require 'matrix' require 'stopwords' module Epitome class Corpus attr_reader :original_corpus def initialize(document_collection, lang="en") # lang is the language used to initialize the stopword list @lang = lang # Massage the document_collection into a more workable form @original_corpus = {} document_collection.each { |document| @original_corpus[] = document.text } @clean_corpus = {} @original_corpus.each do |key, value| @clean_corpus[key] = clean value end # Dictionary of term-frequency for each word # to avoid unnecessary computations @word_tf_doc = {} # Just the sentences @sentences = @original_corpus.values.flatten # The number of documents in the corpus @n_docs = @original_corpus.keys.size end def summary(summary_length, threshold=0.2, output=:string) s = @clean_corpus.values.flatten # n is the number of sentences in the total corpus n = @clean_corpus.values.flatten.size # Vector of Similarity Degree for each sentence in the corpus degree = {0.00} # Square matrix of dimension n = number of sentences cosine_matrix = do |i, j| if idf_modified_cosine(s[i], s[j]) > threshold degree[i] += 1.0 1.0 else 0.0 end end # Similarity Matrix similarity_matrix = do |i,j| degree[i] == 0 ? 0.0 : ( cosine_matrix[i,j] / degree[i] ) end # Random walk ala PageRank # in the form of a power method results = power_method similarity_matrix, n, 0.85 # Ugly sleight of hand to return a text based on results # Results => Results => ResultsText h = Hash[] if output == :array return h.sort_by {|k, v| v}.reverse.first(summary_length).to_h.keys elsif output == :string return h.sort_by {|k, v| v}.reverse.first(summary_length).to_h.keys.join(" ") else return "No return format specified." end end private def clean(sentence_array) # Clean the sentences a bit to avoid unnecessary operations # # Create stopword filter filter = @lang do |s| s = s.downcase filter.filter(s.split).join(" ") end end def n_docs_including_w(word) # Count the number of documents in the corpus containing the word # Look for the word in the dictionnary first, calculate if not present @word_tf_doc.fetch(word) do |w| count = 0 docs = [] # Concanate the each document sentences to make it easier to search @clean_corpus.values.each { |sentences| docs << sentences.join(" ") } # Here, we user an interpolated string instead of a regex to avoid # weird corner cases docs.each { |s| count += 1 if s.include? "#{word}" } @word_tf_doc[w] = count count end end def idf(word) # Number of documents in which word appears # Inverse Frequency Smooth (as per wikipedia article) result = Math.log( @n_docs / n_docs_including_w(word) ) # Return 1 to avoid words having all the same td_idf by multiplying by 0 return result == 0 ? 1.0 : result end def tf(sentence, word) # Number of occurences of word in sentence sentence.scan(word).count end def sentence_tfidf_sum(sentence) # The Sum of tfidf values for each of the words in a sentence sentence.split(" ") .map { |word| (tf(sentence, word)**2) * idf(word) } .inject(:+) end def idf_modified_cosine(x, y) # Compute the similarity between two sentences x, y # using the modified cosine tfidf formula numerator = (x + " " + y).split(" ") .map { |word| tf(x, word) * tf(y, word) * (idf(word)**2) } .inject(:+) denominator = Math.sqrt(sentence_tfidf_sum(x)) * Math.sqrt(sentence_tfidf_sum(y)) numerator / denominator end def power_method(matrix, n, e) # Accept a stochastic, irreducible & aperiodic matrix M # Accept a matrix size n, an error tolerance e # Output Eigenvector p # init values t = 0 p = Vector.elements( { (1.0 / n) * 1} ) sigma = 1 until sigma < e t += 1 prev_p = p.clone p = matrix.transpose * prev_p sigma = (p - prev_p).norm end p.to_a end end end