require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../test_output_adapter') class IdResolverTestProxy attr_reader :api def initialize(original_resolver) @original_resolver = original_resolver define_id_finders end def scoped_options(scope, options, mode = nil) @original_resolver.scoped_options(scope, options, mode) end def searchables(resource) @original_resolver.searchables(resource) end def puppet_environment_id(options) environment_id(options) end def puppet_environment_ids(options) environment_ids(options) end protected def define_id_finders @original_resolver.api.resources.each do |resource| method_name = "#{resource.singular_name}_id" self.class.send(:define_method, method_name) do |options| value = options[HammerCLI.option_accessor_name("id")] value ||= HammerCLI::NilValue if searchables(resource).any? do |s| options[HammerCLI.option_accessor_name(] == HammerCLI::NilValue end value ||= 1 if searchables(resource).any? do |s| !options[HammerCLI.option_accessor_name(].nil? end value end method_name = "#{resource.singular_name}_ids" self.class.send(:define_method, method_name) do |options| options["option_#{resource.singular_name}_ids"].nil? ? nil : [1] end end end end module CommandTestHelper def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) base.before :each do resolver = cmd.resolver cmd.stubs(:resolver).returns( end end def count_records(data) HammerCLIForeman.collection_to_common_format(data['results']).count end module ClassMethods def with_params(params, &block) context "with params "+params.to_s do let(:with_params) { params } self.instance_eval &block end end def it_should_call_action(action, params, headers={}) it "should call action "+action.to_s do arguments ||= respond_to?(:with_params) ? with_params : [] ApipieBindings::API.any_instance.expects(:call).with() do |r,a,p,h,o| (r == && a == action && p == params && h == headers) end end end def it_should_call_action_and_test_params(action, &block) it "should call action "+action.to_s do arguments ||= respond_to?(:with_params) ? with_params : [] ApipieBindings::API.any_instance.expects(:call).with() do |r,a,p,h,o| (r == && a == action && yield(p)) end end end def it_should_fail_with(message, arguments=[]) it "should fail with " + message.to_s do HammerCLI::EX_USAGE end end def it_should_accept(message, arguments=[]) it "should accept " + message.to_s do out, err = capture_io do HammerCLI::EX_OK end end end def it_should_output(message, adapter=:base) it "should output '" + message.to_s + "'" do arguments ||= respond_to?(:with_params) ? with_params : [] cmd.stubs(:context).returns(ctx.update(:adapter => adapter)) out, err = capture_io do end out.must_include message end end def it_should_print_column(column_name, arguments=nil) it "should print column " + column_name do arguments ||= respond_to?(:with_params) ? with_params : [] cmd.stubs(:context).returns(ctx.update(:adapter => :test)) out, err = capture_io do end out.split("\n")[0].must_match /.*##{column_name}#.*/ end end def it_should_print_columns(column_names, arguments=nil) column_names.each do |name| it_should_print_column name, arguments end end def it_should_print_n_records(count=nil, arguments=nil) it "should print correct count of records" do arguments ||= respond_to?(:with_params) ? with_params : [] cmd.stubs(:context).returns(ctx.update(:adapter => :test)) count ||= expected_record_count rescue 0 out, err = capture_io do end out.split(/\n/).length.must_equal count+1 # plus 1 for line with column headers end end def it_should_accept_search_params it_should_accept "search", ["--search=some_search"] it_should_accept "per page", ["--per-page=1"] it_should_accept "page", ["--page=2"] it_should_accept "order", ["--order=order"] end end end