require "rich/engine" module Rich autoload :ViewHelper, 'rich/view_helper' autoload :FormBuilder, 'rich/form_builder' autoload :FormtasticBuilder, 'rich/legacy_formtastic' # specify desired image styles here mattr_accessor :image_styles @@image_styles = { :thumb => "100x100#" } mattr_accessor :allowed_styles @@allowed_styles = :all mattr_accessor :default_style @@default_style = :thumb mattr_accessor :authentication_method @@authentication_method = :none # Configuration defaults (these map directly to ckeditor settings) mattr_accessor :editor @@editor = { :stylesSet => [], :extraPlugins => 'stylesheetparser,richimage', :removePlugins => 'scayt,menubutton,contextmenu,image,forms', :contentsCss => '/assets/rich/editor.css', # TODO: make this map to the engine mount point :removeDialogTabs => 'link:advanced;link:target', :startupOutlineBlocks => true, :forcePasteAsPlainText => true, :format_tags => 'h3;p;pre', :toolbar => [['Format','Styles'],['Bold', 'Italic', '-','NumberedList', 'BulletedList', 'Blockquote', '-', 'richImage', '-', 'Link', 'Unlink'],['Source', 'ShowBlocks']], :richImageUrl => '/rich/files/', #todo make this map to the engine mount point :uiColor => '#f4f4f4' # similar to Active Admin } # End configuration defaults def self.setup yield self end def self.insert # TODO: link asset to user definable entity <%= form.cktext_area :content, :swf_params=>{:assetable_type=>'User', :assetable_id=>} %> ActionView::Base.send(:include, Rich::ViewHelper) ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder.send(:include, Rich::FormBuilder) # If we're dealing with Formtastic 1.x if Object.const_defined?("Formtastic") if(Gem.loaded_specs["formtastic"].version.version[0,1] == "1") Formtastic::SemanticFormHelper.builder = Rich::FormBuilder ::Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder.send :include, Rich::FormtasticBuilder end end end end