#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/ssl/certificate' class TestCertificate < Puppet::SSL::Base wraps(Puppet::SSL::Certificate) end describe Puppet::SSL::Certificate do before :each do @base = TestCertificate.new("name") @class = TestCertificate end describe "when creating new instances" do it "should fail if given an object that is not an instance of the wrapped class" do obj = stub 'obj', :is_a? => false lambda { @class.from_instance(obj) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should fail if a name is not supplied and can't be determined from the object" do obj = stub 'obj', :is_a? => true lambda { @class.from_instance(obj) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should determine the name from the object if it has a subject" do obj = stub 'obj', :is_a? => true, :subject => '/CN=foo' inst = stub 'base' inst.expects(:content=).with(obj) @class.expects(:new).with('foo').returns inst @class.expects(:name_from_subject).with('/CN=foo').returns('foo') @class.from_instance(obj).should == inst end end describe "when determining a name from a certificate subject" do it "should extract only the CN and not any other components" do subject = stub 'sub' Puppet::Util::SSL.expects(:cn_from_subject).with(subject).returns 'host.domain.com' @class.name_from_subject(subject).should == 'host.domain.com' end end describe "#digest_algorithm" do let(:content) { stub 'content' } let(:base) { b = Puppet::SSL::Base.new('base') b.content = content b } # Some known signature algorithms taken from RFC 3279, 5758, and browsing # objs_dat.h in openssl { 'md5WithRSAEncryption' => 'md5', 'sha1WithRSAEncryption' => 'sha1', 'md4WithRSAEncryption' => 'md4', 'sha256WithRSAEncryption' => 'sha256', 'ripemd160WithRSA' => 'ripemd160', 'ecdsa-with-SHA1' => 'sha1', 'ecdsa-with-SHA224' => 'sha224', 'ecdsa-with-SHA256' => 'sha256', 'ecdsa-with-SHA384' => 'sha384', 'ecdsa-with-SHA512' => 'sha512', 'dsa_with_SHA224' => 'sha224', 'dsaWithSHA1' => 'sha1', }.each do |signature, digest| it "returns '#{digest}' for signature algorithm '#{signature}'" do content.stubs(:signature_algorithm).returns(signature) base.digest_algorithm.should == digest end end it "raises an error on an unknown signature algorithm" do content.stubs(:signature_algorithm).returns("nonsense") expect { base.digest_algorithm }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Unknown signature algorithm 'nonsense'") end end end