;i-; @o;$ ;I"gridGutterWidth; T;%I"gridGutterWidth; T;i-; @;4{�;50;[�;i-; @o; ;[I"3/* Control row for multiple inputs per line */; T; ;;[�;i/; @o;;[I".controls-row; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"controls-row; T;i0;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i0;@;i0;@;[o;2;I" clearfix; T;3[�;4{�;50;[�;i1; @o; ;[I"(/* Clear the float from controls */; T; ;;[�;i1; @;i0;*T; @o; ;[I"B/* Float to collapse white-space for proper grid alignment */; T; ;;[�;i4; @o;;[I"M.controls-row [class*="span"], .row-fluid .controls-row [class*="span"]; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"controls-row; F;i7;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i7;@-o; ;[o;6;[I" class; F;0;0I"*=; F;[I""span"; F;70;i7;@-;0;o;;{�;i7;@-o;;[ I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"row-fluid; F;i7;@-;0;o;;{�;i7;@-o; ;[o;8;[I"controls-row; F;i7;@-;0;o;;{�;i7;@-o; ;[o;6;[I" class; F;0;0I"*=; F;[I""span"; F;70;i7;@-;0;o;;{�;i7;@-;i7;@-;[o;;[I" float; T;o;+;I" left; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i8; @;i7;*T; @o; ;[I"S/* Explicity set top padding on all checkboxes/radios, not just first-child */; T; ;;[�;i:; @o;;[I"P.controls-row .checkbox[class*="span"], .controls-row .radio[class*="span"]; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"controls-row; F;i<;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i<;@lo; ;[o;8;[I" checkbox; F;i<;@lo;6;[I" class; F;0;0I"*=; F;[I""span"; F;70;i<;@l;0;o;;{�;i<;@lo;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"controls-row; F;i<;@l;0;o;;{�;i<;@lo; ;[o;8;[I" radio; F;i<;@lo;6;[I" class; F;0;0I"*=; F;[I""span"; F;70;i<;@l;0;o;;{�;i<;@l;i<;@l;[o;;[I"padding-top; T;o;+;I"5px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i=; @;i<;*T; @o; ;[I"+/* DISABLED STATE * -------------- */; T; ;;[�;iC; @o; ;[I"(/* Disabled and read-only inputs */; T; ;;[�;iF; @o;;[I"qinput[disabled], select[disabled], textarea[disabled], input[readonly], select[readonly], textarea[readonly]; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iL;I"�; Fo;6;[I" disabled; T;0;00;0;70;iL;@�;0;o;;{�;iL;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;iL;@�o;6;[I" disabled; T;0;00;0;70;iL;@�;0;o;;{�;iL;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" textarea; T;0;iL;@�o;6;[I" disabled; T;0;00;0;70;iL;@�;0;o;;{�;iL;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iL;@�o;6;[I" readonly; T;0;00;0;70;iL;@�;0;o;;{�;iL;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;iL;@�o;6;[I" readonly; T;0;00;0;70;iL;@�;0;o;;{�;iL;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" textarea; T;0;iL;@�o;6;[I" readonly; T;0;00;0;70;iL;@�;0;o;;{�;iL;@�;iL;@�;[o;;[I"cursor; T;o;+;I"not-allowed; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;iM; @o;;[I"background-color; T;o;$ ;I"inputDisabledBackground; T;%I"inputDisabledBackground; T;iN; @;i�;(;);[�;iN; @;iL;*T; @o; ;[I"+/* Explicitly reset the colors here */; T; ;;[�;iP; @o;;[I"�input[type="radio"][disabled], input[type="checkbox"][disabled], input[type="radio"][readonly], input[type="checkbox"][readonly]; T;i�;o;;[ o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iT;I"�; Fo;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""radio"; T;70;iT;@o;6;[I" disabled; T;0;00;0;70;iT;@;0;o;;{�;iT;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iT;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""checkbox"; T;70;iT;@o;6;[I" disabled; T;0;00;0;70;iT;@;0;o;;{�;iT;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iT;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""radio"; T;70;iT;@o;6;[I" readonly; T;0;00;0;70;iT;@;0;o;;{�;iT;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iT;@o;6;[I" type; T;0;0I"=; T;[I""checkbox"; T;70;iT;@o;6;[I" readonly; T;0;00;0;70;iT;@;0;o;;{�;iT;@;iT;@;[o;;[I"background-color; T;o;+;I"transparent; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;iU; @;iT;*T; @o; ;[I"C/* FORM FIELD FEEDBACK STATES * -------------------------- */; T; ;;[�;i[; @o; ;[I"/* Warning */; T; ;;[�;i^; @o;;[I".control-group.warning; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"control-group; T;i_;I"�; Fo;8;[I"warning; T;i_;@s;0;o;;{�;i_;@s;i_;@s;[o;2;I"formFieldState; T;3[o;$ ;I"warningText; T;%I"warningText; T;i`; @o;$ ;I"warningText; T;%I"warningText; T;i`; @o;$ ;I"warningBackground; T;%I"warningBackground; T;i`; @;4{�;50;[�;i`; @;i_;*T; @o; ;[I"/* Error */; T; ;;[�;ib; @o;;[I".control-group.error; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"control-group; T;ic;I"�; Fo;8;[I" error; T;ic;@�;0;o;;{�;ic;@�;ic;@�;[o;2;I"formFieldState; T;3[o;$ ;I"errorText; T;%I"errorText; T;id; @o;$ ;I"errorText; T;%I"errorText; T;id; @o;$ ;I"errorBackground; T;%I"errorBackground; T;id; @;4{�;50;[�;id; @;ic;*T; @o; ;[I"/* Success */; T; ;;[�;if; @o;;[I".control-group.success; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"control-group; T;ig;I"�; Fo;8;[I"success; T;ig;@�;0;o;;{�;ig;@�;ig;@�;[o;2;I"formFieldState; T;3[o;$ ;I"successText; T;%I"successText; T;ih; @o;$ ;I"successText; T;%I"successText; T;ih; @o;$ ;I"successBackground; T;%I"successBackground; T;ih; @;4{�;50;[�;ih; @;ig;*T; @o; ;[I"/* Info */; T; ;;[�;ij; @o;;[I".control-group.info; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"control-group; T;ik;I"�; Fo;8;[I" info; T;ik;@�;0;o;;{�;ik;@�;ik;@�;[o;2;I"formFieldState; T;3[o;$ ;I" infoText; T;%I" infoText; T;il; @o;$ ;I" infoText; T;%I" infoText; T;il; @o;$ ;I"infoBackground; T;%I"infoBackground; T;il; @;4{�;50;[�;il; @;ik;*T; @o; ;[I"T/* HTML5 invalid states * Shares styles with the .control-group.error above */; T; ;;[�;io; @o;;[I"Finput:focus:invalid, textarea:focus:invalid, select:focus:invalid; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;is;I"�; Fo;< ; ;=;[I" focus; T;>0;is;@ o;< ; ;=;[I"invalid; T;>0;is;@ ;0;o;;{�;is;@ o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" textarea; T;0;is;@ o;< ; ;=;[I" focus; T;>0;is;@ o;< ; ;=;[I"invalid; T;>0;is;@ ;0;o;;{�;is;@ o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;is;@ o;< ; ;=;[I" focus; T;>0;is;@ o;< ; ;=;[I"invalid; T;>0;is;@ ;0;o;;{�;is;@ ;is;@ ;[o;;[I" color; T;o;+;I"#b94a48; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;it; @o;;[I"border-color; T;o;+;I"#ee5f5b; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;iu; @o;;[I"&:focus; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;;;iv;I"�; Fo;< ; ;=;[I" focus; F;>0;iv;@G ;0;o;;{�;iv;@G ;iv;@G ;[o;;[I"border-color; T;o;:;I"darken; T;3[o:Sass::Script::Color ;0:@attrs{ :redi�: greenid: bluei`: alphai;iw; @o; ;i;![I"%; T;"[�;iw;#I"10%; F; @;4{�;50;iw; @;i�;(;);[�;iw; @o;2;I"box-shadow; T;3[o; ;[ o; ;i�;![�;"@+;ix;#I"0; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;ix;#I"0; F; @o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;ix;#I"6px; F; @o;:;I"lighten; T;3[o;@ ;0;A{ ;Bi�;Cid;Di`;Ei;ix; @o; ;i;![I"%; T;"[�;ix;#I"20%; F; @;4{�;50;ix; @;&;';ix; @;4{�;50;[�;ix; @;iv;*T; @;is;*T; @o; ;[I"'/* FORM ACTIONS * ------------ */; T; ;;[�;i~; @o;;[I".form-actions; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"form-actions; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@� ;i�;@� ;[o;;[I"padding; T;o; ;[o;- ;.o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i�; @;/o; ;i;![�;"@+;i�;#I"1; F; @;0: minus;i�; @o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i�;#I" 20px; F; @o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i�; @;&;';i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"margin-top; T;o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"background-color; T;o;$ ;I"formActionsBackground; T;%I"formActionsBackground; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"border-top; T;o;+;I"1px solid #e5e5e5; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;2;I" clearfix; T;3[�;4{�;50;[�;i�; @o; ;[I"E/* Adding clearfix to allow for .pull-right button containers */; T; ;;[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"!/* HELP TEXT * --------- */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I".help-block, .help-inline; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"help-block; F;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@� o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"help-inline; F;i�;@� ;0;o;;{�;i�;@� ;i�;@� ;[o;;[I" color; T;o;:;I"lighten; T;3[o;$ ;I"textColor; T;%I"textColor; T;i�; @o; ;i;![I"%; T;"[�;i�;#I"15%; F; @;4{�;50;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"-/* lighten the text some for contrast */; T; ;;[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o;;[I".help-block; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"help-block; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@;i�;@;[o;;[I"display; T;o;+;I" block; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"3/* account for any element using help-block */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;- ;.o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i�; @;/o; ;i;![�;"@+;i�;#I"2; F; @;0;9;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o;;[I".help-inline; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"help-inline; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@*;i�;@*;[ o;;[I"display; T;o;+;I"inline-block; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;2;I"ie7-inline-block; T;3[�;4{�;50;[�;i�; @o;;[I"vertical-align; T;o;+;I"middle; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"padding-left; T;o;+;I"5px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"'/* INPUT GROUPS * ------------ */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o; ;[I"U/* Allow us to put symbols and text within the input field for a cleaner look */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"".input-append, .input-prepend; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"input-append; F;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@Yo;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"input-prepend; F;i�;@Y;0;o;;{�;i�;@Y;i�;@Y;[o;;[I"display; T;o;+;I"inline-block; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;- ;.o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i�; @;/o; ;i;![�;"@+;i�;#I"2; F; @;0;9;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"vertical-align; T;o;+;I"middle; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"font-size; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"$/* white space collapse hack */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"white-space; T;o;+;I"nowrap; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"1/* Prevent span and input from separating */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o; ;[I"./* Reset the white space collapse hack */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"Ginput, select, .uneditable-input, .dropdown-menu, .popover; T;i�;o;;[ o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-input; T;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"dropdown-menu; T;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"popover; T;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"font-size; T;o;$ ;I"baseFontSize; T;%I"baseFontSize; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o;;[I")input, select, .uneditable-input; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-input; T;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I" position; T;o;+;I" relative; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"/* placed here by default so that on :focus we can place the input above the .add-on for full border and box-shadow goodness */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o; ;[I"L/* prevent bottom margin from screwing up alignment in stacked forms */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"*margin-left; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"vertical-align; T;o;+;I"top; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;[ o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i�; @o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i�; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @;&;';i�; @;4{�;50;[�;i�; @o; ;[I"O/* Make input on top when focused so blue border and shadow always show */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"&:focus; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;;;i�;I"�; Fo;< ; ;=;[I" focus; F;>0;i�;@:;0;o;;{�;i�;@:;i�;@:;[o;;[I"z-index; T;o;+;I"2; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @;i�;*T; @o;;[I".add-on; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"add-on; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@S;i�;@S;[o;;[I"display; T;o;+;I"inline-block; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I" width; T;o;+;I" auto; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"height; T;o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"min-width; T;o;+;I" 16px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"padding; T;o;+;I"4px 