o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1339006108.09536: @value"żE{I" class:EFI"ProcessedAsset;FI"logical_path;F"cms/sitemap.jsI" pathname;F"„/Users/josiahivey/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p125/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/browsercms-3.5.0.rc3/app/assets/javascripts/cms/sitemap.js.erbI"content_type;FI"application/javascript;FI" mtime;FI"2012-05-24T14:00:47-05:00;FI" length;FiBI" digest;F"%0c3cfb399413021744bc9c619f1ff0adI" source;FI"BjQuery(function($) { //----- Helper Functions ----------------------------------------------------- //In all of this code, we are defining functions that we use later //None of this actually manipulates the DOM in any way //This is used to get the id part of an elementId //For example, if you have section_node_5, //you pass this 'section_node_5', 'section_node' //and this returns 5 var getId = function(elementId, s) { return elementId.replace(s, '') } var addHoverToSectionNodes = function() { $('#sitemap div.roundedcorners').hover( function() { $(this).find('table.section_node').addClass('hover'); $(this).addClass('over') }, function() { $(this).find('table.section_node').removeClass('hover'); $(this).removeClass('over') } ) } var disableButtons = function() { $('a.button').addClass('disabled').click(function() { return false }) } var makeMovableRowsDraggable = function() { $('#sitemap table.movable').draggable({ revert: 'invalid', revertDuration: 200, helper: 'clone', delay: 200, start: function(event, ui) { ui.helper.removeClass('hover').removeClass('selected') } }) } var jsonPost = function(url, params) { if ($.cms.authenticity_token && $.cms.authenticity_token != '') { params['authenticity_token'] = $.cms.authenticity_token } $.post(url, params, function(data) { if (data.success) { $.cms.showNotice(data.message) } else { $.cms.showError(data.message) } }, "json" ); } var moveSectionNode = function(sectionNodeId, move, otherSectionNodeId) { var url = '/cms/section_nodes/' + sectionNodeId + '/move_' + move var params = { _method: "PUT", section_node_id: otherSectionNodeId } jsonPost(url, params) } var moveSectionNodeToRoot = function(sectionNodeId, rootSectionId) { var url = '/cms/section_nodes/' + sectionNodeId + '/move_to_root' var params = { _method: "PUT", section_id: rootSectionId } jsonPost(url, params) } var nodeOnDrop = function(e, ui) { //Remove any drop zone highlights still hanging out $('#sitemap td.drop-before, #sitemap td.node, #sitemap td.drop-after').removeClass('drop-over') //Get the object and the id for the src (what we are droping) //and the dest (where we are dropping) var src = ui.draggable.parents('ul:first') //The UL the TD is in var sid = getId(src[0].id, 'section_node_') var dest = $(this).parents('ul:first') //The UL the drop zone is in var did = getId(dest[0].id, 'section_node_') //If the src is a descendant of the dest, then forget it if (src == dest || $.inArray(src[0], dest.parents()) > -1) { return true; } if (dest.hasClass('root')) { src.insertAfter(dest) makeRootlet(src); var rid = getId(dest[0].id, 'root_') moveSectionNodeToRoot(sid, rid) //Move to a section if the drop zone is the section } else { unMakeRootlet(src); if ($(this).hasClass('node') && $(this).hasClass('section')) { makeExpandable(dest); var move = 'to_end' dest.find('li:first').append(src) openSection(dest[0]) //If the drop zone is directly after an open section, //move this to the beginning of the section } else if ($(this).hasClass('drop-after') && dest.find('table:first img.folder-open').length > 0) { var move = 'to_beginning' src.insertAfter(dest.find('table:first')) } else { //insert before or after, based on the class of the drop zone if (dest.hasClass('rootlet')) { makeRootlet(src); } if ($(this).hasClass('drop-before')) { var move = 'before' src.insertBefore(dest) } else { var move = 'after' src.insertAfter(dest) } } //Make the ajax call moveSectionNode(sid, move, did) } //Make the thing we are dropping be selected selectSectionNode(src) } var makeExpandable = function(dest) { var dest_toggle = dest.find('td.node:first img:first'); dest_toggle.removeClass('no_folder_toggle'); dest_toggle.addClass('folder_toggle'); dest_toggle.click(toggleSectionOnClick); if (dest_toggle.hasClass('large')) { dest_toggle.attr('src', '/assets/cms/sitemap/gray_contract.png'); } else { dest_toggle.attr('src', '/assets/cms/sitemap/contract.png'); } } var makeRootlet = function(src) { src.addClass('rootlet') var src_icon = src.find('td.node:first img:last') var src_icon_src = src_icon.attr('src') if (src_icon_src.indexOf('/root_') == -1) { src_icon.attr('src', src_icon_src.replace(/\/([^/]+\.png).