Guard [![Build Status](](

Guard is a command line tool that easily handle events on files modifications.

If you have any questions please join us on our [Google group]( or on `#guard` (


* [FSEvent]( support on Mac OS X 10.5+ (without RubyCocoa!, [rb-fsevent gem, >= 0.3.5]( required).
* [Inotify]( support on Linux ([rb-inotify gem, >= 0.5.1]( required).
* [Directory Change Notification](\(VS.85\).aspx) support on Windows ([rb-fchange, >= 0.0.2]( required).
* Polling on the other operating systems (help us to support more OS).
* Automatic & Super fast (when polling is not used) files modifications detection (even new files are detected).
* Visual notifications on Mac OSX ([Growl](, Linux ([Libnotify]( and Windows ([Notifu](
* Tested against Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2, REE and the latest versions of JRuby & Rubinius.


Ryan Bates made a Railscast on Guard, you can view it here: [](


Add Guard to your `Gemfile`:

    group :development do
      gem 'guard'
      gem 'rb-inotify', :require => false
      gem 'rb-fsevent', :require => false
      gem 'rb-fchange', :require => false

and install it via Bundler:

    $ bundle

Generate an empty Guardfile with:

    $ guard init

You may optionally place a .Guardfile in your home directory to use it across multiple projects.
Also note that if a `.guard.rb` is found in your home directory, it will be appended to the Guardfile.

Add the guards you need to your Guardfile (see the existing guards below).

Now, be sure to read the particular instructions for your operating system: [Mac OS X](#mac) | [Linux](#linux) | [Windows](#win)

<a name="mac" />

### On Mac OS X

Install the rb-fsevent gem for [FSEvent]( support:

    $ gem install rb-fsevent

You have three possibilities for getting Growl support:

Use the [growl_notify gem](

    $ gem install growl_notify

The `growl_notify` gem is compatible with Growl >= 1.3 and uses AppleScript to send Growl notifications.
The gem needs a native C extension to make use of AppleScript and does not run on JRuby and MacRuby.

Use the [ruby_gntp gem](

    $ gem install ruby_gntp

The `ruby_gntp` gem is compatible with Growl >= 1.3 and uses the Growl Notification Transport Protocol to send Growl
notifications. Guard supports multiple notification channels for customizing each notification type, but it's limited
to the local host currently.

Use the [growl gem](

    $ gem install growl

The `growl` gem is compatible with all versions of Growl and uses a command line tool [growlnotify](
that must be separately downloaded and installed. You can also install it with HomeBrew:

    $ brew install growlnotify

Finally you have to add your Growl library of choice to your Gemfile:

    gem 'rb-fsevent'
    gem 'growl_notify' # or gem 'ruby_gntp' or gem 'growl'

Have a look at the [Guard Wiki]( for more information.

<a name="linux" />

### On Linux

Install the [rb-inotify gem]( for [inotify]( support:

    $ gem install rb-inotify

Install the [libnotify gem]( if you want visual notification support:

    $ gem install libnotify

And add them to your Gemfile:

    gem 'rb-inotify'
    gem 'libnotify'

<a name="win" />

### On Windows

Install the [rb-fchange gem]( for [Directory Change Notification](\(VS.85\).aspx) support:

    $ gem install rb-fchange

Install the [win32console gem]( if you want colors in your terminal:

    $ gem install win32console

Install the [rb-notifu gem]( if you want visual notification support:

    $ gem install rb-notifu

And add them to your Gemfile:

    gem 'rb-fchange'
    gem 'rb-notifu'
    gem 'win32console'


Just launch Guard inside your Ruby / Rails project with:

    $ guard [start]

or if you use Bundler, to run the Guard executable specific to your bundle:

    $ bundle exec guard [start]

Guard will look for a Guardfile in your current directory. If it does not find one, it will look in your `$HOME` directory for a .Guardfile.