5px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"font-size; T;o;$ ;I"baseFontSize; T;%I"baseFontSize; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"font-weight; T;o;+;I"normal; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"line-height; T;o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"text-align; T;o;+;I"center; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"text-shadow; T;o; ;[ o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i�;#I"1px; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o;$ ;I" white; T;%I" white; T;i�; @;&;';i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"background-color; T;o;$ ;I"grayLighter; T;%I"grayLighter; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"border; T;o;+;I"1px solid #ccc; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o;;[I"5.add-on, .btn, .btn-group > .dropdown-toggle; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"add-on; F;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"btn; F;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[ I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"btn-group; F;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�I">; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"dropdown-toggle; F;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"vertical-align; T;o;+;I"top; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @;4{�;50;[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o;;[I".active; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"active; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"background-color; T;o;:;I"lighten; T;3[o;$ ;I" green; T;%I" green; T;i�; @o; ;i#;![�;"@+;i�;#I"30; F; @;4{�;50;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"border-color; T;o;$ ;I" green; T;%I" green; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @;i�;*T; @o;;[I".input-prepend; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"input-prepend; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@;i�;@;[o;;[I".add-on, .btn; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"add-on; F;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@,o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"btn; F;i�;@,;0;o;;{�;i�;@,;i�;@,;[o;;[I"margin-right; T;o;+;I" -1px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o;;[I",.add-on:first-child, .btn:first-child; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"add-on; F;i�;I"�; Fo;< ; ;=;[I"first-child; F;>0;i�;@L;0;o;;{�;i�;@Lo;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"btn; F;i�;@Lo;< ; ;=;[I"first-child; F;>0;i�;@L;0;o;;{�;i�;@L;i�;@L;[o; ;[I"O/* FYI, `.btn:first-child` accounts for a button group that's prepended */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;[ o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i�; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i�; @;&;';i�; @;4{�;50;[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @;i�;*T; @o;;[I".input-append; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"input-append; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I")input, select, .uneditable-input; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-input; T;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;[ o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i�; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i�; @;&;';i�; @;4{�;50;[�;i�; @o;;[I"!+ .btn-group .btn:last-child; T;i�;o;;[o;;[I"+; To; ;[o;8;[I"btn-group; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o; ;[o;8;[I"btn; T;i�;@�o;< ; ;=;[I"last-child; T;>0;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;[ o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i�; @o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i�; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @;&;';i�; @;4{�;50;[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @;i�;*T; @o;;[I"".add-on, .btn, .btn-group; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"add-on; F;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"btn; F;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"btn-group; F;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"margin-left; T;o;+;I" -1px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o;;[I"V.add-on:last-child, .btn:last-child, .btn-group:last-child > .dropdown-toggle; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"add-on; F;i�;I"�; Fo;< ; ;=;[I"last-child; F;>0;i�;@";0;o;;{�;i�;@"o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"btn; F;i�;@"o;< ; ;=;[I"last-child; F;>0;i�;@";0;o;;{�;i�;@"o;;[ I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"btn-group; F;i�;@"o;< ; ;=;[I"last-child; F;>0;i�;@";0;o;;{�;i�;@"I">; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"dropdown-toggle; F;i�;@";0;o;;{�;i�;@";i�;@";[o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;[ o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i�; @o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i�; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i�;#I"0; F; @;&;';i�; @;4{�;50;[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"K/* Remove all border-radius for inputs with both prepend and append */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I" .input-prepend.input-append; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"input-prepend; T;i�;I"�; Fo;8;[I"input-append; T;i�;@n;0;o;;{�;i�;@n;i�;@n;[ o;;[I")input, select, .uneditable-input; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;i;@�;0;o;;{�;i;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-input; T;i;@�;0;o;;{�;i;@�;i;@�;[o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i;#I"0; F; @;4{�;50;[�;i; @o;;[I"+ .btn-group .btn; T;i�;o;;[o;;[I"+; To; ;[o;8;[I"btn-group; T;i;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i;@�o; ;[o;8;[I"btn; T;i;@�;0;o;;{�;i;@�;i;@�;[o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;[ o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i;#I"0; F; @o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i; @o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i;#I"0; F; @;&;';i; @;4{�;50;[�;i; @;i;*T; @;i;*T; @o;;[I",.add-on:first-child, .btn:first-child; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"add-on; F;i ;I"�; Fo;< ; ;=;[I"first-child; F;>0;i ;@�;0;o;;{�;i ;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"btn; F;i ;@�o;< ; ;=;[I"first-child; F;>0;i ;@�;0;o;;{�;i ;@�;i ;@�;[o;;[I"margin-right; T;o;+;I" -1px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;[ o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i;#I"0; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i;#I"0; F; @o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i; @;&;';i; @;4{�;50;[�;i; @;i ;*T; @o;;[I"*.add-on:last-child, .btn:last-child; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"add-on; F;i;I"�; Fo;< ; ;=;[I"last-child; F;>0;i;@;0;o;;{�;i;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"btn; F;i;@o;< ; ;=;[I"last-child; F;>0;i;@;0;o;;{�;i;@;i;@;[o;;[I"margin-left; T;o;+;I" -1px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;[ o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i;#I"0; F; @o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i; @o;$ ;I"inputBorderRadius; T;%I"inputBorderRadius; T;i; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i;#I"0; F; @;&;';i; @;4{�;50;[�;i; @;i;*T; @o;;[I".btn-group:first-child; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"btn-group; T;i;I"�; Fo;< ; ;=;[I"first-child; T;>0;i;@J;0;o;;{�;i;@J;i;@J;[o;;[I"margin-left; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @;i;*T; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"%/* SEARCH FORM * ----------- */; T; ;;[�;i; @o;;[I"input.search-query; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i;I"�; Fo;8;[I"search-query; T;i;@g;0;o;;{�;i;@g;i;@g;[ o;;[I"padding-right; T;o;+;I" 14px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @o;;[I"padding-right; T;o;+;I"4px \9; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i ; @o;;[I"padding-left; T;o;+;I" 14px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i!; @o;;[I"padding-left; T;o;+;I"4px \9; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i"; @o; ;[I"H/* IE7-8 doesn't have border-radius, so don't indent the padding */; T; ;?;[�;i"; @o;;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i#; @o; ;[I"2/* Remove the default margin on all inputs */; T; ;;[�;i#; @o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i$;#I" 15px; F; @;4{�;50;[�;i$; @;i;*T; @o; ;[I"9/* Allow for input prepend/append in search forms */; T; ;?;[�;i'; @o;;[I"X.form-search .input-append .search-query, .form-search .input-prepend .search-query; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"form-search; F;i);I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i);@�o; ;[o;8;[I"input-append; F;i);@�;0;o;;{�;i);@�o; ;[o;8;[I"search-query; F;i);@�;0;o;;{�;i);@�o;;[ I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"form-search; F;i);@�;0;o;;{�;i);@�o; ;[o;8;[I"input-prepend; F;i);@�;0;o;;{�;i);@�o; ;[o;8;[I"search-query; F;i);@�;0;o;;{�;i);@�;i);@�;[o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i*;#I"0; F; @;4{�;50;[�;i*; @o; ;[I"&/* Override due to specificity */; T; ;;[�;i*; @;i);*T; @o;;[I"-.form-search .input-append .search-query; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"form-search; T;i,;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i,;@�o; ;[o;8;[I"input-append; T;i,;@�;0;o;;{�;i,;@�o; ;[o;8;[I"search-query; T;i,;@�;0;o;;{�;i,;@�;i,;@�;[o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;[ o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i-;#I" 14px; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i-;#I"0; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i-;#I"0; F; @o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i-;#I" 14px; F; @;&;';i-; @;4{�;50;[�;i-; @;i,;*T; @o;;[I"$.form-search .input-append .btn; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"form-search; T;i/;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i/;@%o; ;[o;8;[I"input-append; T;i/;@%;0;o;;{�;i/;@%o; ;[o;8;[I"btn; T;i/;@%;0;o;;{�;i/;@%;i/;@%;[o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;[ o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i0;#I"0; F; @o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i0;#I" 14px; F; @o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i0;#I" 14px; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i0;#I"0; F; @;&;';i0; @;4{�;50;[�;i0; @;i/;*T; @o;;[I"..form-search .input-prepend .search-query; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"form-search; T;i2;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i2;@Zo; ;[o;8;[I"input-prepend; T;i2;@Z;0;o;;{�;i2;@Zo; ;[o;8;[I"search-query; T;i2;@Z;0;o;;{�;i2;@Z;i2;@Z;[o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;[ o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i3;#I"0; F; @o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i3;#I" 14px; F; @o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i3;#I" 14px; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i3;#I"0; F; @;&;';i3; @;4{�;50;[�;i3; @;i2;*T; @o;;[I"%.form-search .input-prepend .btn; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"form-search; T;i5;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i5;@�o; ;[o;8;[I"input-prepend; T;i5;@�;0;o;;{�;i5;@�o; ;[o;8;[I"btn; T;i5;@�;0;o;;{�;i5;@�;i5;@�;[o;2;I"border-radius; T;3[o; ;[ o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i6;#I" 14px; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i6;#I"0; F; @o; ;i�;![�;"@+;i6;#I"0; F; @o; ;i;![I"px; T;"[�;i6;#I" 14px; F; @;&;';i6; @;4{�;50;[�;i6; @;i5;*T; @o; ;[I"E/* HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL FORMS * --------------------------- */; T; ;;[�;i<; @o; ;[I"1/* Common properties * ----------------- */; T; ;;[�;i?; @o;;[I"1.form-search, .form-inline, .form-horizontal; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"form-search; F;iD;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;iD;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"form-inline; F;iD;@�;0;o;;{�;iD;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"form-horizontal; F;iD;@�;0;o;;{�;iD;@�;iD;@�;[o;;[I"hinput, textarea, select, .help-inline, .uneditable-input, .input-prepend, .input-append; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;iK;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;iK;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" textarea; T;0;iK;@�;0;o;;{�;iK;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;iK;@�;0;o;;{�;iK;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"help-inline; T;iK;@�;0;o;;{�;iK;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-input; T;iK;@�;0;o;;{�;iK;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"input-prepend; T;iK;@�;0;o;;{�;iK;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"input-append; T;iK;@�;0;o;;{�;iK;@�;iK;@�;[ o;;[I"display; T;o;+;I"inline-block; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;iL; @o;2;I"ie7-inline-block; T;3[�;4{�;50;[�;iM; @o;;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;iN; @o;;[I"vertical-align; T;o;+;I"middle; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;iO; @;iK;*T; @o; ;[I"3/* Re-hide hidden elements due to specifity */; T; ;;[�;iQ; @o;;[I" .hide; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I" hide; T;iR;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;iR;@W;iR;@W;[o;;[I"display; T;o;+;I" none; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;iS; @;iR;*T; @;iD;*T; @o;;[I"].form-search label, .form-inline label, .form-search .btn-group, .form-inline .btn-group; F;i�;o;;[ o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"form-search; F;iY;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;iY;@mo; ;[o; ;[I" label; F;0;iY;@m;0;o;;{�;iY;@mo;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"form-inline; F;iY;@m;0;o;;{�;iY;@mo; ;[o; ;[I" label; F;0;iY;@m;0;o;;{�;iY;@mo;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"form-search; F;iY;@m;0;o;;{�;iY;@mo; ;[o;8;[I"btn-group; F;iY;@m;0;o;;{�;iY;@mo;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"form-inline; F;iY;@m;0;o;;{�;iY;@mo; ;[o;8;[I"btn-group; F;iY;@m;0;o;;{�;iY;@m;iY;@m;[o;;[I"display; T;o;+;I"inline-block; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;iZ; @;iY;*T; @o; ;[I"2/* Remove margin for input-prepend/-append */; T; ;;[�;i\; @o;;[I"u.form-search .input-append, .form-inline .input-append, .form-search .input-prepend, .form-inline .input-prepend; F;i�;o;;[ o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"form-search; F;i`;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i`;@�o; ;[o;8;[I"input-append; F;i`;@�;0;o;;{�;i`;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"form-inline; F;i`;@�;0;o;;{�;i`;@�o; ;[o;8;[I"input-append; F;i`;@�;0;o;;{�;i`;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"form-search; F;i`;@�;0;o;;{�;i`;@�o; ;[o;8;[I"input-prepend; F;i`;@�;0;o;;{�;i`;@�o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"form-inline; F;i`;@�;0;o;;{�;i`;@�o; ;[o;8;[I"input-prepend; F;i`;@�;0;o;;{�;i`;@�;i`;@�;[o;;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;ia; @;i`;*T; @o; ;[I"@/* Inline checkbox/radio labels (remove padding on left) */; T; ;;[�;ic; @o;;[I"].form-search .radio, .form-search .checkbox, .form-inline .radio, .form-inline .checkbox; F;i�;o;;[ o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"form-search; F;ig;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;ig;@o; ;[o;8;[I" radio; F;ig;@;0;o;;{�;ig;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"form-search; F;ig;@;0;o;;{�;ig;@o; ;[o;8;[I" checkbox; F;ig;@;0;o;;{�;ig;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"form-inline; F;ig;@;0;o;;{�;ig;@o; ;[o;8;[I" radio; F;ig;@;0;o;;{�;ig;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"form-inline; F;ig;@;0;o;;{�;ig;@o; ;[o;8;[I" checkbox; F;ig;@;0;o;;{�;ig;@;ig;@;[o;;[I"padding-left; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;ih; @o;;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;ii; @o;;[I"vertical-align; T;o;+;I"middle; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;ij; @;ig;*T; @o; ;[I"7/* Remove float and margin, set to inline-block */; T; ;;[�;il; @o;;[I"�.form-search .radio input[type="radio"], .form-search .checkbox input[type="checkbox"], .form-inline .radio input[type="radio"], .form-inline .checkbox input[type="checkbox"]; F;i�;o;;[ o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"form-search; F;ip;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;ip;@uo; ;[o;8;[I" radio; F;ip;@u;0;o;;{�;ip;@uo; ;[o; ;[I" input; F;0;ip;@uo;6;[I" type; F;0;0I"=; F;[I""radio"; F;70;ip;@u;0;o;;{�;ip;@uo;;[ I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"form-search; F;ip;@u;0;o;;{�;ip;@uo; ;[o;8;[I" checkbox; F;ip;@u;0;o;;{�;ip;@uo; ;[o; ;[I" input; F;0;ip;@uo;6;[I" type; F;0;0I"=; F;[I""checkbox"; F;70;ip;@u;0;o;;{�;ip;@uo;;[ I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"form-inline; F;ip;@u;0;o;;{�;ip;@uo; ;[o;8;[I" radio; F;ip;@u;0;o;;{�;ip;@uo; ;[o; ;[I" input; F;0;ip;@uo;6;[I" type; F;0;0I"=; F;[I""radio"; F;70;ip;@u;0;o;;{�;ip;@uo;;[ I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"form-inline; F;ip;@u;0;o;;{�;ip;@uo; ;[o;8;[I" checkbox; F;ip;@u;0;o;;{�;ip;@uo; ;[o; ;[I" input; F;0;ip;@uo;6;[I" type; F;0;0I"=; F;[I""checkbox"; F;70;ip;@u;0;o;;{�;ip;@u;ip;@u;[o;;[I" float; T;o;+;I" left; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;iq; @o;;[I"margin-right; T;o;+;I"3px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;ir; @o;;[I"margin-left; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;is; @;ip;*T; @o; ;[I"(/* Margin to space out fieldsets */; T; ;;[�;iw; @o;;[I".control-group; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"control-group; T;ix;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;ix;@ ;ix;@ ;[o;;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;- ;.o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;iy; @;/o; ;i;![�;"@+;iy;#I"2; F; @;0;9;iy; @;i�;(;);[�;iy; @;ix;*T; @o; ;[I"N/* Legend collapses margin, so next element is responsible for spacing */; T; ;;[�;i|; @o;;[I"legend + .control-group; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I"legend; T;0;i};I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i};@(I"+; To; ;[o;8;[I"control-group; T;i};@(;0;o;;{�;i};@(;i};@(;[o;;[I"margin-top; T;o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i~; @;i�;(;);[�;i~; @o;;[I" -webkit-margin-top-collapse; T;o;+;I" separate; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i; @;i};*T; @o; ;[I"C/* Horizontal-specific styles * -------------------------- */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I".form-horizontal; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"form-horizontal; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@Q;i�;@Q;[o; ;[I"*/* Increase spacing between groups */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I".control-group; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"control-group; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@e;i�;@e;[o;;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;2;I" clearfix; T;3[�;4{�;50;[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I" /* Float