module Pay module Stripe class Subscription attr_accessor :stripe_subscription attr_reader :pay_subscription delegate :active?, :canceled?, :on_grace_period?, :ends_at, :name, :on_trial?, :processor_id, :processor_plan, :processor_subscription, :prorate, :prorate?, :quantity, :quantity?, :stripe_account, :subscription_items, :trial_ends_at, :pause_behavior, :pause_resumes_at, :current_period_start, :current_period_end, to: :pay_subscription def self.sync(subscription_id, object: nil, name: nil, stripe_account: nil, try: 0, retries: 1) # Skip loading the latest subscription details from the API if we already have it object ||= ::Stripe::Subscription.retrieve({id: subscription_id}.merge(expand_options), {stripe_account: stripe_account}.compact) pay_customer = Pay::Customer.find_by(processor: :stripe, processor_id: object.customer) return unless pay_customer attributes = { application_fee_percent: object.application_fee_percent, created_at:, processor_plan:, quantity: object.items.first.try(:quantity) || 0, status: object.status, stripe_account: pay_customer.stripe_account, metadata: object.metadata, subscription_items: [], metered: false, pause_behavior: object.pause_collection&.behavior, pause_resumes_at: (object.pause_collection&.resumes_at ? : nil), current_period_start: (object.current_period_start ? : nil), current_period_end: (object.current_period_end ? : nil) } # Subscriptions that have ended should have their trial ended at the # same time if they were still on trial (if you cancel a # subscription, your are cancelling your trial as well at the same # instant). This avoids canceled subscriptions responding `true` # to #on_trial? due to the `trial_ends_at` being left set in the # future. if object.trial_end trial_ended_at = [object.ended_at, object.trial_end].compact.min attributes[:trial_ends_at] = end # Record subscription items to db object.items.auto_paging_each do |subscription_item| if !attributes[:metered] && (subscription_item.to_hash.dig(:price, :recurring, :usage_type) == "metered") attributes[:metered] = true end attributes[:subscription_items] << subscription_item.to_hash.slice(:id, :price, :metadata, :quantity) end attributes[:ends_at] = if object.ended_at # Fully cancelled subscription elsif object.cancel_at # subscription cancelling in the future elsif object.cancel_at_period_end # Subscriptions cancelling in the future end # Update or create the subscription pay_subscription = pay_customer.subscriptions.find_by(processor_id: if pay_subscription # If pause behavior is changing to `void`, record the pause start date # Any other pause status (or no pause at all) should have nil for start if pay_subscription.pause_behavior != attributes[:pause_behavior] attributes[:pause_starts_at] = if attributes[:pause_behavior] == "void" end end pay_subscription.with_lock { pay_subscription.update!(attributes) } else # Allow setting the subscription name in metadata, otherwise use the default name ||= object.metadata["pay_name"] || Pay.default_product_name pay_subscription = pay_customer.subscriptions.create!(attributes.merge(name: name, processor_id: end # Cache the Stripe subscription on the Pay::Subscription that we return pay_subscription.stripe_subscription = object # Sync the latest charge if we already have it loaded (like during subscrbe), otherwise, let webhooks take care of creating it if (charge = object.try(:latest_invoice).try(:charge)) && charge.try(:status) == "succeeded" Pay::Stripe::Charge.sync(, stripe_account: pay_subscription.stripe_account) end pay_subscription rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique try += 1 if try <= retries sleep 0.1 retry else raise end end # Common expand options for all requests that create, retrieve, or update a Stripe Subscription def self.expand_options { expand: [ "pending_setup_intent", "latest_invoice.payment_intent", "latest_invoice.charge", "", "latest_invoice.total_tax_amounts.tax_rate" ] } end def initialize(pay_subscription) @pay_subscription = pay_subscription end def subscription(**options) options[:id] = processor_id @stripe_subscription ||= ::Stripe::Subscription.retrieve(options.merge(expand_options), {stripe_account: stripe_account}.compact) end def reload! @stripe_subscription = nil end # Returns a SetupIntent or PaymentIntent client secret for the subscription def client_secret stripe_sub = subscription stripe_sub&.pending_setup_intent&.client_secret || stripe_sub&.latest_invoice&.payment_intent&.client_secret end def cancel(**options) @stripe_subscription = ::Stripe::Subscription.update(processor_id, {cancel_at_period_end: true}.merge(expand_options), stripe_options) pay_subscription.update(ends_at: (on_trial? ? trial_ends_at : rescue ::Stripe::StripeError => e raise Pay::Stripe::Error, e end # Cancels a subscription immediately # # cancel_now!(prorate: true) # cancel_now!(invoice_now: true) def cancel_now!