Command line options

### `-c`/`--clear` option

Shell can be cleared after each change:

    $ guard --clear
    $ guard -c # shortcut

### `-n`/`--notify` option

Notifications (growl/libnotify) can be disabled:

    $ guard --notify false
    $ guard -n f # shortcut

Notifications can also be disabled globally by setting a `GUARD_NOTIFY` environment variable to `false`

### `-g`/`--group` option

Only certain guards groups can be run (see the Guardfile DSL below for creating groups):

    $ guard --group group_name another_group_name
    $ guard -g group_name another_group_name # shortcut

### `-d`/`--debug` option

Guard can be run in debug mode:

    $ guard --debug
    $ guard -d # shortcut

### `-w`/`--watchdir` option

Guard can watch in any directory (instead of the current directory):

    $ guard --watchdir ~/your/fancy/project
    $ guard -w ~/your/fancy/project # shortcut

### `-G`/`--guardfile` option

Guard can use a Guardfile not located in the current directory:

    $ guard --guardfile ~/.your_global_guardfile
    $ guard -G ~/.your_global_guardfile # shortcut

### `-A`/`--watch-all-modifications` option

Guard can optionally watch all file modifications like moves or deletions with:

    $ guard start -A
    $ guard start --watch-all-modifications

### `-i`/`--no-interactions` option

Turn off completely any Guard terminal [interactions](#interactions) with:

    $ guard start -A
    $ guard start --watch-all-modifications

An exhaustive list of options is available with:

    $ guard help [TASK]

<a name="interactions" />


**From version >= 0.7.0 Posix Signal handlers are no more used to interact with Guard. If you're using a version < 0.7, please refer to the [README in the v0.6 branch](**

When Guard do nothing you can interact with by entering a command + hitting return/enter:

* `stop`:    `stop|quit|exit|s|q|e + return` - Calls each guard's `#stop` method, in the same order they are declared in the Guardfile, and then quits Guard itself.
* `reload`:  `reload|r|z + return` - Calls each guard's `#reload` method, in the same order they are declared in the Guardfile.
* `pause`:   `pause|p + return` - Toggle files modification listening. Useful when switching git branches.
* `run_all`: `just return (no commands)` - Calls each guard's `#run_all` method, in the same order they are declared in the Guardfile.

`reload` and `run_all` actions can be scoped to only run on a certain guard or group. Examples:

* `backend reload + return` - Call only each guard's `#reload` method on backend group.
* `rspec + return` - Call only rspec guard's `#run_all` method.

Available Guards

A list of the available guards is present [in the wiki](

### Add a guard to your Guardfile

Add it to your Gemfile (inside the `development` group):

    gem '<guard-name>'

You can list all guards installed on your system with:

    $ guard list

Insert default guard's definition to your Guardfile by running this command:

    $ guard init <guard-name>

You are good to go, or you can modify your guards' definition to suit your needs.

Guardfile DSL

The Guardfile DSL consists of the following methods:

* `#guard`        - Allows you to add a guard with an optional hash of options.
* `#watch`        - Allows you to define which files are supervised by a guard. An optional block can be added to overwrite the paths sent to the guard's `#run_on_change` method or to launch any arbitrary command.
* `#group`        - Allows you to group several guards together. Groups to be run can be specified with the Guard DSL option `--group` (or `-g`). This comes in handy especially when you have a huge Guardfile and want to focus your development on a certain part. Guards that don't belong to a group are considered global and are always run.
* `#callback`     - Allows you to execute arbitrary code before or after any of the `start`, `stop`, `reload`, `run_all` and `run_on_change` guards' method. You can even insert more hooks inside these methods. Please [checkout the Wiki page]( for more details.
* `#ignore_paths` - Allows you to ignore top level directories altogether. This comes is handy when you have large amounts of non-source data in you project.  By default .bundle, .git, log, tmp, and vendor are ignored.  Currently it is only possible to ignore the immediate descendants of the watched directory.


    ignore_paths 'foo', 'bar'

    group 'backend' do
      guard 'bundler' do

      guard 'rspec', :cli => '--color --format doc' do
        # Regexp watch patterns are matched with Regexp#match
        watch(%r{^lib/(.+)\.rb$})         { |m| "spec/lib/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" }
        watch(%r{^spec/models/.+\.rb$})   { ["spec/models", "spec/acceptance"] }
        watch(%r{^spec/.+\.rb$})          { `say hello` }

        # String watch patterns are matched with simple '=='
        watch('spec/spec_helper.rb') { "spec" }

    group 'frontend' do
      guard 'coffeescript', :output => 'public/javascripts/compiled' do

      guard 'livereload' do

Using a Guardfile without the `guard` binary

The Guardfile DSL can also be used in a programmatic fashion by calling directly `Guard::Dsl.evaluate_guardfile`.
Available options are as follow:

* `:guardfile`          - The path to a valid Guardfile.
* `:guardfile_contents` - A string representing the content of a valid Guardfile

Remember, without any options given, Guard will look for a Guardfile in your current directory and if it does not find one, it will look for it in your `$HOME` directory.

