module MonomeSerial class MonomeCommunicator #It's important to note that the vanilla behaviour of these methods #doesn't match that of the OSC protocol specification as implemented #by the original OS X MonomeSerial application. In order to match #these behviours it is necessary to map the calls appropriately for #the given device and rotation. This class just provides raw access #to the serial protocol and serves it unadultered. attr_reader :communicator, :serial, :protocol def initialize(tty_path, opts = {}) opts.reverse_merge! :brightness => 10, :ignore_intro => false, :protocol => 'series' raise ArgumentError, "Unexpected protocol type: #{opts[:protocol]}. Expected 40h or series" unless ['40h', 'series'].include?(opts[:protocol]) @protocol = opts[:protocol] #try to pull out serial for the monome represented by #this tty_path match = tty_path.match /m(\d+h?)-(\d+)/ @serial = match ? match[2] : "Serial Unknown" #get communicator (will return a DummyCommunicator if the path #isn't correct) @communicator = SerialCommunicator.get_communicator(tty_path) #include the correct binary patterns if @protocol == "40h" extend SerialCommunicator::BinaryPatterns::Fourtyh else extend SerialCommunicator::BinaryPatterns::Series end if is_real? run_intromation unless opts[:ignore_intro] self.brightness = opts[:brightness] end end def illuminate_lamp(x,y) @communicator.write([led_on_pattern, x_y_coord_pattern(x,y)]) end def extinguish_lamp(x,y) @communicator.write([led_off_pattern, x_y_coord_pattern(x,y)]) end def illuminate_row(row, pattern) case pattern.size when 8 then @communicator.write([row_of_8_pattern(row), pattern]) when 16 then @communicator.write([row_of_16_pattern(row), pattern[0..7], pattern[8..15]]) else raise ArgumentError, "Incorrect length of pattern sent to MonomeSerial::Monome#illumninate_row. Expected 8 or 16, got #{pattern.size}" end end def illuminate_column(col, pattern) case pattern.size when 8 then @communicator.write([col_of_8_pattern(col), pattern]) when 16 then @communicator.write([col_of_16_pattern(col), pattern[0..7], pattern[8..15]]) else raise ArgumentError, "Incorrect length of pattern sent to MonomeSerial::Monome#illumninate_col. Expected 8 or 16, got #{pattern.size}" end end def illuminate_all @communicator.write([all_pattern]) end def extinguish_all @communicator.write([clear_pattern]) end def illuminate_frame(quadrant, patterns) raise ArgumentError, "Incorrect number of patterns sent to MonomeSerial::Monome#illuminate_frame. Expected 8, got #{patterns.size}" unless patterns.size == 8 reversed_patterns ={|pat| pat.reverse} @communicator.write([frame_pattern(quadrant), *reversed_patterns]) end def brightness=(intensity) @communicator.write([brightness_pattern(intensity)]) end def read end def is_real? @communicator && @communicator.class != MonomeSerial::SerialCommunicator::DummyCommunicator end private def run_intromation extinguish_all brightness = 1 illuminate_all sleep_times = [ 0, 0.072, 0.1030, 0.1159, 0.1236, 0.1287, 0.1324, 0.1352, 0.1373, 0.1390, 0.1404, 0.1416, 0.1426, 0.1435, 0.1442, 0.1448, 0.1278 ] (1..16).each do |brightness| self.brightness = brightness sleep_time = (sleep_times[16 - brightness]) / 4.0 sleep sleep_time end (1..16).to_a.reverse.each do |brightness| self.brightness = brightness sleep_time = (sleep_times[brightness]) / 10.0 sleep sleep_time end extinguish_all end end end