# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # This file generated automatically using vocab-fetch from http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab# require 'rdf' module RDF class XHV < Vocabulary("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#") # Property definitions property :alert, comment: %(A message with important, and usually time-sensitive, information. Also see alertdialog and status.).freeze, label: "alert".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :alertdialog, comment: %(A type of dialog that contains an alert message, where initial focus goes to the dialog or an element within it. Also see alert and dialog.).freeze, label: "alertdialog".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :alternate, comment: %(alternate designates alternate versions for a resource.).freeze, label: "alternate".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :appendix, comment: %(appendix refers to a resource serving as an appendix in a collection. ).freeze, label: "appendix".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :application, comment: %(A region declared as a web application, as opposed to a web document.).freeze, label: "application".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :article, comment: %(A section of a page consisting of an independent part of a document, page, or site.).freeze, label: "article".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :banner, comment: %(banner contains the prime heading or internal title of a page. ).freeze, label: "banner".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:role-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :bookmark, comment: %(bookmark refers to a bookmark - a link to a key entry point within an extended document. ).freeze, label: "bookmark".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :button, comment: %(An input that allows for user-triggered actions when clicked or pressed.).freeze, label: "button".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :chapter, comment: %(chapter refers to a resource serving as a chapter in a collction. ).freeze, label: "chapter".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :checkbox, comment: %(An checkable input that has three possible values: true, false, or mixed.).freeze, label: "checkbox".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :cite, comment: %(cite refers to a resource that defines a citation. ).freeze, label: "cite".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :columnheader, comment: %(A cell containing header information for a column.).freeze, label: "columnheader".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :combobox, comment: %(A presentation of a select; usually similar to a textbox where users can type ahead to select an option, or type to enter arbitrary text as a new item in the list.).freeze, label: "combobox".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :complementary, comment: %(secondary indicates that the section supports but is separable from the main content of resource.).freeze, label: "complementary".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:role-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :contentinfo, comment: %(contentinfo has meta information about the content on the page or the page as a whole.).freeze, label: "contentinfo".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:role-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :contents, comment: %(contents refers to a resource serving as a table of contents. ).freeze, label: "contents".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :copyright, comment: %(copyright refers to a copyright statement for the resource. ).freeze, label: "copyright".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :definition, comment: %(definition indicates the definition of a term or concept.).freeze, label: "definition".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:role-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :dialog, comment: %(A dialog is an application window that is designed to interrupt the current processing of an application in order to prompt the user to enter information or require a response. Also see alertdialog.).freeze, label: "dialog".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :directory, comment: %(A list of references to members of a group, such as a static table of contents.).freeze, label: "directory".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :document, comment: %(A region containing related information that is declared as document content, as opposed to a web application.).freeze, label: "document".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :first, comment: %(first refers the first item in a collection \(see also start and top\).).freeze, label: "first".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :glossary, comment: %(glossary refers to a resource providing a glossary of terms. ).freeze, label: "glossary".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :grid, comment: %(A grid contains cells of tabular data arranged in rows and columns, like a table.).freeze, label: "grid".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :gridcell, comment: %(A cell in a grid or treegrid.).freeze, label: "gridcell".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :group, comment: %(A set of user interface objects which would not be included in a page summary or table of contents by an assistive technology.).freeze, label: "group".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :heading, comment: %(A heading for a section of the page.).freeze, label: "heading".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :help, comment: %(help refers to a resource offering help. ).freeze, label: "help".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :icon, comment: %(icon refers to a resource that represents an icon. ).freeze, label: "icon".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :img, comment: %(A container for a collection of elements that form an image.).freeze, label: "img".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :index, comment: %(index refers to a resource providing an index. ).freeze, label: "index".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :itsRules, comment: %(itsRules indicates that the designated resource is an [ITS] rule set.).freeze, label: "itsRules".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :last, comment: %(last refers to the last resource in a collection of resources. ).freeze, label: "last".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :license, comment: %(license refers to a resource that defines the associated license. ).freeze, label: "license".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :link, comment: %(An interactive reference to an internal or external resource.).freeze, label: "link".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :list, comment: %(A group of non-interactive list items.).freeze, label: "list".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :listbox, comment: %(A widget that allows the user to select one or more items from a list of choices.).freeze, label: "listbox".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :listitem, comment: %(A single item in a list, listbox, or directory.).freeze, label: "listitem".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :log, comment: %(A type of live region where new information is added in meaningful order and old information may disappear. Also see marquee.).freeze, label: "log".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :main, comment: %(main acts as the main content of the document. ).freeze, label: "main".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:role-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :marquee, comment: %(A type of live region where non-essential information changes frequently. Also see log.).freeze, label: "marquee".