module SimpleNavigation # Holds the Items for a navigation 'level'. class ItemContainer attr_accessor :auto_highlight, :dom_class, :dom_id, :renderer, :selected_class attr_reader :items, :level attr_writer :dom_attributes def initialize(level = 1) #:nodoc: @level = level @items ||= [] @renderer = SimpleNavigation.config.renderer @auto_highlight = true end def dom_attributes # backward compability for #dom_id and #dom_class dom_id_and_class = { id: dom_id, class: dom_class }.reject { |_, v| v.nil? } (@dom_attributes || {}).merge(dom_id_and_class) end # Creates a new navigation item. # # The key is a symbol which uniquely defines your navigation item # in the scope of the primary_navigation or the sub_navigation. # # The name will be displayed in the rendered navigation. # This can also be a call to your I18n-framework. # # The url is the address that the generated item points to. # You can also use url_helpers (named routes, restful routes helper, # url_for, etc). url is optional - items without URLs should not # be rendered as links. # # The options can be used to specify the following things: # * any html_attributes - will be included in the rendered # navigation item (e.g. id, class etc.) # * :if - Specifies a proc to call to determine if the item should # be rendered (e.g. if: { current_user.admin? }). The # proc should evaluate to a true or false value and is evaluated # in the context of the view. # * :unless - Specifies a proc to call to determine if the item # should not be rendered # (e.g. unless: { current_user.admin? }). # The proc should evaluate to a true or false value and is evaluated in # the context of the view. # * :method - Specifies the http-method for the generated link - # default is :get. # * :highlights_on - if autohighlighting is turned off and/or you # want to explicitly specify when the item should be highlighted, you can # set a regexp which is matched againstthe current URI. # # The block - if specified - will hold the item's sub_navigation. def item(key, name, url_or_options = {}, options_or_nil = {}, &block) options = url_or_options.is_a?(Hash) ? url_or_options : options_or_nil return unless should_add_item?(options) items <<, key, name, url_or_options, options_or_nil, nil, &block) end def items=(new_items) @items += { |item| } .keep_if { |item| should_add_item?(item.options) } .map { |item| item.to_simple_navigation_item(self) } end # Returns the Item with the specified key, nil otherwise. # def [](navi_key) items.find { |item| item.key == navi_key } end # Returns the level of the item specified by navi_key. # Recursively works its way down the item's sub_navigations if the desired # item is not found directly in this container's items. # Returns nil if item cannot be found. # def level_for_item(navi_key) return level if self[navi_key] items.each do |item| next unless item.sub_navigation level = item.sub_navigation.level_for_item(navi_key) return level if level end return nil end # Renders the items in this ItemContainer using the configured renderer. # # The options are the same as in the view's render_navigation call # (they get passed on) def render(options = {}) renderer_instance(options).render(self) end # Returns true if any of this container's items is selected. # def selected? items.any?(&:selected?) end # Returns the currently selected item, nil if no item is selected. # def selected_item items.find(&:selected?) end # Returns the active item_container for the specified level # (recursively looks up items in selected sub_navigation if level is deeper # than this container's level). def active_item_container_for(desired_level) if level == desired_level self elsif selected_sub_navigation? selected_item.sub_navigation.active_item_container_for(desired_level) end end # Returns the deepest possible active item_container. # (recursively searches in the sub_navigation if this container has a # selected sub_navigation). def active_leaf_container if selected_sub_navigation? selected_item.sub_navigation.active_leaf_container else self end end # Returns true if there are no items defined for this container. def empty? items.empty? end private # FIXME: raise an exception if :rederer is a symbol and it is not registred # in SimpleNavigation.registered_renderers def renderer_instance(options) return unless options[:renderer] if options[:renderer].is_a?(Symbol) registered_renderer = SimpleNavigation.registered_renderers[options[:renderer]] else options[:renderer].new(options) end end def selected_sub_navigation? !!(selected_item && selected_item.sub_navigation) end def should_add_item?(options) [options.delete(:if)].flatten.compact.all? { |m| evaluate_method(m) } && [options.delete(:unless)].flatten.compact.none? { |m| evaluate_method(m) } end def evaluate_method(method) case method when Proc, Method then else fail(ArgumentError, ':if or :unless must be procs or lambdas') end end end end