/* ************************************************************************ Copyright: License: Authors: ************************************************************************ */ DBG_LVL = 5; /** * This is the main application class of your custom application "Frontend" * * @asset(frontend/*) */ qx.Class.define("frontend.Application", { extend: qx.application.Standalone, /* ***************************************************************************** MEMBERS ***************************************************************************** */ members: { /** * This method contains the initial application code and gets called * during startup of the application * * @lint ignoreDeprecated(alert) * @require(qx.module.Attribute) */ layout: null, lay_grid: null, cont_grid: null, main: function () { // Call super class this.base(arguments); app = this; root = this.getRoot(); this.cont_grid = new qx.ui.container.Composite( this.lay_grid = new qx.ui.layout.Grid(2, 2)); this.cont_grid.add(this.layout = new frontend.Views.Ltab(this), {row: 1, column: 1}); this.cont_grid.add(new qx.ui.core.Spacer(), {row: 2, column: 2}) this.squeezeCenter(); root.add(this.cont_grid, { width: "100%", height: "100%" }); if (false) { this.layout.dispatch([ { cmd: "debug" } ]); } rpc = new frontend.Lib.RPC; // We start with the Welcome-view which shows a login-screen or other rpc.callRPC("View.Welcome", "show", this.layout, this.layout.dispatch); }, squeezeCenter: function () { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { this.lay_grid.setColumnFlex(i, i != 1); this.lay_grid.setRowFlex(i, ( 1 + i ) * ( i != 1 )); } }, inflateCenter: function () { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { this.lay_grid.setColumnFlex(i, i == 1); this.lay_grid.setRowFlex(i, i == 1); } } } });