require_relative '../model' module Spaceship class ConnectAPI class User include Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Model attr_accessor :username attr_accessor :first_name attr_accessor :last_name attr_accessor :email attr_accessor :preferred_currency_territory attr_accessor :agreed_to_terms attr_accessor :roles attr_accessor :all_apps_visible attr_accessor :provisioning_allowed attr_accessor :email_vetting_required attr_accessor :notifications attr_accessor :visible_apps attr_mapping({ "username" => "username", "firstName" => "first_name", "lastName" => "last_name", "email" => "email", "preferredCurrencyTerritory" => "preferred_currency_territory", "agreedToTerms" => "agreed_to_terms", "roles" => "roles", "allAppsVisible" => "all_apps_visible", "provisioningAllowed" => "provisioning_allowed", "emailVettingRequired" => "email_vetting_required", "notifications" => "notifications", "visibleApps" => "visible_apps" }) ESSENTIAL_INCLUDES = [ "visibleApps" ].join(",") def self.type return "users" end module UserRole ADMIN = "ADMIN" FINANCE = "FINANCE" TECHNICAL = "TECHNICAL" SALES = "SALES" MARKETING = "MARKETING" DEVELOPER = "DEVELOPER" ACCOUNT_HOLDER = "ACCOUNT_HOLDER" READ_ONLY = "READ_ONLY" APP_MANAGER = "APP_MANAGER" ACCESS_TO_REPORTS = "ACCESS_TO_REPORTS" CUSTOMER_SUPPORT = "CUSTOMER_SUPPORT" end # # API # def self.all(client: nil, filter: {}, includes: ESSENTIAL_INCLUDES, limit: nil, sort: nil) client ||= Spaceship::ConnectAPI resps = client.get_users(filter: filter, includes: includes).all_pages return resps.flat_map(&:to_models) end def self.find(client: nil, email: nil, includes: ESSENTIAL_INCLUDES) client ||= Spaceship::ConnectAPI return all(client: client, filter: { email: email }, includes: includes) end # @param client [ConnectAPI] ConnectAPI client. # @param all_apps_visible [Boolean] If all apps must be visible to a user. true - if a user must see all apps, you must not provide visible_app_ids, `false` - a user must see only a limited list of apps, and you must provide visible_app_ids. nil if no change is needed. # @param provisioning_allowed [Bool] If a user with a Developer or App Manager role must have access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles. true - if a user must be able to create new certificates and provisioning profiles, `false` - otherwise. nil if no change is needed. # @param roles [Array] Array of strings describing user roles. You can use defined constants in the UserRole, or refer to the Apple Documentation . Pass nil if no change is needed. # @param visible_app_ids [Array] Array of strings with application identifiers the user needs access to. nil if no apps change is needed or user must have access to all apps. # @return (User) Modified user. def update(client: nil, all_apps_visible: nil, provisioning_allowed: nil, roles: nil, visible_app_ids: nil) client ||= Spaceship::ConnectAPI all_apps_visible = all_apps_visible.nil? ? self.all_apps_visible : all_apps_visible provisioning_allowed = provisioning_allowed.nil? ? self.provisioning_allowed : provisioning_allowed roles ||= self.roles visible_app_ids ||= resp = client.patch_user( user_id:, all_apps_visible: all_apps_visible, provisioning_allowed: provisioning_allowed, roles: roles, visible_app_ids: visible_app_ids ) return resp.to_models.first end def delete!(client: nil) client ||= Spaceship::ConnectAPI client.delete_user(user_id: id) end def get_visible_apps(client: nil, limit: nil) client ||= Spaceship::ConnectAPI resp = client.get_user_visible_apps(user_id: id, limit: limit) return resp.to_models end end end end