require 'spec_helper' require 'materialist/event_worker' RSpec.describe Materialist::EventWorker do describe "#perform" do let(:source_url) { '' } let(:event) {{ 'topic' => :foobar, 'url' => source_url, 'type' => 'noop' }} let!(:materializer_class) { FoobarMaterializer = } let(:metrics_client) { double(increment: true) } before do allow(FoobarMaterializer).to receive(:perform) Materialist.configure { |c| c.metrics_client = metrics_client } end after { Object.send(:remove_const, :FoobarMaterializer) } let(:perform) { subject.perform(event) } it "calls the relevant materializer" do expect(FoobarMaterializer).to receive(:perform).with(source_url, :noop) perform end it 'logs success to metrics' do expect(metrics_client).to receive(:increment).with( "materialist.event_worker.success", tags: ["action:noop", "topic:foobar"] ) perform end it 'does not log latency' do expect(metrics_client).to_not receive(:histogram) perform end context 'when there is an error' do let(:error){ } before do expect(FoobarMaterializer).to receive(:perform).and_raise error end it 'logs failure to metrics and re-raises the error' do expect(metrics_client).to receive(:increment).with( "materialist.event_worker.failure", tags: ["action:noop", "topic:foobar"] ) expect{ perform }.to raise_error error end end context 'when event has a timestamp' do let(:event) {{ 'topic' => :foobar, 'url' => source_url, 'type' => 'noop', 't' => '1519659773842' }} it 'logs latency to metrics' do expect(metrics_client).to receive(:histogram).with( "materialist.event_latency", instance_of(Float), tags: ["topic:foobar"] ) perform end end end end