# -*- ruby encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'rubygems' require 'hoe' require 'rake/clean' Hoe.plugin :doofus Hoe.plugin :gemspec2 Hoe.plugin :git Hoe.plugin :minitest Hoe.plugin :travis Hoe.plugin :email unless ENV['CI'] or ENV['TRAVIS'] spec = Hoe.spec 'mime-types' do developer('Austin Ziegler', 'halostatue@gmail.com') self.need_tar = true require_ruby_version '>= 2.0' self.history_file = 'History.rdoc' self.readme_file = 'README.rdoc' license 'MIT' extra_deps << ['mime-types-data', '~> 3.2015'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-doofus', '~> 1.0'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-gemspec2', '~> 1.1'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-git', '~> 1.6'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-rubygems', '~> 1.0'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-travis', '~> 1.2'] extra_dev_deps << ['minitest', '~> 5.4'] extra_dev_deps << ['minitest-autotest', '~> 1.0'] extra_dev_deps << ['minitest-focus', '~> 1.0'] extra_dev_deps << ['minitest-bonus-assertions', '~> 2.0'] extra_dev_deps << ['minitest-hooks', '~> 1.4'] extra_dev_deps << ['rake', '~> 10.0'] extra_dev_deps << ['fivemat', '~> 1.3' ] extra_dev_deps << ['minitest-rg', '~> 5.2'] if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new('2.0') extra_dev_deps << ['simplecov', '~> 0.7'] # if ENV['CI'] or ENV['TRAVIS'] # extra_dev_deps << ['coveralls', '~> 0.8'] # end end end namespace :benchmark do task :support do %w(lib support).each { |path| $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(Rake.application.original_dir, path)) } end desc 'Benchmark Load Times' task :load, [ :repeats ] => 'benchmark:support' do |_, args| require 'benchmarks/load' Benchmarks::Load.report( File.join(Rake.application.original_dir, 'lib'), args.repeats ) end desc 'Allocation counts' task :allocations, [ :top_x, :mime_types_only ] => 'benchmark:support' do |_, args| require 'benchmarks/load_allocations' Benchmarks::LoadAllocations.report( top_x: args.top_x, mime_types_only: args.mime_types_only ) end desc 'Columnar allocation counts' task 'allocations:columnar', [ :top_x, :mime_types_only ] => 'benchmark:support' do |_, args| require 'benchmarks/load_allocations' Benchmarks::LoadAllocations.report( columnar: true, top_x: args.top_x, mime_types_only: args.mime_types_only ) end desc 'Columnar allocation counts (full load)' task 'allocations:columnar:full', [ :top_x, :mime_types_only ] => 'benchmark:support' do |_, args| require 'benchmarks/load_allocations' Benchmarks::LoadAllocations.report( columnar: true, top_x: args.top_x, mime_types_only: args.mime_types_only, full: true ) end desc 'Object counts' task objects: 'benchmark:support' do require 'benchmarks/object_counts' Benchmarks::ObjectCounts.report end desc 'Columnar object counts' task 'objects:columnar' => 'benchmark:support' do require 'benchmarks/object_counts' Benchmarks::ObjectCounts.report(columnar: true) end desc 'Columnar object counts (full load)' task 'objects:columnar:full' => 'benchmark:support' do require 'benchmarks/object_counts' Benchmarks::ObjectCounts.report(columnar: true, full: true) end end namespace :profile do directory 'tmp/profile' CLEAN.add 'tmp' def ruby_prof(script) require 'pathname' output = Pathname('tmp/profile').join(script) output.mkpath script = Pathname('support/profile').join("#{script}.rb") args = [ '-W0', '-Ilib', '-S', 'ruby-prof', '-R', 'mime/types', '-s', 'self', '-p', 'multi', '-f', "#{output}", script.to_s ] ruby args.join(' ') end task full: 'tmp/profile' do ruby_prof 'full' end task columnar: :support do ruby_prof 'columnar' end task 'columnar:full' => :support do ruby_prof 'columnar_full' end end if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new('2.0') namespace :test do # Coveralls needs to be disabled for now because it transitively depends on # an earlier version of mime-types. # if ENV['CI'] or ENV['TRAVIS'] # task :coveralls do # spec.test_prelude = [ # 'require "psych"', # 'require "simplecov"', # 'require "coveralls"', # 'SimpleCov.formatter = Coveralls::SimpleCov::Formatter', # 'SimpleCov.start("test_frameworks") { command_name "Minitest" }', # 'gem "minitest"' # ].join('; ') # Rake::Task['test'].execute # end # Rake::Task['travis'].prerequisites.replace(%w(test:coveralls)) # end desc 'Run test coverage' task :coverage do spec.test_prelude = [ 'require "simplecov"', 'SimpleCov.start("test_frameworks") { command_name "Minitest" }', 'gem "minitest"' ].join('; ') Rake::Task['test'].execute end end end namespace :convert do namespace :docs do task :setup do gem 'rdoc' require 'rdoc/rdoc' @doc_converter ||= RDoc::Markup::ToMarkdown.new end FileList['*.rdoc'].each do |name| rdoc = name mark = "#{File.basename(name, '.rdoc')}.md" file mark => [ rdoc, :setup ] do |t| puts "#{rdoc} => #{mark}" File.open(t.name, 'wb') { |target| target.write @doc_converter.convert(IO.read(t.prerequisites.first)) } end CLEAN.add mark task run: [ mark ] end end desc 'Convert documentation from RDoc to Markdown' task docs: 'convert:docs:run' end task 'deps:top', [ :number ] do |_, args| require 'net/http' require 'json' def rubygems_get(gem_name: '', endpoint: '') path = File.join('/api/v1/gems/', gem_name, endpoint).chomp('/') + '.json' Net::HTTP.start('rubygems.org', use_ssl: true) do |http| JSON.parse(http.get(path).body) end end results = rubygems_get( gem_name: 'mime-types', endpoint: 'reverse_dependencies' ) weighted_results = {} results.each do |name| begin weighted_results[name] = rubygems_get(gem_name: name)['downloads'] rescue => e puts "#{name} #{e.message}" end end weighted_results.sort { |(_k1, v1), (_k2, v2)| v2 <=> v1 }.first(args.number || 50).each_with_index do |(k, v), i| puts "#{i}) #{k}: #{v}" end end task :console do arguments = %w(pry) arguments.push(*spec.spec.require_paths.map { |dir| "-I#{dir}" }) arguments.push("-r#{spec.spec.name.gsub('-', File::SEPARATOR)}") unless system(*arguments) error "Command failed: #{show_command}" abort end end # vim: syntax=ruby