/*! Tablesaw - v3.1.2 - 2019-03-19
* https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw
* Copyright (c) 2019 Filament Group; Licensed MIT */
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(["jquery"], function (jQuery) {
return (root.Tablesaw = factory(jQuery, root));
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
if( "document" in root ) {
module.exports = factory(require('jquery'), root);
} else {
// special jQuery case for CommonJS (pass in a window)
module.exports = factory(require('jquery')(root), root);
} else {
root.Tablesaw = factory(jQuery, root);
}(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function ($, window) {
"use strict";
var document = window.document;
// Account for Tablesaw being loaded either before or after the DOMContentLoaded event is fired.
var domContentLoadedTriggered = /complete|loaded/.test(document.readyState);
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
domContentLoadedTriggered = true;
var Tablesaw = {
i18n: {
modeStack: "Stack",
modeSwipe: "Swipe",
modeToggle: "Toggle",
modeSwitchColumnsAbbreviated: "Cols",
modeSwitchColumns: "Columns",
columnToggleButton: "Columns",
columnToggleError: "No eligible columns.",
sort: "Sort",
swipePreviousColumn: "Previous column",
swipeNextColumn: "Next column"
// cut the mustard
"head" in document && // IE9+, Firefox 4+, Safari 5.1+, Mobile Safari 4.1+, Opera 11.5+, Android 2.3+
(!window.blackberry || window.WebKitPoint) && // only WebKit Blackberry (OS 6+)
$: $,
_init: function(element) {
Tablesaw.$(element || document).trigger("enhance.tablesaw");
init: function(element) {
// Account for Tablesaw being loaded either before or after the DOMContentLoaded event is fired.
domContentLoadedTriggered =
domContentLoadedTriggered || /complete|loaded/.test(document.readyState);
if (!domContentLoadedTriggered) {
if ("addEventListener" in document) {
// Use raw DOMContentLoaded instead of shoestring (may have issues in Android 2.3, exhibited by stack table)
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
} else {
$(document).on("enhance.tablesaw", function() {
// Extend i18n config, if one exists.
if (typeof TablesawConfig !== "undefined" && TablesawConfig.i18n) {
Tablesaw.i18n = $.extend(Tablesaw.i18n, TablesawConfig.i18n || {});
Tablesaw.i18n.modes = [
if (Tablesaw.mustard) {
(function() {
var pluginName = "tablesaw";
var classes = {
toolbar: "tablesaw-bar"
var events = {
create: "tablesawcreate",
destroy: "tablesawdestroy",
refresh: "tablesawrefresh",
resize: "tablesawresize"
var defaultMode = "stack";
var initSelector = "table";
var initFilterSelector = "[data-tablesaw],[data-tablesaw-mode],[data-tablesaw-sortable]";
var defaultConfig = {};
Tablesaw.events = events;
var Table = function(element) {
if (!element) {
throw new Error("Tablesaw requires an element.");
this.table = element;
this.$table = $(element);
// only one and
are allowed, per the specification
this.$thead = this.$table
// multiple are allowed, per the specification
this.$tbody = this.$table.children().filter("tbody");
this.mode = this.$table.attr("data-tablesaw-mode") || defaultMode;
this.$toolbar = null;
this.attributes = {
subrow: "data-tablesaw-subrow",
ignorerow: "data-tablesaw-ignorerow"
Table.prototype.init = function() {
if (!this.$thead.length) {
throw new Error("tablesaw: a is required, but none was found.");
if (!this.$thead.find("th").length) {
throw new Error("tablesaw: no header cells found. Are you using
inside of ?");
// assign an id if there is none
if (!this.$table.attr("id")) {
this.$table.attr("id", pluginName + "-" + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000));
this.$table.data(pluginName, this);
this.$table.trigger(events.create, [this]);
Table.prototype.getConfig = function(pluginSpecificConfig) {
// shoestring extend doesn’t support arbitrary args
var configs = $.extend(defaultConfig, pluginSpecificConfig || {});
return $.extend(configs, typeof TablesawConfig !== "undefined" ? TablesawConfig : {});
Table.prototype._getPrimaryHeaderRow = function() {
return this._getHeaderRows().eq(0);
Table.prototype._getHeaderRows = function() {
return this.$thead
.filter(function() {
return !$(this).is("[data-tablesaw-ignorerow]");
Table.prototype._getRowIndex = function($row) {
return $row.prevAll().length;
Table.prototype._getHeaderRowIndeces = function() {
var self = this;
var indeces = [];
this._getHeaderRows().each(function() {
return indeces;
Table.prototype._getPrimaryHeaderCells = function($row) {
return ($row || this._getPrimaryHeaderRow()).find("th");
Table.prototype._$getCells = function(th) {
var self = this;
return $(th)
.filter(function() {
var $t = $(this);
var $row = $t.parent();
var hasColspan = $t.is("[colspan]");
// no subrows or ignored rows (keep cells in ignored rows that do not have a colspan)
return (
!$row.is("[" + self.attributes.subrow + "]") &&
(!$row.is("[" + self.attributes.ignorerow + "]") || !hasColspan)
Table.prototype._getVisibleColspan = function() {
var colspan = 0;
this._getPrimaryHeaderCells().each(function() {
var $t = $(this);
if ($t.css("display") !== "none") {
