module Shoulda module Context class Context # :nodoc: attr_accessor :name # my name attr_accessor :parent # may be another context, or the original test::unit class. attr_accessor :subcontexts # array of contexts nested under myself attr_accessor :setup_blocks # blocks given via setup methods attr_accessor :teardown_blocks # blocks given via teardown methods attr_accessor :shoulds # array of hashes representing the should statements attr_accessor :should_eventuallys # array of hashes representing the should eventually statements # accessor with cache def subject_block return @subject_block if @subject_block parent.subject_block end attr_writer :subject_block def initialize(name, parent, &blk) Shoulda::Context.add_context(self) = name self.parent = parent self.setup_blocks = [] self.teardown_blocks = [] self.shoulds = [] self.should_eventuallys = [] self.subcontexts = [] self.subject_block = nil if block_given? merge_block(&blk) else merge_block { warn " * WARNING: Block missing for context '#{full_name}'" } end Shoulda::Context.remove_context end def merge_block(&blk) if self.respond_to?(:instance_exec) self.instance_exec(&blk) else # deprecated in Rails 4.x blk.bind(self).call end end def context(name, &blk) self.subcontexts <<, self, &blk) end def setup(&blk) self.setup_blocks << blk end def teardown(&blk) self.teardown_blocks << blk end def should(name_or_matcher, options = {}, &blk) if name_or_matcher.respond_to?(:description) && name_or_matcher.respond_to?(:matches?) name = name_or_matcher.description blk = lambda { assert_accepts name_or_matcher, subject } else name = name_or_matcher end if blk self.shoulds << { :name => name, :before => options[:before], :block => blk } else self.should_eventuallys << { :name => name } end end def should_not(matcher) name = matcher.description blk = lambda { assert_rejects matcher, subject } self.shoulds << { :name => "not #{name}", :block => blk } end def should_eventually(name, &blk) self.should_eventuallys << { :name => name, :block => blk } end def subject(&block) self.subject_block = block end def full_name parent_name = parent.full_name if am_subcontext? return [parent_name, name].join(" ").strip end def am_subcontext? parent.is_a?(self.class) # my parent is the same class as myself. end def test_unit_class am_subcontext? ? parent.test_unit_class : parent end def test_methods @test_methods ||= { |h,k| h[k] = Hash[ { |n| [n, true] }] } end def create_test_from_should_hash(should) test_name = build_test_name_from(should) if test_methods[test_unit_class][test_name.to_s] raise "'#{test_name}' is defined more than once." ) end test_methods[test_unit_class][test_name.to_s] = true file, line_no = should[:block].source_location # Ruby doesn't know that we are referring to this variable inside of the # eval, so it will emit a warning that it's "assigned but unused". # However, making a double assignment places `context` on the right hand # side of the assignment, thereby putting it into use. context = context = self test_unit_class.class_eval <<-end_eval, file, line_no define_method test_name do @shoulda_context = context begin context.run_parent_setup_blocks(self) if should[:before] instance_exec(&should[:before]) end context.run_current_setup_blocks(self) instance_exec(&should[:block]) ensure context.run_all_teardown_blocks(self) end end end_eval end def build_test_name_from(should) [ test_name_prefix, full_name, "should", "#{should[:name]}. " ].flatten.join(' ').to_sym end def run_all_setup_blocks(binding) run_parent_setup_blocks(binding) run_current_setup_blocks(binding) end def run_parent_setup_blocks(binding) self.parent.run_all_setup_blocks(binding) if am_subcontext? end def run_current_setup_blocks(binding) setup_blocks.each do |setup_block| if binding.respond_to?(:instance_exec) binding.instance_exec(&setup_block) else # deprecated in Rails 4.x setup_block.bind(binding).call end end end def run_all_teardown_blocks(binding) teardown_blocks.reverse.each do |teardown_block| if binding.respond_to?(:instance_exec) binding.instance_exec(&teardown_block) else # deprecated in Rails 4.x teardown_block.bind(binding).call end end self.parent.run_all_teardown_blocks(binding) if am_subcontext? end def print_should_eventuallys should_eventuallys.each do |should| test_name = [full_name, "should", "#{should[:name]}. "].flatten.join(' ') puts " * DEFERRED: " + test_name end end def build shoulds.each do |should| create_test_from_should_hash(should) end subcontexts.each { |context| } print_should_eventuallys end def test_name_prefix if defined?(Minitest) 'test_:' else 'test:' end end def method_missing(method, *args, &blk) test_unit_class.send(method, *args, &blk) end end class DuplicateTestError < RuntimeError; end end end