@announce @vagrant-profitbricks Feature: vagrant-profitbricks fog tests Background: Given I have ProfitBricks credentials available And I have a "fog_mock.rb" file Scenario: Create a single server (with provisioning) Given a file named "Vagrantfile" with: """ Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| Vagrant.require_plugin "vagrant-profitbricks" config.vm.box = "dummy" config.ssh.private_key_path = "~/.ssh/id_rsa" config.vm.provider :profitbricks do |rs| rs.server_name = 'vagrant-provisioned-server' rs.username = ENV['PB_USERNAME'] rs.password = ENV['PB_PASSWORD'] rs.flavor = "Micro" rs.image = /Ubuntu/ rs.admin_password = 'Vagrant123' rs.data_center_id = /My/ #'d7c69d5e-59e2-4133-a982-788fe4bb7599' rs.profitbricks_volume_size = 8 end config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "echo Hello, World" end """ When I successfully run `bundle exec vagrant up --provider profitbricks` # I want to capture the ID like I do in tests for other tools, but Vagrant doesn't print it! # And I get the server from "Instance ID:" Then the server "vagrant-provisioned-server" should be active