# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.shared_examples 'Database Schema' do context 'AAF shared implementation' do RSpec::Matchers.define :have_collations do |expected, name| match { |actual| expected.include?(actual[:Collation]) } failure_message do |actual| "expected #{name} to use collation #{expected.join(' or ')}, but was " \ "#{actual[:Collation]}" end end before { expect(connection).to be_a(Mysql2::Client) } def query(sql) connection.query(sql, as: :hash, symbolize_keys: true) end it 'has the correct encoding set for the connection' do expect(connection.query_options).to include(encoding: 'utf8') end it 'has the correct collation set for the connection' do expect(connection.query_options).to include(collation: 'utf8_bin') end it 'has the correct collation' do exemptions = defined?(collation_exemptions) ? collation_exemptions : [] db_collation = query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "collation_database"') .first[:Value] expect(db_collation).to eq('utf8_bin') query('SHOW TABLE STATUS').each do |table| table_name = table[:Name] next if table_name == 'schema_migrations' expect(table).to( have_collations(%w[utf8_bin utf8mb4_bin], "`#{table_name}`") ) query("SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `#{table_name}`").each do |column| next unless column[:Collation] next if exemptions.any? do |except_table, except_columns| except_table == table_name.to_sym && except_columns.any? do |except_column| except_column == column[:Field].to_sym end end expect(column) .to have_collations(%w[utf8_bin utf8mb4_bin utf8mb4_unicode_ci], " `#{table_name}`.`#{column[:Field]}`") end end end end end