require 'helper' module CouplerUnitTests module ModelTests class TestImport < Coupler::Test::UnitTest def new_import(attribs = {}) values = { :data => fixture_file_upload('people.csv'), :project => @project }.update(attribs) r = r.stubs(:project_dataset).returns(stub({:all => [values[:project]]})) r end def setup super @project = stub('project', :pk => 456, :id => 456, :associations => {}) @project.stubs(:resources_dataset).returns(stub { stubs(:filter).returns(self) stubs(:count).returns(0) }) end test "sequel model" do assert_equal ::Sequel::Model, Models::Import.superclass assert_equal :imports, Import.table_name end test "many to one project" do assert_respond_to, :project end test "one to one resource" do assert_respond_to, :resource end test "gets name from original filename" do import = new_import assert_equal "People", end test "preview with headers" do import = new_import preview = import.preview assert_kind_of Array, preview assert_equal 50, preview.length assert_kind_of Array, preview[0] assert_not_equal %w{id first_name last_name age}, preview[0] end test "discovers field names and types" do import = new_import expected_types = %w{integer string string integer} expected_names = %w{id first_name last_name age} assert_equal expected_names, import.field_names assert_equal expected_types, import.field_types assert_equal "id", import.primary_key_name assert import.has_headers end test "discover for csv with no headers" do tempfile ='coupler-import') tempfile.write("foo,bar,1,2,3\njunk,blah,4,5,6") tempfile.close import = new_import(:data => file_upload(tempfile.path)) expected_types = %w{string string integer integer integer} assert_equal expected_types, import.field_types assert_nil import.field_names assert_nil import.primary_key_name assert !import.has_headers end test "requires name" do import = new_import(:name => nil) assert !import.valid? end test "requires field names" do import = new_import(:data => fixture_file_upload('no-headers.csv')) assert_nil import.field_names assert !import.valid? end test "requires primary key name" do import = new_import(:data => fixture_file_upload('no-headers.csv')) import.field_names = %w{id first_name last_name age} assert !import.valid? end test "requires valid primary key name" do import = new_import(:data => fixture_file_upload('no-headers.csv')) import.field_names = %w{id first_name last_name age} import.primary_key_name = "foo" assert !import.valid? end test "requires unique field names" do tempfile ='coupler-import') tempfile.write("id,foo,foo\n1,abc,def\n2,ghi,jkl\n3,mno,pqr") tempfile.close import = new_import(:data => file_upload(tempfile.path)) assert !import.valid? end test "requires unused resource name" do import = new_import import.expects(:validates_unique).with([:project_id, :name]).returns(false) import.valid? end test "dataset" do import =! expected = mock('dataset') @project.expects(:local_database).yields(mock { expects(:[]).with(:"import_#{}").returns(expected) }) import.dataset do |actual| assert_equal expected, actual end end test "discover fields for csv with headers and varying number of fields" do tempfile ='coupler-import') tempfile.write("id,foo,bar\n1,2,3\n1,4,5\n1,6,7,\n123,456,789,,\n") tempfile.close import = new_import(:data => file_upload(tempfile.path)) expected_types = %w{integer integer integer string string} expected_names = %w{id foo bar} assert_equal expected_names, import.field_names assert_equal expected_types, import.field_types assert_equal "id", import.primary_key_name assert import.has_headers end test "jobified" do assert Import.ancestors.include?(Jobify) end end end end