require 'spec_helper' describe OData4::Schema do let(:subject) {, service) } let(:service) do'', metadata_file: metadata_file) end let(:metadata_file) { 'spec/fixtures/files/metadata.xml' } let(:schema_xml) { service.metadata.xpath('//Schema').first } let(:entity_types) { %w{Product FeaturedProduct ProductDetail Category Supplier Person Customer Employee PersonDetail Advertisement} } let(:complex_types) { %w{Address} } let(:enum_types) { %w{ProductStatus} } describe '#namespace' do it { expect(subject).to respond_to(:namespace) } it "returns the schema's namespace attribute" do expect(subject.namespace).to eq('ODataDemo') end end describe '#actions' do # TODO add a action definition to metadata it { expect(subject).to respond_to(:actions) } it { expect(subject.actions.size).to eq(0) } end describe '#annotations' do # TBD end describe '#complex_types' do it { expect(subject).to respond_to(:complex_types) } it { expect(subject.complex_types.size).to eq(1) } it { expect(subject.complex_types.keys).to eq(complex_types) } end describe '#entity_types' do it { expect(subject).to respond_to(:entity_types) } it { expect(subject.entity_types.size).to eq(10) } it { expect(subject.entity_types).to eq(entity_types) } end describe '#enum_types' do it { expect(subject).to respond_to(:enum_types) } it { expect(subject.enum_types.size).to eq(1) } it { expect(subject.enum_types.keys).to eq(enum_types)} end describe '#functions' do # TODO add a function definition to metadata it { expect(subject).to respond_to(:functions) } it { expect(subject.functions.size).to eq(0) } end describe '#terms' do # TBD end describe '#type_definitions' do # TODO add a type definition to metadata it { expect(subject).to respond_to(:type_definitions) } it { expect(subject.type_definitions.size).to eq(0) } end describe '#navigation_properties' do it { expect(subject).to respond_to(:navigation_properties) } it { expect(subject.navigation_properties['Product'].size).to eq(3) } it { expect(subject.navigation_properties['Product'].values).to all(be_a(OData4::NavigationProperty)) } end describe '#get_property_type' do it { expect(subject).to respond_to(:get_property_type) } it { expect(subject.get_property_type('Product', 'ID')).to eq('Edm.Int32') } it { expect(subject.get_property_type('Product', 'ProductStatus')).to eq('ODataDemo.ProductStatus') } end describe '#primary_key_for' do it { expect(subject).to respond_to(:primary_key_for) } it { expect(subject.primary_key_for('Product')).to eq('ID') } end describe '#properties_for_entity' do it { expect(subject).to respond_to(:properties_for_entity) } it { expect(subject.properties_for_entity('Product').keys).to eq(%w[ ID Name Description ReleaseDate DiscontinuedDate Rating Price ProductStatus ]) } it { expect(subject.properties_for_entity('Product').values).to all(be_a(OData4::Property)) } end end