module CF typedef :pointer, :cfpropertylistref typedef :cfstringref, :key typedef :cfstringref, :application_id typedef :cfstringref, :username typedef :cfstringref, :hostname typedef :cfpropertylistref, :value attach_variable 'kCFPreferencesCurrentUser', :cfstringref attach_variable 'kCFPreferencesAnyUser', :cfstringref attach_variable 'kCFPreferencesCurrentHost', :cfstringref attach_variable 'kCFPreferencesAnyHost', :cfstringref attach_function 'CFPreferencesCopyAppValue', [:key, :application_id], :cfpropertylistref attach_function 'CFPreferencesCopyValue', [:key, :application_id, :username, :hostname], :cfpropertylistref attach_function 'CFPreferencesSetAppValue', [:key, :value, :application_id], :void attach_function 'CFPreferencesSetValue', [:key, :value, :application_id, :username, :hostname], :void attach_function 'CFPreferencesAppSynchronize', [:application_id], :bool # Interface to the preference utilities from Corefoundation.framework. # Documentation at # class Preferences using CF::Refinements CURRENT_USER = CF.kCFPreferencesCurrentUser ALL_USERS = CF.kCFPreferencesAnyUser CURRENT_HOST = CF.kCFPreferencesCurrentHost ALL_HOSTS = CF.kCFPreferencesAnyHost class << self # Returns the output from `CFPreferencesCopyValue` call after converting it to ruby type. # # @param [String] key Preference key to read # @param [String] application_id Preference domain for the key # @param [String, Symbol] username Domain user (current, any or a specific user) # @param [String, Symbol] hostname Hostname (current, all hosts or a specific host) # # @return [VALUE] Preference value returned from the `CFPreferencesCopyValue` call. # def get(key, application_id, username = nil, hostname = nil) plist_ref = if username && hostname CF.CFPreferencesCopyValue( key.to_cf, application_id.to_cf, arg_to_cf(username), arg_to_cf(hostname) ) else CF.CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(key.to_cf, application_id.to_cf) end CF::Base.typecast(plist_ref).to_ruby unless plist_ref.null? end # Calls the {#self.get} method and raise a `PreferenceDoesNotExist` error if `nil` is returned. # # @param [String] key Preference key to read # @param [String] application_id Preference domain for the key # @param [String, Symbol] username Domain user (current, any or a specific user) # @param [String, Symbol] hostname Hostname (current, all hosts or a specific host) # # @raise [PreferenceDoesNotExist] If returned value is nil. # # @return [VALUE] Preference value returned from the {#self.get} method call. # def get!(key, application_id, username = nil, hostname = nil) value = get(key, application_id, username, hostname) if value.nil? raise(, application_id, hostname)) else value end end # Set the value for preference domain using `CFPreferencesSetValue`. # # @param [String] key Preference key # @param [Integer, Float, String, TrueClass, FalseClass, Hash, Array] value Preference value # @param [String] application_id Preference domain # @param [String, Symbol] username Domain user (current, any or a specific user) # @param [String, Symbol] hostname Hostname (current, all hosts or a specific host) # # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] Returns true if preference was successfully written to storage, otherwise false. # def set(key, value, application_id, username = nil, hostname = nil) if username && hostname CF.CFPreferencesSetValue( key.to_cf, arg_to_cf(value), application_id.to_cf, arg_to_cf(username), arg_to_cf(hostname) ) else CF.CFPreferencesSetAppValue( key.to_cf, arg_to_cf(value), application_id.to_cf ) end CF.CFPreferencesAppSynchronize(application_id.to_cf) end # Calls the {#self.set} method and raise a `PreferenceSyncFailed` error if `false` is returned. # # @param [String] key Preference key to write # @param [String] application_id Preference domain for the key # @param [String, Symbol] username Domain user (current, any or a specific user) # @param [String, Symbol] hostname Hostname (current, all hosts or a specific host) # # @raise [PreferenceSyncFailed] If {#self.set} call returned false. # # @return [VALUE] Returns nil if preference value is successfully written. # def set!(key, value, application_id, username = nil, hostname = nil) raise(, application_id, hostname)) unless set(key, value, application_id, username, hostname) end private # Convert an object from ruby to cf type. # # @param [VALUE, CFType] arg A ruby or corefoundation object. # # @return [CFType] A wrapped CF object. # # @visiblity private def arg_to_cf(arg) arg.respond_to?(:to_cf) ? arg.to_cf : arg end end end end