module Rasputin class RequirePreprocessor < Tilt::Template REQUIRE_PATTERN = /require\(\s*['"]([^\)]+)['"]\s*\)\s*;?\s*/ HEADER_PATTERN = / \A ( (?m:\s*) ( (\/\* (?m:.*?) \*\/) | (\#\#\# (?m:.*?) \#\#\#) | (\/\/ .* \n?)+ | (\# .* \n?)+ | (#{REQUIRE_PATTERN} \n?)+ ) )+ /x DIRECTIVE_PATTERN = /^\s*#{REQUIRE_PATTERN}$/ TREE_PATTERN = /\*\*\/\*$/ DIRECTORY_PATTERN = /\*$/ attr_reader :pathname attr_reader :header, :body def prepare @pathname = @use_javascript_require = Rails.configuration.rasputin.use_javascript_require @strip_javascript_require = Rails.configuration.rasputin.strip_javascript_require if @use_javascript_require @header = data[HEADER_PATTERN, 0] || "" @body = $' || data # Ensure body ends in a new line @body += "\n" if @body != "" && @body !~ /\n\Z/m else @body = data end end def evaluate(context, locals, &block) if @use_javascript_require @context = context process_directives processed_source else body end end def processed_header if @use_javascript_require && @strip_javascript_require lineno = 0 @processed_header ||= { |line| lineno += 1 # Replace directive line with a clean break directives.assoc(lineno) ? "\n" : line }.join.chomp else @processed_header ||= header.chomp end end def processed_source @processed_source ||= processed_header + "\n" + body end def directives @directives ||= { |line, index| if line =~ DIRECTIVE_PATTERN name, path = detect_directive($1) if respond_to?("process_#{name}_directive") [index + 1, name, path] end end }.compact end protected attr_reader :context def process_directives directives.each do |line_number, name, path| context.__LINE__ = line_number send("process_#{name}_directive", path) context.__LINE__ = nil end end def detect_directive(path) if path =~ TREE_PATTERN return :require_tree, absolute_path_to_directory(path, TREE_PATTERN) elsif path =~ DIRECTORY_PATTERN return :require_directory, absolute_path_to_directory(path, DIRECTORY_PATTERN) else return :require_file, path end end ### # Directives implementation ### # `path` def process_require_file_directive(path) if relative?(path) # The path must be absolute. raise ArgumentError, "require argument must be absolute path" else context.require_asset(path) end end # `path/*` def process_require_directory_directive(path) if relative?(path) # The path must be absolute. raise ArgumentError, "require_directory argument must be absolute path" else root = unless (stats = stat(root)) && raise ArgumentError, "require_directory argument must be a directory" end context.depend_on(root) entries(root).each do |pathname| pathname = root.join(pathname) if pathname.to_s == self.file next elsif context.asset_requirable?(pathname) context.require_asset(pathname) end end end end # `path/**/*` def process_require_tree_directive(path) if relative?(path) # The path must be absolute. raise ArgumentError, "require_tree argument must be absolute path" else root = unless (stats = stat(root)) && raise ArgumentError, "require_tree argument must be a directory" end context.depend_on(root) each_entry(root) do |pathname| if pathname.to_s == self.file next elsif stat(pathname).directory? context.depend_on(pathname) elsif context.asset_requirable?(pathname) context.require_asset(pathname) end end end end private def absolute_path_to_directory(path, pattern) File.join(context.root_path, path.gsub(pattern, '')) end def relative?(path) path =~ /^\.($|\.?\/)/ end def stat(path) context.environment.stat(path) end def entries(path) context.environment.entries(path) end def each_entry(root, &block) context.environment.each_entry(root, &block) end end end