Feature: Tab Panel Background: Given I open the application Scenario Outline: Close tab When I open the page "" And I right click the tab with path "" And I follow "Close Tab" Then I should have no open tabs Examples: | path | | /Home | | /Home/About | | /Home/Personal stuff/Notes | | /Home/Development/Programming Languages | | /Home/Personal stuff/Addresses | | /Home/Development/Programming Languages/Ruby | Scenario Outline: Close other tabs When I open the page "/Home" When I open the page "/Home/Development/Programming Languages/Ruby" And I open the page "/Home/About" And I right click the tab with path "" And I follow "Close Other Tabs" Then I should have the following open tabs: | | And I should see active tab titled "<title>" Examples: | path | title | | /Home | Home | | /Home/Development/Programming Languages/Ruby | Ruby | | /Home/About | About | Scenario: Close all tabs When I open the page "/Home" When I open the page "/Home/Development/Programming Languages/Ruby" And I open the page "/Home/About" And I right click the tab with path "/Home/About" And I follow "Close All Tabs" Then I should have no open tabs