require 'r10k/svn' require 'r10k/environment' require 'r10k/environment/name' require 'r10k/util/setopts' # This class implements a source for SVN environments. # # An SVN source generates environments by enumerating the branches and trunk # for a given SVN remote. SVN repositories must conform to the conventional # SVN repository structure with the directories trunk/, branches/, and # optionally tags/ in the root of the repository. The trunk/ directory is # specifically mapped to the production environment, branches are created # as environments with the name of the given branch. # # @see # @since 1.3.0 class R10K::Source::SVN < R10K::Source::Base R10K::Source.register(:svn, self) # @!attribute [r] remote # @return [String] The URL to the base directory of the SVN repository attr_reader :remote # @!attribute [r] svn_remote # @api private # @return [R10K::SVN::Remote] attr_reader :svn_remote # @!attribute [r] username # @return [String, nil] The SVN username to be passed to the underlying SVN commands # @api private attr_reader :username # @!attribute [r] password # @return [String, nil] The SVN password to be passed to the underlying SVN commands # @api private attr_reader :password # @!attribute [r] ignore_branch_prefixes # @return [Array<String>] Array of strings used to remove repository branches # that will be deployed as environments. attr_reader :ignore_branch_prefixes include R10K::Util::Setopts # Initialize the given source. # # @param name [String] The identifier for this source. # @param basedir [String] The base directory where the generated environments will be created. # @param options [Hash] An additional set of options for this source. # # @option options [Boolean] :prefix Whether to prefix the source name to the # environment directory names. Defaults to false. # @option options [String] :remote The URL to the base directory of the SVN repository # @option options [String] :username The SVN username # @option options [String] :password The SVN password # @option options [String] :puppetfile_name The puppetfile name def initialize(name, basedir, options = {}) super setopts(options, {:remote => :self, :username => :self, :password => :self, :puppetfile_name => :self }) @environments = [] @svn_remote =, :username => @username, :password => @password) @ignore_branch_prefixes = options[:ignore_branch_prefixes] end # Enumerate the environments associated with this SVN source. # # @return [Array<R10K::Environment::SVN>] An array of environments created # from this source. def environments if @environments.empty? @environments = generate_environments() end @environments end # Generate a list of currently available SVN environments # # @todo respect environment name corrections # # @api protected # @return [Array<R10K::Environment::SVN>] An array of environments created # from this source. def generate_environments do |(branch, path)| options = { :remote => path, :username => @username, :password => @password, :puppetfile_name => puppetfile_name }, @basedir, branch.dirname, options) end end # List all environments that should exist in the basedir for this source # @note This is required by {R10K::Util::Basedir} # @return [Array<String>] def desired_contents {|env| env.dirname } end def filter_branches(branches, ignore_prefixes) filter ="^(#{ignore_prefixes.join('|')})") branches = branches.reject do |branch| result = filter.match(branch) if result logger.warn _("Branch %{branch} filtered out by ignore_branch_prefixes %{ibp}") % {branch: branch, ibp: @ignore_branch_prefixes} end result end branches end private def names_and_paths branches = [] opts = {prefix: @prefix, correct: false, validate: false, source: @name, strip_component: @strip_component} branches << ['production', opts), "#{@remote}/trunk"] additional_branch_names = @svn_remote.branches if @ignore_branch_prefixes && !@ignore_branch_prefixes.empty? additional_branch_names = filter_branches(additional_branch_names, @ignore_branch_prefixes) end additional_branch_names.each do |branch| branches << [, opts), "#{@remote}/branches/#{branch}"] end branches end end