const escapeSelector = axe.utils.escapeSelector; let isXHTML; const ignoredAttributes = [ 'class', 'style', 'id', 'selected', 'checked', 'disabled', 'tabindex', 'aria-checked', 'aria-selected', 'aria-invalid', 'aria-activedescendant', 'aria-busy', 'aria-disabled', 'aria-expanded', 'aria-grabbed', 'aria-pressed', 'aria-valuenow' ]; const MAXATTRIBUTELENGTH = 31; /** * get the attribute name and value as a string * @param {Element} node The element that has the attribute * @param {Attribute} at The attribute * @return {String} */ function getAttributeNameValue(node, at) { const name =; let atnv; if (name.indexOf('href') !== -1 || name.indexOf('src') !== -1) { let friendly = axe.utils.getFriendlyUriEnd(node.getAttribute(name)); if (friendly) { let value = encodeURI(friendly); if (value) { atnv = escapeSelector( + '$="' + escapeSelector(value) + '"'; } else { return; } } else { atnv = escapeSelector( + '="' + escapeSelector(node.getAttribute(name)) + '"'; } } else { atnv = escapeSelector(name) + '="' + escapeSelector(at.value) + '"'; } return atnv; } function countSort(a, b) { return a.count < b.count ? -1 : a.count === b.count ? 0 : 1; } /** * Filter the attributes * @param {Attribute} The potential attribute * @return {Boolean} Whether to include or exclude */ function filterAttributes(at) { return ( !ignoredAttributes.includes( &&':') === -1 && (!at.value || at.value.length < MAXATTRIBUTELENGTH) ); } /** * Calculate the statistics for the classes, attributes and tags on the page, using * the virtual DOM tree * @param {Object} domTree The root node of the virtual DOM tree * @returns {Object} The statistics consisting of three maps, one for classes, * one for tags and one for attributes. The map values are * the counts for how many elements with that feature exist */ axe.utils.getSelectorData = function(domTree) { /* eslint max-statements:["error", 22], no-loop-func:0*/ // Initialize the return structure with the three maps let data = { classes: {}, tags: {}, attributes: {} }; domTree = Array.isArray(domTree) ? domTree : [domTree]; let currentLevel = domTree.slice(); let stack = []; while (currentLevel.length) { let current = currentLevel.pop(); let node = current.actualNode; if (!!node.querySelectorAll) { // ignore #text nodes // count the tag let tag = node.nodeName; if (data.tags[tag]) { data.tags[tag]++; } else { data.tags[tag] = 1; } // count all the classes if (node.classList) { Array.from(node.classList).forEach(cl => { const ind = escapeSelector(cl); if (data.classes[ind]) { data.classes[ind]++; } else { data.classes[ind] = 1; } }); } // count all the filtered attributes if (node.attributes) { Array.from(node.attributes) .filter(filterAttributes) .forEach(at => { let atnv = getAttributeNameValue(node, at); if (atnv) { if (data.attributes[atnv]) { data.attributes[atnv]++; } else { data.attributes[atnv] = 1; } } }); } } if (current.children.length) { // "recurse" stack.push(currentLevel); currentLevel = current.children.slice(); } while (!currentLevel.length && stack.length) { currentLevel = stack.pop(); } } return data; }; /** * Given a node and the statistics on class frequency on the page, * return all its uncommon class data sorted in order of decreasing uniqueness * @param {Element} node The node * @param {Object} classData The map of classes to counts * @return {Array} The sorted array of uncommon class data */ function uncommonClasses(node, selectorData) { // eslint no-loop-func:false let retVal = []; let classData = selectorData.classes; let tagData = selectorData.tags; if (node.classList) { Array.from(node.classList).forEach(cl => { let ind = escapeSelector(cl); if (classData[ind] < tagData[node.nodeName]) { retVal.push({ name: ind, count: classData[ind], species: 'class' }); } }); } return retVal.sort(countSort); } /** * Given an element and a selector that finds that element (but possibly other sibling elements) * return the :nth-child(n) pseudo selector that uniquely finds the node within its siblings * @param {Element} elm The Element * @param {String} selector The selector * @return {String} The nth-child selector */ function getNthChildString(elm, selector) { const siblings = (elm.parentNode && Array.from(elm.parentNode.children || '')) || []; const hasMatchingSiblings = siblings.find( sibling => sibling !== elm && axe.utils.matchesSelector(sibling, selector) ); if (hasMatchingSiblings) { const nthChild = 1 + siblings.indexOf(elm); return ':nth-child(' + nthChild + ')'; } else { return ''; } } /** * Get ID selector */ function getElmId(elm) { if (!elm.getAttribute('id')) { return; } let doc = (elm.getRootNode && elm.getRootNode()) || document; const id = '#' + escapeSelector(elm.getAttribute('id') || ''); if ( // Don't include youtube's uid values, they change on reload !id.match(/player_uid_/) && // Don't include IDs that occur more then once on the page doc.querySelectorAll(id).length === 1 ) { return id; } } /** * Return the base CSS selector for a given element * @param {HTMLElement} elm The element to get the selector for * @return {String|Array} Base CSS selector for the node */ function getBaseSelector(elm) { if (typeof