# Change Log An [unreleased] version is not available on rubygems and is subject to changes and must not be considered final. Elements of unreleased list may be edited or removed at any time. ## [unreleased] - [Added] Schedule and Occurence ## [0.5.1] 2017-04-16 - [Added] Support to log HTTP requests and responses. - [Added] Rename keys with better names while supporting old methods - [Fix] Avoid circular require warnings when running tests ## [0.5.0] 2016-11-26 - [Added] Add search object and filtering api - [Added] Add support for document uploading - [Added] Add link API - [Added] Add tests for attributes - [Added] Add charge method on customer - [Added] Add pagination on list ## [0.4.0] 2016-06-01 - [Added] Add charge reversal method (@zentetsukenz) - [Updated] Update Rest-Client version (@zacksiri) ## [0.3.0] 2016-02-18 - [Added] Add Events API ## [0.2.1] 2015-12-01 - [Added] Add fetching options to customer cards (6ef31e6) ## [0.2.0] 2015-11-13 - [Added] Add Omise-Version header to request. - [Fixed] Fix auto expanding attribute does not play well with expand=true. - [Fixed] Fix bank accounts were typecasted as OmiseObject instead of being typecasted as BankAccount. ## [0.1.5] 2015-07-29 - [Added] Add json dependency in the gemspec. - [Added] New DigiCert CA certificates. ## [0.1.1] 2015-01-19 - [Fixed] Fix a charge object is not able to retrieve its transaction object. ## [0.1.0] 2015-01-19 - [Added] Add support for the Refund API. - [Added] Add a test suite that can be run locally without the need for a network connection or to set Omise keys. - [Added] Add a list method to retrieve a list of objects. - [Changed] Move typecast and load_response methods into a Util module. - [Removed] Remove the ability to retrieve a list by calling retrieve without arguments. ## [0.0.1] - 2014-11-18 - Initial version.