module AsciidoctorBibliography module Formatters # This formatter emulates the behaviour of traditional Bib(La)TeX/NatBib citations. class TeX MACROS = { # NOTE: cite = citet 'cite' => { type: :textual, bracketed: true, authors: :abbreviated }, 'citet' => { type: :textual, bracketed: true, authors: :abbreviated }, 'citet*' => { type: :textual, bracketed: true, authors: :full }, 'citealt' => { type: :textual, bracketed: false, authors: :abbreviated }, 'citealt*' => { type: :textual, bracketed: false, authors: :full }, 'citep' => { type: :parenthetical, bracketed: true, authors: :abbreviated }, 'citep*' => { type: :parenthetical, bracketed: true, authors: :full }, 'citealp' => { type: :parenthetical, bracketed: false, authors: :abbreviated }, 'citealp*' => { type: :parenthetical, bracketed: false, authors: :full }, 'citeauthor' => { type: :authors_only, bracketed: false, authors: :abbreviated }, 'citeauthor*' => { type: :authors_only, bracketed: false, authors: :full }, 'citeyear' => { type: :years_only, bracketed: false }, 'citeyearpar' => { type: :years_only, bracketed: true } } attr_accessor :opening_bracket, :closing_bracket, :cites_separator, :style, :author_year_separator, :years_separator def initialize(format) if format == 'numbers' bibpunct = '{[}{]}{,}{n}{,}{,}' elsif format == 'authoryear' bibpunct = '{(}{)}{;}{a}{,}{,}' else raise StandardError, "Unknown TeX citation format: #{format}" end @opening_bracket, @closing_bracket, @cites_separator, @style, @author_year_separator, @years_separator = bibpunct.scan(/{.*?}/).map { |s| s[1..-2] } end def import(database) @database = database end def render(citation) macro_options = MACROS[citation.macro] output = [] case macro_options[:type] when :full # NOTE: deliberately repetitive to improve redability. when :textual citation.cites.each do |cite| authors = authors(macro_options[:authors], cite) if @style == 'n' year = cite.occurrence_index + 1 else year = year(cite) end cetera = Helpers.join_nonempty([year].concat(extra(cite)), @years_separator + ' ') cetera = bracket(cetera) if macro_options[:bracketed] label = Helpers.join_nonempty([authors, cetera], ' ') output << citation.xref(cite.key, label) end output = output.join(@cites_separator + ' ') when :parenthetical citation.cites.each do |cite| if @style == 'n' authors = nil year = cite.occurrence_index + 1 else authors = authors(macro_options[:authors], cite) year = year(cite) end cetera = Helpers.join_nonempty([year].concat(extra(cite)), @years_separator + ' ') label = Helpers.join_nonempty([authors, cetera], @author_year_separator + ' ') output << citation.xref(cite.key, label) end output = output.join(@cites_separator + ' ') output = bracket(output) if macro_options[:bracketed] when :authors_only citation.cites.each do |cite| authors = authors(macro_options[:authors], cite) year = nil cetera = Helpers.join_nonempty([year].concat(extra(cite)), @years_separator + ' ') label = Helpers.join_nonempty([authors, cetera], @author_year_separator + ' ') output << citation.xref(cite.key, label) end output = output.join(@cites_separator + ' ') output = bracket(output) if macro_options[:bracketed] when :years_only citation.cites.each do |cite| authors = nil year = year(cite) cetera = Helpers.join_nonempty([year].concat(extra(cite)), @years_separator + ' ') label = Helpers.join_nonempty([authors, cetera], @author_year_separator + ' ') output << citation.xref(cite.key, label) end output = output.join(@cites_separator + ' ') output = bracket(output) if macro_options[:bracketed] else raise StandardError, "Unknown TeX citation macro type: #{macro_options[:type]}" end output end private def bracket(string) [@opening_bracket, string, @closing_bracket].compact.join end def year(cite) issued = @database.find{ |h| h['id'] == cite.key }['issued']['date-parts'] return "" if issued.nil? return "" if issued.first.nil? issued.first.first end def extra(cite) na = cite.named_attributes extra = [] return extra if na.nil? # TODO: should this be configurable? extra << "Chapter #{na['chapter']}" unless na['chapter'].nil? extra << "Page #{na['page']}" unless na['page'].nil? extra end def authors(mode, cite) case mode when :full authors_full(cite) when :abbreviated authors_abbreviated(cite) else raise StandardError, "Unknown TeX citation authors mode: #{mode}" end end def authors_list(cite) authors = @database.find{ |h| h['id'] == cite.key }['author'] return [] if authors.nil?{ |h| h['family'] }.compact end def authors_abbreviated(cite) authors = authors_list(cite) return "" if authors.empty? authors.length > 1 ? "#{authors.first} et al." : authors.first end def authors_full(cite) authors = authors_list(cite) return "" if authors.empty? Helpers.to_sentence authors end end end end