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :math, comment: %(An element that represents a mathematical expression.).freeze, label: "math".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :menu, comment: %(A type of widget that offers a list of choices to the user.).freeze, label: "menu".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :menubar, comment: %(A presentation of menu that usually remains visible and is usually presented horizontally.).freeze, label: "menubar".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :menuitem, comment: %(An option in a group of choices contained by a menu or menubar.).freeze, label: "menuitem".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :menuitemcheckbox, comment: %(A checkable menuitem that has three possible values: true, false, or mixed.).freeze, label: "menuitemcheckbox".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :menuitemradio, comment: %(A checkable menuitem in a group of menuitemradio roles, only one of which can be checked at a time.).freeze, label: "menuitemradio".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :meta, comment: %(meta refers to a resource that provides metadata. ).freeze, label: "meta".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :navigation, comment: %(navigation indicates a collection of items suitable for navigating the document or related documents.).freeze, label: "navigation".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:role-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :next, comment: %(next refers to the next resource \(after the current one\) in an ordered collection of resources. ).freeze, label: "next".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :note, comment: %(note indicates the content is parenthetic or ancillary to the main content of the resource. ).freeze, label: "note".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:role-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :option, comment: %(A selectable item in a select list.).freeze, label: "option".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :p3pv1, comment: %(p3pv1 refers to a P3P Policy Reference File [P3P]. ).freeze, label: "p3pv1".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :presentation, comment: %(An element whose role is presentational and does not need to be mapped to the accessibility API.).freeze, label: "presentation".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :prev, comment: %(prev refers to a previous resource \(before the current one\) in an ordered collection of resources. ).freeze, label: "prev".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :progressbar, comment: %(An element that displays the progress status for tasks that take a long time.).freeze, label: "progressbar".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :radio, comment: %(A checkable input in a group of radio roles, only one of which can be checked at a time.).freeze, label: "radio".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :radiogroup, comment: %(A group of radio buttons.).freeze, label: "radiogroup".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :region, comment: %(A large perceivable section of a web page or document, that the author feels should be included in a summary of page features.).freeze, label: "region".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :row, comment: %(A row of cells in a grid.).freeze, label: "row".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :rowheader, comment: %(A cell containing header information for a row in a grid.).freeze, label: "rowheader".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :search, comment: %(search indicates that the section provides a search facility. ).freeze, label: "search".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:role-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :section, comment: %(section refers to a resource serving as a section in a collection. ).freeze, label: "section".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :separator, comment: %(A divider that separates and distinguishes sections of content or groups of menuitems.).freeze, label: "separator".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :slider, comment: %(A user input where the user selects a value from within a given range.).freeze, label: "slider".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :spinbutton, comment: %(A form of range that expects a user to select from amongst discrete choices.).freeze, label: "spinbutton".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :start, comment: %(start refers to the first resource in a collection of resources. ).freeze, label: "start".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :status, comment: %(A container whose content is advisory information for the user but is not important enough to justify an alert. Also see alert.).freeze, label: "status".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :stylesheet, comment: %(stylesheet refers to a resource serving as a stylesheet for a resource. ).freeze, label: "stylesheet".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :subsection, comment: %(subsection refers to a resource serving as a subsection in a collection. ).freeze, label: "subsection".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :tab, comment: %(A header for a tabpanel.).freeze, label: "tab".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :tablist, comment: %(A list of tab elements, which are references to tabpanel elements.).freeze, label: "tablist".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :tabpanel, comment: %(A container for the resources associated with a tab.).freeze, label: "tabpanel".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :textbox, comment: %(Input that allows free-form text as their value.).freeze, label: "textbox".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :timer, comment: %(A numerical counter which indicates an amount of elapsed time from a start point, or the time remaining until an end point.).freeze, label: "timer".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :toolbar, comment: %(A collection of commonly used function buttons represented in compact visual form.).freeze, label: "toolbar".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :tooltip, comment: %(A contextual popup that displays a description for an element in a mouse hover or keyboard focused state. Supplement to the normal tooltip processing of the user agent.).freeze, label: "tooltip".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :top, comment: %(top is a synonym for start. ).freeze, label: "top".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :tree, comment: %(A type of list that may contain sub-level nested groups that can be collapsed and expanded.).freeze, label: "tree".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :treegrid, comment: %(A grid whose rows can be expanded and collapsed in the same manner as for a tree.).freeze, label: "treegrid".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :treeitem, comment: %(An option item of a tree. This is an element within a tree that may be expanded or collapsed if it contains a sub-level group of treeitems.).freeze, label: "treeitem".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :up, comment: %(up refers to a resource "above" in a hierarchically structured set. ).freeze, label: "up".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze # Extra definitions term :"relrev-properties", label: "relrev-properties".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:role-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Bag".freeze term :role, comment: %(role indicates the purpose of the resource. See the XHTML Role Vocabulary for roles in this vocabulary space, and XHTMLROLE for information on extending the collection of roles. ).freeze, label: "role".freeze, "rdfs:member" => %(xhv:relrev-properties).freeze, type: "rdf:Bag".freeze term :"role-properties", label: "role-properties".freeze, type: "rdf:Bag".freeze end end