isXHTML === 'undefined') { isXHTML = axe.utils.isXHTML(document); } return escapeSelector(isXHTML ? elm.localName : elm.nodeName.toLowerCase()); } /** * Given a node and the statistics on attribute frequency on the page, * return all its uncommon attribute data sorted in order of decreasing uniqueness * @param {Element} node The node * @param {Object} attData The map of attributes to counts * @return {Array} The sorted array of uncommon attribute data */ function uncommonAttributes(node, selectorData) { let retVal = []; let attData = selectorData.attributes; let tagData = selectorData.tags; if (node.attributes) { Array.from(node.attributes) .filter(filterAttributes) .forEach(at => { const atnv = getAttributeNameValue(node, at); if (atnv && attData[atnv] < tagData[node.nodeName]) { retVal.push({ name: atnv, count: attData[atnv], species: 'attribute' }); } }); } return retVal.sort(countSort); } /** * generates a selector fragment for an element based on the statistics of the page in * which the element exists. This function takes into account the fact that selectors that * use classes and tags are much faster than universal selectors. It also tries to use a * unique class selector before a unique attribute selector (with the tag), followed by * a selector made up of the three least common features statistically. A feature will * also only be used if it is less common than the tag of the element itself. * * @param {Element} elm The element for which to generate a selector * @param {Object} options Options for how to generate the selector * @param {RootNode} doc The root node of the document or document fragment * @returns {String} The selector */ function getThreeLeastCommonFeatures(elm, selectorData) { let selector = ''; let features; let clss = uncommonClasses(elm, selectorData); let atts = uncommonAttributes(elm, selectorData); if (clss.length && clss[0].count === 1) { // only use the unique class features = [clss[0]]; } else if (atts.length && atts[0].count === 1) { // only use the unique attribute value features = [atts[0]]; // if no class, add the tag selector = getBaseSelector(elm); } else { features = clss.concat(atts); // sort by least common features.sort(countSort); // select three least common features features = features.slice(0, 3); // if no class, add the tag if ( !features.some(feat => { return feat.species === 'class'; }) ) { // has no class selector = getBaseSelector(elm); } else { // put the classes at the front of the selector features.sort((a, b) => { return a.species !== b.species && a.species === 'class' ? -1 : a.species === b.species ? 0 : 1; }); } } // construct the return value return (selector += features.reduce((val, feat) => { /*eslint indent: 0*/ switch (feat.species) { case 'class': return val + '.' +; case 'attribute': return val + '[' + + ']'; } return val; // should never happen }, '')); } /** * generates a single selector for an element * @param {Element} elm The element for which to generate a selector * @param {Object} options Options for how to generate the selector * @param {RootNode} doc The root node of the document or document fragment * @returns {String} The selector */ function generateSelector(elm, options, doc) { /*eslint max-statements:["error", 22], no-loop-func:0*/ if (!axe._selectorData) { throw new Error('Expect axe._selectorData to be set up'); } const { toRoot = false } = options; let selector; let similar; /** * Try to find a unique selector by filtering out all the clashing * nodes by adding ancestor selectors iteratively. * This loop is much faster than recursing and using querySelectorAll */ do { let features = getElmId(elm); if (!features) { features = getThreeLeastCommonFeatures(elm, axe._selectorData); features += getNthChildString(elm, features); } if (selector) { selector = features + ' > ' + selector; } else { selector = features; } if (!similar) { similar = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll(selector)); } else { similar = similar.filter(item => { return axe.utils.matchesSelector(item, selector); }); } elm = elm.parentElement; } while ((similar.length > 1 || toRoot) && elm && elm.nodeType !== 11); if (similar.length === 1) { return selector; } else if (selector.indexOf(' > ') !== -1) { // For the odd case that document doesn't have a unique selector return ':root' + selector.substring(selector.indexOf(' > ')); } return ':root'; } /** * Gets a unique CSS selector * @param {HTMLElement} node The element to get the selector for * @param {Object} optional options * @returns {String|Array} Unique CSS selector for the node */ axe.utils.getSelector = function createUniqueSelector(elm, options = {}) { if (!elm) { return ''; } let doc = (elm.getRootNode && elm.getRootNode()) || document; if (doc.nodeType === 11) { // DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT let stack = []; while (doc.nodeType === 11) { stack.push({ elm: elm, doc: doc }); elm =; doc = elm.getRootNode(); } stack.push({ elm: elm, doc: doc }); return stack.reverse().map(comp => { return generateSelector(comp.elm, options, comp.doc); }); } else { return generateSelector(elm, options, doc); } };