the labels left */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I".control-label; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"control-label; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[ o;;[I" float; T;o;+;I" left; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I" width; T;o;- ;.o;$ ;I"horizontalComponentOffset; T;%I"horizontalComponentOffset; T;i�; @;/o; ;i;![�;"@+;i�;#I"20; F; @;0;F;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"padding-top; T;o;+;I"5px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"text-align; T;o;+;I" right; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"3/* Move over all input controls and content */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I".controls; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I" controls; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o; ;[I"�/* Super jank IE7 fix to ensure the inputs in .input-append and input-prepend * don't inherit the margin of the parent, in this case .controls */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I" *display; T;o;+;I"inline-block; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"*padding-left; T;o;+;I" 20px; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"margin-left; T;o;$ ;I"horizontalComponentOffset; T;%I"horizontalComponentOffset; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"*margin-left; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @o;;[I"&:first-child; F;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;;;i�;I"�; Fo;< ; ;=;[I"first-child; F;>0;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"*padding-left; T;o;$ ;I"horizontalComponentOffset; T;%I"horizontalComponentOffset; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"e/* Remove bottom margin on block level help text since that's accounted for on .control-group */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I".help-block; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"help-block; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"margin-bottom; T;o;+;I"0; T; ;,; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"P/* And apply it only to .help-block instances that follow a form control */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I"Xinput, select, textarea, .uneditable-input, .input-prepend, .input-append; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o; ;[I" input; T;0;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I"select; T;0;i�;@;0;o;;{�;i�;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o; ;[I" textarea; T;0;i�;@;0;o;;{�;i�;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"uneditable-input; T;i�;@;0;o;;{�;i�;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"input-prepend; T;i�;@;0;o;;{�;i�;@o;;[I" ; Fo; ;[o;8;[I"input-append; T;i�;@;0;o;;{�;i�;@;i�;@;[o;;[I"+ .help-block; T;i�;o;;[o;;[I"+; To; ;[o;8;[I"help-block; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@\;i�;@\;[o;;[I"margin-top; T;o;- ;.o;$ ;I"baseLineHeight; T;%I"baseLineHeight; T;i�; @;/o; ;i;![�;"@+;i�;#I"2; F; @;0;9;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @;i�;*T; @o; ;[I"E/* Move over buttons in .form-actions to align with .controls */; T; ;;[�;i�; @o;;[I".form-actions; T;i�;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;8;[I"form-actions; T;i�;I"�; F;0;o;;{�;i�;@{;i�;@{;[o;;[I"padding-left; T;o;$ ;I"horizontalComponentOffset; T;%I"horizontalComponentOffset; T;i�; @;i�;(;);[�;i�; @;i�;*T; @;i�;*T; @:@templateI"�>// // Forms // -------------------------------------------------- // GENERAL STYLES // -------------- // Make all forms have space below them form { margin: 0 0 $baseLineHeight; } fieldset { padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; } // Groups of fields with labels on top (legends) legend { display: block; width: 100%; padding: 0; margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight; font-size: $baseFontSize * 1.5; line-height: $baseLineHeight * 2; color: $grayDark; border: 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; // Small small { font-size: $baseLineHeight * .75; color: $grayLight; } } // Set font for forms label, input, button, select, textarea { @include font-shorthand($baseFontSize, normal, $baseLineHeight); // Set size, weight, line-height here } input, button, select, textarea { font-family: $baseFontFamily; // And only set font-family here for those that need it (note the missing label element) } // Identify controls by their labels label { display: block; margin-bottom: 5px; } // Form controls // ------------------------- // Shared size and type resets select, textarea, input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input[type="datetime"], input[type="datetime-local"], input[type="date"], input[type="month"], input[type="time"], input[type="week"], input[type="number"], input[type="email"], input[type="url"], input[type="search"], input[type="tel"], input[type="color"], .uneditable-input { display: inline-block; height: $baseLineHeight; padding: 4px 6px; margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight / 2;; font-size: $baseFontSize; line-height: $baseLineHeight; color: $gray; @include border-radius($inputBorderRadius); vertical-align: middle; } // Reset appearance properties for textual inputs and textarea // Declare width for legacy (can't be on input[type=*] selectors or it's too specific) input, textarea, .uneditable-input { width: 206px; // plus 12px padding and 2px border } // Reset height since textareas have rows textarea { height: auto; } // Everything else textarea, input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input[type="datetime"], input[type="datetime-local"], input[type="date"], input[type="month"], input[type="time"], input[type="week"], input[type="number"], input[type="email"], input[type="url"], input[type="search"], input[type="tel"], input[type="color"], .uneditable-input { background-color: $inputBackground; border: 1px solid $inputBorder; @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075)); @include transition(border linear .2s, box-shadow linear .2s); // Focus state &:focus { border-color: rgba(82,168,236,.8); outline: 0; outline: thin dotted \9; /* IE6-9 */ @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075), 0 0 8px rgba(82,168,236,.6)); } } // Position radios and checkboxes better input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"] { margin: 4px 0 0; *margin-top: 