# encoding: utf-8 require File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") describe "#draw_text" do before(:each) { create_pdf } it "should raise ArgumentError if :at option omitted" do lambda { @pdf.draw_text("hai", { }) }.should.raise(ArgumentError) end it "should raise ArgumentError if :align option included" do lambda { @pdf.draw_text("hai", :at => [0, 0], :align => :center) }.should.raise(ArgumentError) end it "should default to 12 point helvetica" do @pdf.draw_text("Blah", :at => [100,100]) text = PDF::Inspector::Text.analyze(@pdf.render) text.font_settings[0][:name].should == :Helvetica text.font_settings[0][:size].should == 12 text.strings.first.should == "Blah" end it "should allow setting font size" do @pdf.draw_text("Blah", :at => [100,100], :size => 16) text = PDF::Inspector::Text.analyze(@pdf.render) text.font_settings[0][:size].should == 16 end it "should allow setting a default font size" do @pdf.font_size = 16 @pdf.draw_text("Blah", :at => [0, 0]) text = PDF::Inspector::Text.analyze(@pdf.render) text.font_settings[0][:size].should == 16 end it "should allow overriding default font for a single instance" do @pdf.font_size = 16 @pdf.draw_text("Blah", :size => 11, :at => [0, 0]) @pdf.draw_text("Blaz", :at => [0, 0]) text = PDF::Inspector::Text.analyze(@pdf.render) text.font_settings[0][:size].should == 11 text.font_settings[1][:size].should == 16 end it "should allow setting a font size transaction with a block" do @pdf.font_size 16 do @pdf.draw_text('Blah', :at => [0, 0]) end @pdf.draw_text('blah', :at => [0, 0]) text = PDF::Inspector::Text.analyze(@pdf.render) text.font_settings[0][:size].should == 16 text.font_settings[1][:size].should == 12 end it "should allow manual setting the font size " + "when in a font size block" do @pdf.font_size(16) do @pdf.draw_text('Foo', :at => [0, 0]) @pdf.draw_text('Blah', :size => 11, :at => [0, 0]) @pdf.draw_text('Blaz', :at => [0, 0]) end text = PDF::Inspector::Text.analyze(@pdf.render) text.font_settings[0][:size].should == 16 text.font_settings[1][:size].should == 11 text.font_settings[2][:size].should == 16 end it "should allow registering of built-in font_settings on the fly" do @pdf.font "Times-Roman" @pdf.draw_text("Blah", :at => [100,100], :at => [0, 0]) @pdf.font "Courier" @pdf.draw_text("Blaz", :at => [150,150], :at => [0, 0]) text = PDF::Inspector::Text.analyze(@pdf.render) text.font_settings[0][:name].should == :"Times-Roman" text.font_settings[1][:name].should == :Courier end it "should raise an exception when an unknown font is used" do lambda { @pdf.font "Pao bu" }.should.raise(Prawn::Errors::UnknownFont) end it "should correctly render a utf-8 string when using a built-in font" do str = "©" # copyright symbol @pdf.draw_text(str, :at => [0, 0]) # grab the text from the rendered PDF and ensure it matches text = PDF::Inspector::Text.analyze(@pdf.render) text.strings.first.should == str end if "spec".respond_to?(:encode!) # Handle non utf-8 string encodings in a sane way on M17N aware VMs it "should raise an exception when a utf-8 incompatible string is rendered" do str = "Blah \xDD" str.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") lambda { @pdf.draw_text(str, :at => [0, 0]) }.should.raise(ArgumentError) end it "should not raise an exception when a shift-jis string is rendered" do datafile = "#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/data/shift_jis_text.txt" sjis_str = File.open(datafile, "r:shift_jis") { |f| f.gets } @pdf.font("#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/data/fonts/gkai00mp.ttf") lambda { @pdf.draw_text(sjis_str, :at => [0, 0]) }.should.not.raise(ArgumentError) end else # Handle non utf-8 string encodings in a sane way on non-M17N aware VMs it "should raise an exception when a corrupt utf-8 string is rendered" do str = "Blah \xDD" lambda { @pdf.draw_text(str, :at => [0, 0]) }.should.raise(ArgumentError) end it "should raise an exception when a shift-jis string is rendered" do sjis_str = File.read("#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/data/shift_jis_text.txt") lambda { @pdf.draw_text(sjis_str, :at => [0, 0]) }.should.raise(ArgumentError) end end end