# Breadcrumbs On Rails *BreadcrumbsOnRails* is a simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating and managing a breadcrumb navigation for a Rails project. It provides helpers for creating navigation elements with a flexible interface. ## Requirements * Rails 3 Please note * BreadcrumbsOnRails 2.x requires Rails 3. Use BreadcrumbsOnRails 1.x with Rails 2. * BreadcrumbsOnRails doesn't work with Rails 2.1 or lower. ## Installation [RubyGems](http://rubygems.org) is the preferred way to install *BreadcrumbsOnRails* and the best way if you want install a stable version. $ gem install breadcrumbs_on_rails Specify the Gem dependency in the [Bundler](http://gembundler.com) `Gemfile`. gem "breadcrumbs_on_rails" Use [Bundler](http://gembundler.com) and the [:git option](http://gembundler.com/v1.0/git.html) if you want to grab the latest version from the Git repository. ## Basic Usage Creating a breadcrumb navigation menu in your Rails app using *BreadcrumbsOnRails* is really straightforward. In your controller, call `add_breadcrumb` to push a new element on the breadcrumb stack. `add_breadcrumb` requires two arguments: the name of the breadcrumb and the target path. class MyController add_breadcrumb "home", :root_path add_breadcrumb "my", :my_path def index # ... add_breadcrumb "index", index_path end end The third, optional argument is a Hash of options to customize the breadcrumb link. class MyController def index add_breadcrumb "index", index_path, :title => "Back to the Index" end end In your view, you can render the breadcrumb menu with the `render_breadcrumbs` helper.