######################################### # Negroku deploy.rb configuration file # # There are three types of settings here # * Capistrano settings # * Gem specific settings # * Negroku settings ###################### # Capistrano settings # You can customize this settings at your will. # Here you can find information about capistrano settings # http://capistranorb.com/documentation/getting-started/preparing-your-application/ # # Also Negroku sets some defaults that you can override # here you can learn what are those defaults # https://github.com/platanus/negroku/blob/master/lib/negroku/deploy.rb set :application, '<%= data[:application_name] %>' set :repo_url, '<%= data[:repo_url] %>' set :deploy_to, "/home/deploy/applications/#{fetch(:application)}" linked_files = Set.new(fetch(:linked_files, [])) # https://github.com/capistrano/rails/issues/52 linked_files.merge(%w{caca}) set :linked_files, linked_files.to_a linked_dirs = Set.new(fetch(:linked_dirs, [])) # https://github.com/capistrano/rails/issues/52 linked_dirs.merge(%w{bin log tmp/pids tmp/cache tmp/sockets public/system}) set :linked_dirs, linked_dirs.to_a ###################### # Unicorn # You can find the default setting here # https://github.com/tablexi/capistrano3-unicorn # # Also negroku adds some unicorn settings, here are the defaults # https://github.com/platanus/negroku/blob/master/lib/negroku/deploy/unicorn.rb # This are some example you might want to change that will not brake anything # set :unicorn_template_type, "rails_activerecord" # set :unicorn_workers, 1 # set :unicorn_workers_timeout, 30