CustomPaymentSchedule Complex Type
ROA = Required on Add, ROU = Required on Update, Click Column Header to Sort Column
Name Type ROA ROU Read Only Basic Comments Special Comments
installmentDates date array Yes Yes   Array must contain two or more dates SC1
installmentAmounts double array Yes Yes   Must be greater than zero
Array must contain two or more amounts
processType int         SC2
note string          

Special Comments
SC1) The arrays installmentDates and installmentAmounts must contain the exact same number of items.  The first date and first amount will be considered the first scheduled payment.  In essence, each item in the date array is paired up with each item in the amount array according to position.  Each array must contain multiple entries because a single entry in each would be considered a standard payment schedule.
SC2) The field processType indicates whether processing of payments (for a Pledge) or recurring gifts (for a Recurring Gift Schedule) will be processed by eTapestry automatically.  Please note, a transaction processor must be present (which is located at Manage...My Organization...eCommerce) if processType auto is desired for an add or update.  If a transaction processor is not found and the processType is set to auto, a soap fault will occur.  Also, if the processType is set to auto, the transaction must have a scheduledValuable provided with either creditCard or eft populated.