class Puppeteer::WaitTask using Puppeteer::DefineAsyncMethod class TerminatedError < StandardError; end class TimeoutError < StandardError def initialize(title:, timeout:) super("waiting for #{title} failed: timeout #{timeout}ms exceeded") end end def initialize(dom_world:, predicate_body:, title:, polling:, timeout:, args: [], binding_function: nil) if polling.is_a?(String) if polling != 'raf' && polling != 'mutation' raise"Unknown polling option: #{polling}") end elsif polling.is_a?(Numeric) unless polling.positive? raise"Cannot poll with non-positive interval: #{polling}") end else raise"Unknown polling options: #{polling}") end @dom_world = dom_world @polling = polling @timeout = timeout @predicate_body = "return (#{predicate_body})(...args);" @args = args @binding_function = binding_function @run_count = 0 @dom_world.send(:_wait_tasks).add(self) if binding_function @dom_world.send(:_bound_functions)[] = binding_function end @promise = resolvable_future # Since page navigation requires us to re-install the pageScript, we should track # timeout on our end. if timeout timeout_error = title, timeout: timeout) Concurrent::Promises.schedule(timeout / 1000.0) { terminate(timeout_error) unless @timeout_cleared } end async_rerun end # @return [Puppeteer::JSHandle] def await_promise @promise.value! end def terminate(error) @terminated = true @promise.reject(error) cleanup end def rerun run_count = (@run_count += 1) context = @dom_world.execution_context return if @terminated || run_count != @run_count if @binding_function @dom_world.add_binding_to_context(context, @binding_function) end return if @terminated || run_count != @run_count begin success = context.evaluate_handle( WAIT_FOR_PREDICATE_PAGE_FUNCTION, @predicate_body, @polling, @timeout, *@args, ) rescue => err error = err end if @terminated || run_count != @run_count if success success.dispose end return end # Ignore timeouts in pageScript - we track timeouts ourselves. # If the frame's execution context has already changed, `frame.evaluate` will # throw an error - ignore this predicate run altogether. if !error && (@dom_world.evaluate("s => !s", success) rescue true) success.dispose return end # When the page is navigated, the promise is rejected. # We will try again in the new execution context. if error && error.message.include?('Execution context was destroyed') return end # We could have tried to evaluate in a context which was already # destroyed. if error && error.message.include?('Cannot find context with specified id') return end if error @promise.reject(error) else @promise.fulfill(success) end cleanup end private def cleanup @timeout_cleared = true @dom_world.send(:_wait_tasks).delete(self) end private define_async_method :async_rerun WAIT_FOR_PREDICATE_PAGE_FUNCTION = <<~JAVASCRIPT async function _(predicateBody, polling, timeout, ...args) { const predicate = new Function('...args', predicateBody); let timedOut = false; if (timeout) setTimeout(() => (timedOut = true), timeout); if (polling === 'raf') return await pollRaf(); if (polling === 'mutation') return await pollMutation(); if (typeof polling === 'number') return await pollInterval(polling); /** * @return {!Promise<*>} */ async function pollMutation() { const success = await predicate(...args); if (success) return Promise.resolve(success); let fulfill; const result = new Promise((x) => (fulfill = x)); const observer = new MutationObserver(async () => { if (timedOut) { observer.disconnect(); fulfill(); } const success = await predicate(...args); if (success) { observer.disconnect(); fulfill(success); } }); observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true, }); return result; } async function pollRaf() { let fulfill; const result = new Promise((x) => (fulfill = x)); await onRaf(); return result; async function onRaf() { if (timedOut) { fulfill(); return; } const success = await predicate(...args); if (success) fulfill(success); else requestAnimationFrame(onRaf); } } async function pollInterval(pollInterval) { let fulfill; const result = new Promise((x) => (fulfill = x)); await onTimeout(); return result; async function onTimeout() { if (timedOut) { fulfill(); return; } const success = await predicate(...args); if (success) fulfill(success); else setTimeout(onTimeout, pollInterval); } } } JAVASCRIPT end