*/, '/root_$1')) } } var unMakeRootlet = function (src) { src.removeClass('rootlet') var src_icon = src.find('td.node:first img:last') var src_icon_src = src_icon.attr('src') if (src_icon_src.indexOf('/root_') > -1) { src_icon.attr('src', src_icon_src.replace(/\/root_([^/]+\.png).*/, '/$1')) } } var enableDropZones = function() { $('#sitemap td.drop-before, #sitemap td.node, #sitemap td.drop-after').droppable({ accept: 'table', tolerance: 'pointer', over: function(e, ui) { $(this).addClass('drop-over') }, out: function(e, ui) { $(this).removeClass('drop-over') }, drop: nodeOnDrop }); } var clearSelectedSectionNode = function() { disableButtons() $('#sitemap table.section_node').removeClass('selected'); $('.roundedcorners').removeClass('on') } var selectSectionNode = function(sectionNode) { clearSelectedSectionNode(sectionNode) enableButtonsForSectionNode(sectionNode) $(sectionNode).find('table:first').addClass('selected'); $(sectionNode).find('div.roundedcorners:first').addClass('on') } var isSectionEmpty = function(id) { return $('#section_' + id).parents('li:first').find('ul').length == 0 } var enableButtonsForSectionNode = function(sectionNode) { enableButtonsForNode($(sectionNode).find('td.node')[0]) } var enableButtonsForNode = function(node) { var id = getId(node.id, /(section|page|link)_/); if (!$(node).is(".non-editable")) { if ($(node).hasClass('section')) { enableButtonsForSection(id); } else if ($(node).hasClass('page')) { enableButtonsForPage(id); } else if ($(node).hasClass('link')) { enableButtonsForLink(id); } } else if ($(node).hasClass('page')) { $('#edit-button') .html('View Page') .removeClass('disabled') .attr('href', '/cms/pages/' + id) .unbind('click') .click(function() { return true }); } else { $('#properties-button').attr('href', '/cms/sitemap'); } }; var enableButtonsForSection = function(id) { $('#properties-button') .removeClass('disabled') .attr('href', '/cms/sections/' + id + '/edit') .unbind('click') .click(function() { return true }) $('#add-page-button') .removeClass('disabled') .attr('href', '/cms/sections/' + id + '/pages/new') .unbind('click') .click(function() { return true }) $('#add-section-button') .removeClass('disabled') .attr('href', '/cms/sections/new?section_id=' + id) .unbind('click') .click(function() { return true }) $('#add-link-button') .removeClass('disabled') .attr('href', '/cms/sections/' + id + '/links/new') .unbind('click') .click(function() { return true }) if (isSectionEmpty(id)) { $('#delete_button') .removeClass('disabled') .attr('href', '/cms/sections/' + id + '.json') .unbind('click') .click(function() { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this section?')) { var params = { _method: "DELETE" } if ($.cms.authenticity_token && $.cms.authenticity_token != '') { params['authenticity_token'] = $.cms.authenticity_token } $.post($(this).attr('href'), params, function(data) { if (data.success) { $.cms.showNotice(data.message) } else { $.cms.showError(data.message) } }, "json"); $('#section_' + id).parents('ul.section_node:first').remove() } return false; }) } else { $('#delete_button').addClass('disabled').unbind('click').click(function() { return false }) } } var enableButtonsForPage = function(id) { $('#edit-button') .html('Edit Page') .removeClass('disabled') .attr('href', '/cms/pages/' + id) .unbind('click') .click(function() { return true }) $('#properties-button') .removeClass('disabled') .attr('href', '/cms/pages/' + id + '/edit') .unbind('click') .click(function() { return true }) $('#delete_button') .removeClass('disabled') .attr('href', '/cms/pages/' + id + '.json') .unbind('click') .click(function() { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this page?')) { var params = { _method: "DELETE" } if ($.cms.authenticity_token && $.cms.authenticity_token != '') { params['authenticity_token'] = $.cms.authenticity_token } $.post($(this).attr('href'), params, function(data) { if (data.success) { $.cms.showNotice(data.message) } else { $.cms.showError(data.message) } }, "json"); $('#page_' + id).parents('ul.section_node:first').remove() } return false; }) } var enableButtonsForLink = function(id) { $('#properties-button') .removeClass('disabled') .attr('href', '/cms/links/' + id + '/edit') .unbind('click') .click(function() { return true }) $('#delete_button') .removeClass('disabled') .attr('href', '/cms/links/' + id + '.json') .unbind('click') .click(function() { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this link?')) { var params = { _method: "DELETE" } if ($.cms.authenticity_token && $.cms.authenticity_token != '') { params['authenticity_token'] = $.cms.authenticity_token } $.post($(this).attr('href'), params, function(data) { if (data.success) { $.cms.showNotice(data.message) } else { $.cms.showError(data.message) } }, "json"); $('#link_' + id).parents('ul.section_node:first').remove() } return false; }) } var openSection = function(sectionNode) { var id = getId(sectionNode.id, 'section_node_') //Remember to re-open this section $.cookieSet.add('openSectionNodes', id, {path: '/'}) $(sectionNode).addClass('open') $(sectionNode).find('li:first > ul').show(); var img = $(sectionNode).find('li:first table:first img.folder_toggle'); if (img.hasClass('large')) { img.attr('src', '/assets/cms/sitemap/gray_contract.png').addClass("folder-open") } else { img.attr('src', '/assets/cms/sitemap/contract.png').addClass("folder-open") } } var closeSection = function(sectionNode) { var id = getId(sectionNode.id, 'section_node_') //Remove this section from the set of open nodes $.cookieSet.remove('openSectionNodes', id, {path: '/'}) //close this $(sectionNode).removeClass('open') $(sectionNode).find('li:first > ul').hide() var img = $(sectionNode).find('li:first table:first img.folder_toggle'); if (img.hasClass('large')) { img.attr('src', '/assets/cms/sitemap/gray_expand.png').removeClass("folder-open") } else { img.attr('src', '/assets/cms/sitemap/expand.png').removeClass("folder-open") } } var sectionNodeIsOpen = function(sectionNode) { return $(sectionNode).find('li:first table:first img.folder-open').length } var nodeOnClick = function() { var selected = $(this).hasClass('selected') clearSelectedSectionNode() $(this).addClass('selected') var node = $(this).find('td.node')[0] var id = getId(node.id, /(section|page|link)_/) var sectionNode = $(this).parents('ul:first')[0] selectSectionNode(sectionNode) } var toggleSectionOnClick = function() { var sectionNode = $(this).parents('ul:first')[0] if (sectionNodeIsOpen(sectionNode)) { closeSection(sectionNode) } else { openSection(sectionNode) } } var nodeOnDoubleClick = function() { if ($('#edit-button').hasClass('disabled')) { //$('#properties-button').click() location.href = $('#properties-button')[0].href } else { //$('#edit-button').click() location.href = $('#edit-button')[0].href } } var addNodeOnClick = function() { $('#sitemap table.section_node').click(nodeOnClick).dblclick(nodeOnDoubleClick) } var addToggleSectionOnClick = function() { $('#sitemap img.folder_toggle').click(toggleSectionOnClick); } //Whenever you open a section, a cookie is updated so that next time you view the sitemap //that section will start in open state var fireOnClickForOpenSectionNodes = function() { var openSectionNodeIds = $.cookieSet.get('openSectionNodes') var selectedSectionSelector = '.root table:first' if (openSectionNodeIds) { $.each(openSectionNodeIds, function(i, e) { $('#section_node_' + e + ' table:first img.folder_toggle').click() }) selectedSectionSelector = '#section_node_' + openSectionNodeIds[openSectionNodeIds.length - 1] + ' table:first' } $(selectedSectionSelector).click() } //----- Init ----------------------------------------------------------------- //In other words, stuff that happens when the page loads //This is where we actually manipulate the DOM, fire events, etc. addHoverToSectionNodes() disableButtons() makeMovableRowsDraggable() enableDropZones() addNodeOnClick() addToggleSectionOnClick() fireOnClickForOpenSectionNodes() }) ; ;FI"dependency_digest;F"%008f67fe91c1df23816b782096ea5198I"required_paths;F["„/Users/josiahivey/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p125/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/browsercms-3.5.0.rc3/app/assets/javascripts/cms/sitemap.js.erbI"dependency_paths;F[{I" path;F"„/Users/josiahivey/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p125/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/browsercms-3.5.0.rc3/app/assets/javascripts/cms/sitemap.js.erbI" mtime;FI"2012-05-24T14:00:47-05:00;FI" digest;F"%0980c8fedbf6eec819a0d59530fa3534I" _version;F"%9f3b95dd7ea3030dc35985c0a8020862