0; /* IE7 */ margin-top: 1px \9; /* IE8-9 */ line-height: normal; } // Reset width of input images, buttons, radios, checkboxes input[type="file"], input[type="image"], input[type="submit"], input[type="reset"], input[type="button"], input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"] { width: auto; // Override of generic input selector } // Set the height of select and file controls to match text inputs select, input[type="file"] { height: $inputHeight; /* In IE7, the height of the select element cannot be changed by height, only font-size */ *margin-top: 4px; /* For IE7, add top margin to align select with labels */ line-height: $inputHeight; } // Make select elements obey height by applying a border select { width: 220px; // default input width + 10px of padding that doesn't get applied border: 1px solid $inputBorder; background-color: $inputBackground; // Chrome on Linux and Mobile Safari need background-color } // Make multiple select elements height not fixed select[multiple], select[size] { height: auto; } // Focus for select, file, radio, and checkbox select:focus, input[type="file"]:focus, input[type="radio"]:focus, input[type="checkbox"]:focus { @include tab-focus(); } // Uneditable inputs // ------------------------- // Make uneditable inputs look inactive .uneditable-input, .uneditable-textarea { color: $grayLight; background-color: darken($inputBackground, 1%); border-color: $inputBorder; @include box-shadow(inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.025)); cursor: not-allowed; } // For text that needs to appear as an input but should not be an input .uneditable-input { overflow: hidden; // prevent text from wrapping, but still cut it off like an input does white-space: nowrap; } // Make uneditable textareas behave like a textarea .uneditable-textarea { width: auto; height: auto; } // Placeholder // ------------------------- // Placeholder text gets special styles because when browsers invalidate entire lines if it doesn't understand a selector input, textarea { @include placeholder(); } // CHECKBOXES & RADIOS // ------------------- // Indent the labels to position radios/checkboxes as hanging .radio, .checkbox { min-height: $baseLineHeight; // clear the floating input if there is no label text padding-left: 20px; } .radio input[type="radio"], .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] { float: left; margin-left: -20px; } // Move the options list down to align with labels .controls > .radio:first-child, .controls > .checkbox:first-child { padding-top: 5px; // has to be padding because margin collaspes } // Radios and checkboxes on same line // TODO v3: Convert .inline to .control-inline .radio.inline, .checkbox.inline { display: inline-block; padding-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 0; vertical-align: middle; } .radio.inline + .radio.inline, .checkbox.inline + .checkbox.inline { margin-left: 10px; // space out consecutive inline controls } // INPUT SIZES // ----------- // General classes for quick sizes .input-mini { width: 60px; } .input-small { width: 90px; } .input-medium { width: 150px; } .input-large { width: 210px; } .input-xlarge { width: 270px; } .input-xxlarge { width: 530px; } // Grid style input sizes input[class*="span"], select[class*="span"], textarea[class*="span"], .uneditable-input[class*="span"], // Redeclare since the fluid row class is more specific .row-fluid input[class*="span"], .row-fluid select[class*="span"], .row-fluid textarea[class*="span"], .row-fluid .uneditable-input[class*="span"] { float: none; margin-left: 0; } // Ensure input-prepend/append never wraps .input-append input[class*="span"], .input-append .uneditable-input[class*="span"], .input-prepend input[class*="span"], .input-prepend .uneditable-input[class*="span"], .row-fluid input[class*="span"], .row-fluid select[class*="span"], .row-fluid textarea[class*="span"], .row-fluid .uneditable-input[class*="span"], .row-fluid .input-prepend [class*="span"], .row-fluid .input-append [class*="span"] { display: inline-block; } // GRID SIZING FOR INPUTS // ---------------------- // Grid sizes @include grid-input($gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth); // Control row for multiple inputs per line .controls-row { @include clearfix(); // Clear the float from controls } // Float to collapse white-space for proper grid alignment .controls-row [class*="span"], // Redeclare the fluid grid collapse since we undo the float for inputs .row-fluid .controls-row [class*="span"] { float: left; } // Explicity set top padding on all checkboxes/radios, not just first-child .controls-row .checkbox[class*="span"], .controls-row .radio[class*="span"] { padding-top: 5px; } // DISABLED STATE // -------------- // Disabled and read-only inputs input[disabled], select[disabled], textarea[disabled], input[readonly], select[readonly], textarea[readonly] { cursor: not-allowed; background-color: $inputDisabledBackground; } // Explicitly reset the colors here input[type="radio"][disabled], input[type="checkbox"][disabled], input[type="radio"][readonly], input[type="checkbox"][readonly] { background-color: transparent; } // FORM FIELD FEEDBACK STATES // -------------------------- // Warning .control-group.warning { @include formFieldState($warningText, $warningText, $warningBackground); } // Error .control-group.error { @include formFieldState($errorText, $errorText, $errorBackground); } // Success .control-group.success { @include formFieldState($successText, $successText, $successBackground); } // Info .control-group.info { @include formFieldState($infoText, $infoText, $infoBackground); } // HTML5 invalid states // Shares styles with the .control-group.error above input:focus:invalid, textarea:focus:invalid, select:focus:invalid { color: #b94a48; border-color: #ee5f5b; &:focus { border-color: darken(#ee5f5b, 10%); @include box-shadow(0 0 6px lighten(#ee5f5b, 20%)); } } // FORM ACTIONS // ------------ .form-actions { padding: ($baseLineHeight - 1) 20px $baseLineHeight; margin-top: $baseLineHeight; margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight; background-color: $formActionsBackground; border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5; @include clearfix(); // Adding clearfix to allow for .pull-right button containers } // HELP TEXT // --------- .help-block, .help-inline { color: lighten($textColor, 15%); // lighten the text some for