module TemporalTables module ConnectionAdapters module PostgreSQLAdapter def drop_temporal_triggers(table_name) execute "drop trigger #{table_name}_ai on #{table_name}" execute "drop trigger #{table_name}_au on #{table_name}" execute "drop trigger #{table_name}_ad on #{table_name}" end def create_temporal_triggers(table_name) column_names = columns(table_name).map(&:name) execute %{ create or replace function #{table_name}_ai() returns trigger as $#{table_name}_ai$ declare cur_time timestamp without time zone; begin cur_time := localtimestamp; insert into #{temporal_name(table_name)} (#{column_list(column_names)}, eff_from) values (#{column_names.collect {|c| "new.#{c}"}.join(', ')}, cur_time); return null; end $#{table_name}_ai$ language plpgsql; drop trigger if exists #{table_name}_ai on #{table_name}; create trigger #{table_name}_ai after insert on #{table_name} for each row execute procedure #{table_name}_ai(); } execute %{ create or replace function #{table_name}_au() returns trigger as $#{table_name}_au$ declare cur_time timestamp without time zone; begin cur_time := localtimestamp; update #{temporal_name(table_name)} set eff_to = cur_time where id = and eff_to = '9999-12-31'; insert into #{temporal_name(table_name)} (#{column_list(column_names)}, eff_from) values (#{column_names.collect {|c| "new.#{c}"}.join(', ')}, cur_time); return null; end $#{table_name}_au$ language plpgsql; drop trigger if exists #{table_name}_au on #{table_name}; create trigger #{table_name}_au after update on #{table_name} for each row execute procedure #{table_name}_au(); } execute %{ create or replace function #{table_name}_ad() returns trigger as $#{table_name}_ad$ declare cur_time timestamp without time zone; begin cur_time := localtimestamp; update #{temporal_name(table_name)} set eff_to = cur_time where id = and eff_to = '9999-12-31'; return null; end $#{table_name}_ad$ language plpgsql; drop trigger if exists #{table_name}_ad on #{table_name}; create trigger #{table_name}_ad after delete on #{table_name} for each row execute procedure #{table_name}_ad(); } end def column_list(column_names) { |c| "\"#{c}\"" }.join(', ') end end end end