require 'helper' require 'cassanity/client' describe Cassanity::Client do let(:driver) { double('Driver') } before do # Ensure that we never hit cassandra for real here. Cql::Client.stub(:connect => driver) end describe "#initialize" do it "passes arguments to cassandra cql database instance" do Cql::Client.should_receive(:connect). with(hash_including(hosts: ['localhost'], port: 1234, some: 'option'))['localhost'], 1234, some: 'option') end it "defaults servers if not present" do Cql::Client.should_receive(:connect). with(hash_including(hosts: [''], port: 9042)) end it "defaults servers if nil" do Cql::Client.should_receive(:connect). with(hash_including(hosts: [''], port: 9042)) end it "allows passing instrumenter to executor, but does not pass it to driver instance" do instrumenter = double('Instrumenter') driver = double('Driver') executor = double('Executor') Cql::Client.should_receive(:connect). with(hash_not_including(instrumenter: instrumenter)). and_return(driver) Cassanity::Executors::CqlRb.should_receive(:new). with(hash_including(driver: driver, instrumenter: instrumenter)). and_return(executor)['localhost'], 1234, instrumenter: instrumenter) end it "sets cassandra cql database instance as driver" do client = client.driver.should be_instance_of(driver.class) end it "builds driver, executor and connection" do driver = double('Driver') executor = double('Executor') connection = double('Connection') Cql::Client.should_receive(:connect).and_return(driver) Cassanity::Executors::CqlRb.should_receive(:new). with(hash_including(driver: driver)). and_return(executor) Cassanity::Connection.should_receive(:new). with(executor: executor). and_return(connection) client = client.driver.should be(driver) client.executor.should be(executor) client.connection.should be(connection) end end describe "#keyspaces" do it "delegates to connection" do keyspace = double('Keyspace') keyspaces = [keyspace] client = client.connection.stub(:keyspaces => keyspaces) client.keyspaces.should be(keyspaces) end end describe "#keyspace" do it "delegates to connection" do keyspace = double('Keyspace') client = client.connection.stub(:keyspace => keyspace) client.keyspace(:foo).should be(keyspace) end end describe "#[]" do it "delegates to connection" do keyspace = double('Keyspace') client = client.connection.stub(:[] => keyspace) client[:foo].should be(keyspace) end end describe "#batch" do it "delegates to connection" do modifications = [[:insert, :stuff]] client = client.connection.should_receive(:batch). with(modifications). and_return(:booyeah) client.batch(modifications) end end describe "#inspect" do it "return representation" do result = subject.inspect result.should match(/#{described_class}/) result.should match(/driver=/) result.should match(/executor=/) result.should match(/connection=/) end end end