For instance, you could use it as follow:

    gem 'guard'
    require 'guard'


    Guard::Dsl.evaluate_guardfile(:guardfile => '/your/custom/path/to/a/valid/Guardfile')
    # or
    Guard::Dsl.evaluate_guardfile(:guardfile_contents => "
      guard 'rspec' do

### Listing defined guards/groups for the current project

You can list the defined groups and guards for the current Guardfile from the command line using `guard show` or `guard -T`:

    $ guard -T

    Group backend:
      rspec: cli => "--color --format doc"
    Group frontend:
      coffeescript: output => "public/javascripts/compiled"

User config file

If a `.guard.rb` is found in your home directory, it will be appended to
the Guardfile.  This can be used for tasks you want guard to handle but
other users probably don't.  For example, indexing your source tree with

    guard 'shell' do
      watch(%r{^(?:app|lib)/.+\.rb$}) { `ctags -R` }

Create a new guard

Creating a new guard is very easy, just create a new gem (`bundle gem` if you use Bundler) with this basic structure:

    .travis.yml  # bonus point! # bonus point!
            Guardfile # needed for `guard init <guard-name>`
    test/ # or spec/

`Guard::GuardName` (in `lib/guard/guard-name.rb`) must inherit from
[Guard::Guard]( and should overwrite at least one of
the basic `Guard::Guard` task methods.

Here is an example scaffold for `lib/guard/guard-name.rb`:

    require 'guard'
    require 'guard/guard'

    module Guard
      class GuardName < Guard

        # Initialize a Guard.
        # @param [Array<Guard::Watcher>] watchers the Guard file watchers
        # @param [Hash] options the custom Guard options
        def initialize(watchers = [], options = {})

        # Call once when Guard starts. Please override initialize method to init stuff.
        # @raise [:task_has_failed] when start has failed
        def start

        # Called when `stop|quit|exit|s|q|e + enter` is pressed (when Guard quits).
        # @raise [:task_has_failed] when stop has failed
        def stop

        # Called when `reload|r|z + enter` is pressed.
        # This method should be mainly used for "reload" (really!) actions like reloading passenger/spork/bundler/...
        # @raise [:task_has_failed] when reload has failed
        def reload

        # Called when just `enter` is pressed
        # This method should be principally used for long action like running all specs/tests/...
        # @raise [:task_has_failed] when run_all has failed
        def run_all

        # Called on file(s) modifications that the Guard watches.
        # @param [Array<String>] paths the changes files or paths
        # @raise [:task_has_failed] when run_on_change has failed
        def run_on_change(paths)

        # Called on file(s) deletions that the Guard watches.
        # @param [Array<String>] paths the deleted files or paths
        # @raise [:task_has_failed] when run_on_change has failed
        def run_on_deletion(paths)


Please take a look at the [existing guards' source code](
for more concrete example and inspiration.

Alternatively, a new guard can be added inline to a Guardfile with this basic structure:

    require 'guard/guard'

    module ::Guard
      class InlineGuard < ::Guard::Guard
        def run_all

        def run_on_change(paths)

Here is a very cool example by [@avdi]( : [](


* Documentation hosted at [RubyDoc](
* Source hosted at [GitHub](
* Report issues and feature requests to [GitHub Issues](

Pull requests are very welcome! Please try to follow these simple "rules", though:

- Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make;
- Make sure your patches are well tested;
- Update the README (if applicable);
- Update the CHANGELOG (maybe not for a typo but don't hesitate!);
- Please **do not change** the version number.

For questions please join us on our [Google group]( or on `#guard` (


[Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil](