contrast } .help-block { display: block; // account for any element using help-block margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight / 2; } .help-inline { display: inline-block; @include ie7-inline-block(); vertical-align: middle; padding-left: 5px; } // INPUT GROUPS // ------------ // Allow us to put symbols and text within the input field for a cleaner look .input-append, .input-prepend { display: inline-block; margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight / 2; vertical-align: middle; font-size: 0; // white space collapse hack white-space: nowrap; // Prevent span and input from separating // Reset the white space collapse hack input, select, .uneditable-input, .dropdown-menu, .popover { font-size: $baseFontSize; } input, select, .uneditable-input { position: relative; // placed here by default so that on :focus we can place the input above the .add-on for full border and box-shadow goodness margin-bottom: 0; // prevent bottom margin from screwing up alignment in stacked forms *margin-left: 0; vertical-align: top; @include border-radius(0 $inputBorderRadius $inputBorderRadius 0); // Make input on top when focused so blue border and shadow always show &:focus { z-index: 2; } } .add-on { display: inline-block; width: auto; height: $baseLineHeight; min-width: 16px; padding: 4px 5px; font-size: $baseFontSize; font-weight: normal; line-height: $baseLineHeight; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 $white; background-color: $grayLighter; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .add-on, .btn, .btn-group > .dropdown-toggle { vertical-align: top; @include border-radius(0); } .active { background-color: lighten($green, 30); border-color: $green; } } .input-prepend { .add-on, .btn { margin-right: -1px; } .add-on:first-child, .btn:first-child { // FYI, `.btn:first-child` accounts for a button group that's prepended @include border-radius($inputBorderRadius 0 0 $inputBorderRadius); } } .input-append { input, select, .uneditable-input { @include border-radius($inputBorderRadius 0 0 $inputBorderRadius); + .btn-group .btn:last-child { @include border-radius(0 $inputBorderRadius $inputBorderRadius 0); } } .add-on, .btn, .btn-group { margin-left: -1px; } .add-on:last-child, .btn:last-child, .btn-group:last-child > .dropdown-toggle { @include border-radius(0 $inputBorderRadius $inputBorderRadius 0); } } // Remove all border-radius for inputs with both prepend and append .input-prepend.input-append { input, select, .uneditable-input { @include border-radius(0); + .btn-group .btn { @include border-radius(0 $inputBorderRadius $inputBorderRadius 0); } } .add-on:first-child, .btn:first-child { margin-right: -1px; @include border-radius($inputBorderRadius 0 0 $inputBorderRadius); } .add-on:last-child, .btn:last-child { margin-left: -1px; @include border-radius(0 $inputBorderRadius $inputBorderRadius 0); } .btn-group:first-child { margin-left: 0; } } // SEARCH FORM // ----------- input.search-query { padding-right: 14px; padding-right: 4px \9; padding-left: 14px; padding-left: 4px \9; /* IE7-8 doesn't have border-radius, so don't indent the padding */ margin-bottom: 0; // Remove the default margin on all inputs @include border-radius(15px); } /* Allow for input prepend/append in search forms */ .form-search .input-append .search-query, .form-search .input-prepend .search-query { @include border-radius(0); // Override due to specificity } .form-search .input-append .search-query { @include border-radius(14px 0 0 14px); } .form-search .input-append .btn { @include border-radius(0 14px 14px 0); } .form-search .input-prepend .search-query { @include border-radius(0 14px 14px 0); } .form-search .input-prepend .btn { @include border-radius(14px 0 0 14px); } // HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL FORMS // --------------------------- // Common properties // ----------------- .form-search, .form-inline, .form-horizontal { input, textarea, select, .help-inline, .uneditable-input, .input-prepend, .input-append { display: inline-block; @include ie7-inline-block(); margin-bottom: 0; vertical-align: middle; } // Re-hide hidden elements due to specifity .hide { display: none; } } .form-search label, .form-inline label, .form-search .btn-group, .form-inline .btn-group { display: inline-block; } // Remove margin for input-prepend/-append .form-search .input-append, .form-inline .input-append, .form-search .input-prepend, .form-inline .input-prepend { margin-bottom: 0; } // Inline checkbox/radio labels (remove padding on left) .form-search .radio, .form-search .checkbox, .form-inline .radio, .form-inline .checkbox { padding-left: 0; margin-bottom: 0; vertical-align: middle; } // Remove float and margin, set to inline-block .form-search .radio input[type="radio"], .form-search .checkbox input[type="checkbox"], .form-inline .radio input[type="radio"], .form-inline .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] { float: left; margin-right: 3px; margin-left: 0; } // Margin to space out fieldsets .control-group { margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight / 2; } // Legend collapses margin, so next element is responsible for spacing legend + .control-group { margin-top: $baseLineHeight; -webkit-margin-top-collapse: separate; } // Horizontal-specific styles // -------------------------- .form-horizontal { // Increase spacing between groups .control-group { margin-bottom: $baseLineHeight; @include clearfix(); } // Float the labels left .control-label { float: left; width: $horizontalComponentOffset - 20; padding-top: 5px; text-align: right; } // Move over all input controls and content .controls { // Super jank IE7 fix to ensure the inputs in .input-append and input-prepend // don't inherit the margin of the parent, in this case .controls *display: inline-block; *padding-left: 20px; margin-left: $horizontalComponentOffset; *margin-left: 0; &:first-child { *padding-left: $horizontalComponentOffset; } } // Remove bottom margin on block level help text since that's accounted for on .control-group .help-block { margin-bottom: 0; } // And apply it only to .help-block instances that follow a form control input, select, textarea, .uneditable-input, .input-prepend, .input-append { + .help-block { margin-top: $baseLineHeight / 2; } } // Move over buttons in .form-actions to align with .controls .form-actions { padding-left: $horizontalComponentOffset; } } ; T;i;*T; @