(**options) @stripe_subscription = ::Stripe::Subscription.cancel(processor_id, options.merge(expand_options), stripe_options) pay_subscription.update(ends_at: Time.current, status: :canceled) rescue ::Stripe::StripeError => e raise Pay::Stripe::Error, e end # This updates a SubscriptionItem's quantity in Stripe # # For a subscription with a single item, we can update the subscription directly if no SubscriptionItem ID is available # Otherwise a SubscriptionItem ID is required so Stripe knows which entry to update def change_quantity(quantity, **options) subscription_item_id = options.delete(:subscription_item_id) || subscription_items&.first&.dig("id") if subscription_item_id ::Stripe::SubscriptionItem.update(subscription_item_id, options.merge(quantity: quantity), stripe_options) @stripe_subscription = nil else @stripe_subscription = ::Stripe::Subscription.update(processor_id, options.merge(quantity: quantity).merge(expand_options), stripe_options) end true rescue ::Stripe::StripeError => e raise Pay::Stripe::Error, e end def paused? pause_behavior == "void" end # Pauses a Stripe subscription # # pause(behavior: "mark_uncollectible") # pause(behavior: "keep_as_draft") # pause(behavior: "void") # pause(behavior: "mark_uncollectible", resumes_at: 1.month.from_now) # # `void` - If you can’t provide your services for a certain period of time, you can void invoices that are created by your subscriptions so that your customers aren’t charged. # `keep_as_draft` - If you want to temporarily offer your services for free and collect payments later # `mark_uncollectible` - If you want to offer your services for free # # pause_behavior of `void` is considered active until the end of the current period and not active after that. The current_period_end is stored as `pause_starts_at` # Other pause_behaviors do not set `pause_starts_at` because they are used for offering free services def pause(**options) attributes = {pause_collection: options.reverse_merge(behavior: "void")} @stripe_subscription = ::Stripe::Subscription.update(processor_id, attributes.merge(expand_options), stripe_options) behavior = @stripe_subscription.pause_collection&.behavior pay_subscription.update( pause_behavior: behavior, pause_resumes_at: (@stripe_subscription.pause_collection&.resumes_at ? : nil), pause_starts_at: ((behavior == "void") ? : nil) ) end # Unpauses a subscription def unpause @stripe_subscription = ::Stripe::Subscription.update(processor_id, {pause_collection: nil}.merge(expand_options), stripe_options) pay_subscription.update( pause_behavior: nil, pause_resumes_at: nil, pause_starts_at: nil ) end def resume unless on_grace_period? || paused? raise StandardError, "You can only resume subscriptions within their grace period." end if paused? unpause else @stripe_subscription = ::Stripe::Subscription.update( processor_id, { plan: processor_plan, trial_end: (on_trial? ? trial_ends_at.to_i : "now"), cancel_at_period_end: false }.merge(expand_options), stripe_options ) end rescue ::Stripe::StripeError => e raise Pay::Stripe::Error, e end def swap(plan, **options) raise ArgumentError, "plan must be a string" unless plan.is_a?(String) proration_behavior = options.delete(:proration_behavior) || (prorate ? "always_invoice" : "none") @stripe_subscription = ::Stripe::Subscription.update( processor_id, { cancel_at_period_end: false, plan: plan, proration_behavior: proration_behavior, trial_end: (on_trial? ? trial_ends_at.to_i : "now"), quantity: quantity }.merge(expand_options), stripe_options ) # Validate that swap was successful and handle SCA if needed if (payment_intent = @stripe_subscription.latest_invoice.payment_intent) end pay_subscription.sync!(object: @stripe_subscription) rescue ::Stripe::StripeError => e raise Pay::Stripe::Error, e end # Creates a metered billing usage record # # Uses the first subscription_item ID unless `subscription_item_id: "si_1234"` is passed # # create_usage_record(quantity: 4, action: :increment) # create_usage_record(subscription_item_id: "si_1234", quantity: 100, action: :set) def create_usage_record(**options) subscription_item_id = options.fetch(:subscription_item_id, metered_subscription_item&.dig("id")) ::Stripe::SubscriptionItem.create_usage_record(subscription_item_id, options, stripe_options) end # Returns usage record summaries for a subscription item def usage_record_summaries(**options) subscription_item_id = options.fetch(:subscription_item_id, metered_subscription_item&.dig("id")) ::Stripe::SubscriptionItem.list_usage_record_summaries(subscription_item_id, options, stripe_options) end # Returns the first metered subscription item def metered_subscription_item subscription_items.find do |subscription_item| subscription_item.dig("price", "recurring", "usage_type") == "metered" end end # Returns an upcoming invoice for a subscription def upcoming_invoice(**options) ::Stripe::Invoice.upcoming(options.merge(subscription: processor_id), stripe_options) end # Retries the latest invoice for a Past Due subscription and attempts to pay it def retry_failed_payment(payment_intent_id: nil) payment_intent_id ||= payment_intent = ::Stripe::PaymentIntent.retrieve({id: payment_intent_id}, stripe_options) payment_intent = if payment_intent.status == "requires_payment_method" ::Stripe::PaymentIntent.confirm(payment_intent_id, {payment_method: pay_subscription.customer.default_payment_method.processor_id}, stripe_options) else ::Stripe::PaymentIntent.confirm(payment_intent_id, stripe_options) end rescue ::Stripe::StripeError => e raise Pay::Stripe::Error, e end def pay_open_invoices ::Stripe::Invoice.list({subscription: processor_id, status: :open}, stripe_options).auto_paging_each do |invoice| retry_failed_payment(payment_intent_id: invoice.payment_intent) end end private # Options for Stripe requests def stripe_options {stripe_account: stripe_account}.compact end def expand_options self.class.expand_options end end end end