module Svgeez class SpriteBuilder def initialize(options) @source = File.expand_path(options.fetch('source', './')) @destination = File.expand_path(options.fetch('destination', './_svgeez')) @with_svgo = options['svgo'] end def build unless source_is_destination? if input_file_paths.any? %{Generating sprite at `#{output_file_path}` from #{input_file_paths.length} SVG#{'s' if input_file_paths.length > 1}...} # Make destination directory FileUtils.mkdir_p(@destination) # Notify if SVGO requested but not found if @with_svgo && !svgo_installed? Svgeez.logger.warn %{Unable to find `svgo` in your PATH. Continuing with standard sprite generation...} end # Write the file, 'w') do |f| f.write build_output_file_contents end %{Successfully generated sprite at `#{output_file_path}`.} else Svgeez.logger.warn %{No SVGs were found in `#{@source}`.} end else Svgeez.logger.error %{Setting `source` and `destination` to the same path isn't allowed!} end end def build_output_file_contents ''.tap do |output_file_contents| # Loop over all input files, grabbing their content, and appending to `output_file_contents` input_file_paths.each do |file_path| file_contents = use_svgo? ? `svgo -i #{file_path} -o -` : pattern = /^viewBox=".*?").*?>(?.*?)<\/svg>/m file_contents.match(pattern) do |matches| output_file_contents << %{#{matches[:content]}} end end output_file_contents << '' end end def input_file_paths Dir.glob(File.join(@source, '*.svg')) end def output_file_path File.join(@destination, %{#{source_basename}.svg}) end def source_basename @source_basename ||= File.basename(@source) end def source_is_destination? @source == @destination end def svgo_installed? @svgo_installed ||= find_executable0('svgo') end def use_svgo? @use_svgo ||= @with_svgo && svgo_installed? end end end