namespace :extconf do extension = File.basename(__FILE__, '.rake') ext = "ext/#{extension}" ext_so = "#{ext}/#{extension}.#{Config::CONFIG['DLEXT']}" ext_files = FileList[ "#{ext}/*.c", "#{ext}/*.h", "#{ext}/*.rl", "#{ext}/extconf.rb", "#{ext}/Makefile", # "lib" ] task :compile => extension do if Dir.glob("**/#{extension}.*").length == 0 STDERR.puts "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" STDERR.puts "Gem actually failed to build. Your system is" STDERR.puts "NOT configured properly to build #{GEM_NAME}." STDERR.puts "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" exit(1) end end desc "Builds just the #{extension} extension" task extension.to_sym => ["#{ext}/Makefile", ext_so ] file "#{ext}/Makefile" => ["#{ext}/extconf.rb"] do Dir.chdir(ext) do ruby "extconf.rb" end end file ext_so => ext_files do Dir.chdir(ext) do sh(PLATFORM =~ /win32/ ? 'nmake' : 'make') end end end