require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') require 'solrizer' require "solrizer/fedora" describe Solrizer::Fedora::Indexer do before(:each) do @extractor = mock("Extractor") @extractor.stubs(:html_content_to_solr).returns(@solr_doc) @solr_doc = Solrizer::Extractor.expects(:new).returns(@extractor) end describe "#new" do describe "creates a connection to solr" do describe "from blacklight config" do before do Object.const_set("Blacklight", String ) Blacklight.stubs(:solr_config).returns({:url=>'http://fake:8888/solr/dev', :read_timeout=>121, :open_timeout => 122}) end after do Object.send(:remove_const,:Blacklight) end it "should set url and timeout properties" do RSolr.expects(:connect).with({:url=>'http://fake:8888/solr/dev', :read_timeout=>121, :open_timeout => 122}) end it "should raise and error if there is not a :url in the config hash" do Blacklight.stubs(:solr_config).returns({:boosh => ""}) lambda { }.should raise_error(URI::InvalidURIError) end it "should return a fulltext URL if solr_config has a fulltext url defined" do Blacklight.stubs(:solr_config).returns({:fulltext =>{ 'url' => ""}, :default =>{ 'url' => ""}}) @indexer = => true) @indexer.solr.uri.to_s.should == "" end it "should gracefully handle when index_full_text is true but there is no fulltext in the configuration" do Blacklight.stubs(:solr_config).returns({:default =>{ 'url' => ""}}) @indexer = => true) @indexer.solr.uri.to_s.should == "" end it "should return a fulltext URL if solr_config has a default url defined" do Blacklight.stubs(:solr_config).returns({:default =>{ 'url' => ""}}) @indexer = => false) @indexer.solr.uri.to_s.should == "" end end end describe "in a rails application" do before do Object.const_set("Rails", String) Rails.stubs(:root).returns(".") Rails.stubs(:env).returns("test") end after do Object.send(:remove_const, :Rails) end it "should find the solr.yml even if Blacklight is not loaded" do YAML.stubs(:load).returns({'test' => {'url' => ""}}) @indexer = end end it "should find the solr.yml even if Blacklight is not loaded and RAILS is not loaded" do YAML.stubs(:load).returns({'development' => {'url' => ""}}) @indexer = end end end