colspan += parseInt($t.attr("colspan"), 10) || 1;
return colspan;
Table.prototype.getColspanForCell = function($cell) {
var visibleColspan = this._getVisibleColspan();
var visibleSiblingColumns = 0;
if ($cell.closest("tr").data("tablesaw-rowspanned")) {
$cell.siblings().each(function() {
var $t = $(this);
var colColspan = parseInt($t.attr("colspan"), 10) || 1;
if ($t.css("display") !== "none") {
visibleSiblingColumns += colColspan;
// console.log( $cell[ 0 ], visibleColspan, visibleSiblingColumns );
return visibleColspan - visibleSiblingColumns;
Table.prototype.isCellInColumn = function(header, cell) {
return $(header)
.filter(function() {
return this === cell;
Table.prototype.updateColspanCells = function(cls, header, userAction) {
var self = this;
var primaryHeaderRow = self._getPrimaryHeaderRow();
// find persistent column rowspans
this.$table.find("[rowspan][data-tablesaw-priority]").each(function() {
var $t = $(this);
if ($t.attr("data-tablesaw-priority") !== "persist") {
var $row = $t.closest("tr");
var rowspan = parseInt($t.attr("rowspan"), 10);
if (rowspan > 1) {
$row = $row.next();
$row.data("tablesaw-rowspanned", true);
.filter(function() {
// is not in primary header row
return $(this).closest("tr")[0] !== primaryHeaderRow[0];
.each(function() {
var $cell = $(this);
if (userAction === undefined || self.isCellInColumn(header, this)) {
} else {
// if is not a user action AND the cell is not in the updating column, kill it
var colspan = self.getColspanForCell($cell);
if (cls && userAction !== undefined) {
// console.log( colspan === 0 ? "addClass" : "removeClass", $cell );
$cell[colspan === 0 ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](cls);
// cache original colspan
var maxColspan = parseInt($cell.attr("data-tablesaw-maxcolspan"), 10);
if (!maxColspan) {
$cell.attr("data-tablesaw-maxcolspan", $cell.attr("colspan"));
} else if (colspan > maxColspan) {
colspan = maxColspan;
// console.log( this, "setting colspan to ", colspan );
$cell.attr("colspan", colspan);
Table.prototype._findPrimaryHeadersForCell = function(cell) {
var $headerRow = this._getPrimaryHeaderRow();
var headerRowIndex = this._getRowIndex($headerRow);
var results = [];
for (var rowNumber = 0; rowNumber < this.headerMapping.length; rowNumber++) {
if (rowNumber === headerRowIndex) {
for (var colNumber = 0; colNumber < this.headerMapping[rowNumber].length; colNumber++) {
if (this.headerMapping[rowNumber][colNumber] === cell) {
return results;
// used by init cells
Table.prototype.getRows = function() {
var self = this;
return this.$table.find("tr").filter(function() {
return $(this)
// used by sortable
Table.prototype.getBodyRows = function(tbody) {
return (tbody ? $(tbody) : this.$tbody).children().filter("tr");
Table.prototype.getHeaderCellIndex = function(cell) {
var lookup = this.headerMapping[0];
for (var colIndex = 0; colIndex < lookup.length; colIndex++) {
if (lookup[colIndex] === cell) {
return colIndex;
return -1;
Table.prototype._initCells = function() {
// re-establish original colspans
this.$table.find("[data-tablesaw-maxcolspan]").each(function() {
var $t = $(this);
$t.attr("colspan", $t.attr("data-tablesaw-maxcolspan"));
var $rows = this.getRows();
var columnLookup = [];
$rows.each(function(rowNumber) {
columnLookup[rowNumber] = [];
$rows.each(function(rowNumber) {
var coltally = 0;
var $t = $(this);
var children = $t.children();
children.each(function() {
var colspan = parseInt(
this.getAttribute("data-tablesaw-maxcolspan") || this.getAttribute("colspan"),
var rowspan = parseInt(this.getAttribute("rowspan"), 10);
// set in a previous rowspan
while (columnLookup[rowNumber][coltally]) {
columnLookup[rowNumber][coltally] = this;
// TODO? both colspan and rowspan
if (colspan) {
for (var k = 0; k < colspan - 1; k++) {
columnLookup[rowNumber][coltally] = this;
if (rowspan) {
for (var j = 1; j < rowspan; j++) {
columnLookup[rowNumber + j][coltally] = this;
var headerRowIndeces = this._getHeaderRowIndeces();
for (var colNumber = 0; colNumber < columnLookup[0].length; colNumber++) {
for (var headerIndex = 0, k = headerRowIndeces.length; headerIndex < k; headerIndex++) {
var headerCol = columnLookup[headerRowIndeces[headerIndex]][colNumber];
var rowNumber = headerRowIndeces[headerIndex];
var rowCell;
if (!headerCol.cells) {
headerCol.cells = [];
while (rowNumber < columnLookup.length) {
rowCell = columnLookup[rowNumber][colNumber];
if (headerCol !== rowCell) {
this.headerMapping = columnLookup;
Table.prototype.refresh = function() {
this.$table.trigger(events.refresh, [this]);
Table.prototype._getToolbarAnchor = function() {
var $parent = this.$table.parent();
if ($parent.is(".tablesaw-overflow")) {
return $parent;
return this.$table;
Table.prototype._getToolbar = function($anchor) {
if (!$anchor) {
$anchor = this._getToolbarAnchor();
return $anchor.prev().filter("." + classes.toolbar);
Table.prototype.createToolbar = function() {
// Insert the toolbar
// TODO move this into a separate component
var $anchor = this._getToolbarAnchor();
var $toolbar = this._getToolbar($anchor);
if (!$toolbar.length) {
$toolbar = $("