require_relative "yaml_adapter" require_relative "xml_adapter" require_relative "config" require_relative "type" require_relative "attribute" require_relative "mapping_rule" require_relative "mapping_hash" require_relative "xml_mapping" require_relative "key_value_mapping" require_relative "json_adapter" require_relative "comparable_model" require_relative "schema_location" require_relative "validation" require_relative "error" module Lutaml module Model module Serialize include ComparableModel include Validation def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods attr_accessor :attributes, :mappings def inherited(subclass) super @mappings ||= {} @attributes ||= {} subclass.instance_variable_set(:@attributes, @attributes.dup) subclass.instance_variable_set(:@mappings, @mappings.dup) subclass.instance_variable_set(:@model, subclass) end def model(klass = nil) if klass @model = klass add_order_handling_methods_to_model(klass) else @model end end def add_order_handling_methods_to_model(klass) Utils.add_method_if_not_defined(klass, :ordered=) do |ordered| @ordered = ordered end Utils.add_method_if_not_defined(klass, :ordered?) do !!@ordered end Utils.add_method_if_not_defined(klass, :mixed=) do |mixed| @mixed = mixed end Utils.add_method_if_not_defined(klass, :mixed?) do !!@mixed end Utils.add_method_if_not_defined(klass, :element_order=) do |order| @element_order = order end Utils.add_method_if_not_defined(klass, :element_order) do @element_order end end def cast(value) value end # Define an attribute for the model def attribute(name, type, options = {}) attr =, type, options) attributes[name] = attr define_method(name) do instance_variable_get(:"@#{name}") end define_method(:"#{name}=") do |value| instance_variable_set(:"@#{name}", attr.cast_value(value)) end end Lutaml::Model::Config::AVAILABLE_FORMATS.each do |format| define_method(format) do |&block| klass = format == :xml ? XmlMapping : KeyValueMapping mappings[format] ||= mappings[format].instance_eval(&block) if format == :xml && !mappings[format].root_element mappings[format].root(model.to_s) end end define_method(:"from_#{format}") do |data| adapter = Lutaml::Model::Config.send(:"#{format}_adapter") doc = adapter.parse(data) public_send(:"of_#{format}", doc) end define_method(:"of_#{format}") do |doc| if doc.is_a?(Array) return do |item| send(:"of_#{format}", item) end end if format == :xml doc_hash = doc.parse_element(doc.root, self, :xml) apply_mappings(doc_hash, format) else apply_mappings(doc.to_h, format) end end define_method(:"to_#{format}") do |instance| value = public_send(:"as_#{format}", instance) adapter = Lutaml::Model::Config.public_send(:"#{format}_adapter") if format == :xml xml_options = { mapper_class: self }"to_#{format}", xml_options) else"to_#{format}") end end define_method(:"as_#{format}") do |instance| if instance.is_a?(Array) return { |item| public_send(:"as_#{format}", item) } end unless instance.is_a?(model) msg = "argument is a '#{instance.class}' but should be a '#{model}'" raise Lutaml::Model::IncorrectModelError, msg end return instance if format == :xml hash_representation(instance, format) end end def hash_representation(instance, format, options = {}) only = options[:only] except = options[:except] mappings = mappings_for(format).mappings mappings.each_with_object({}) do |rule, hash| name = next if except&.include?(name) || (only && !only.include?(name)) next handle_delegate(instance, rule, hash, format) if rule.delegate if rule.custom_methods[:to] next instance.send(rule.custom_methods[:to], instance, hash) end value = instance.send(name) next if value.nil? && !rule.render_nil attribute = attributes[name] hash[rule.from] = if rule.child_mappings generate_hash_from_child_mappings(value, rule.child_mappings) else attribute.serialize(value, format, options) end end end def handle_delegate(instance, rule, hash, format) name = value = instance.send(rule.delegate).send(name) return if value.nil? && !rule.render_nil attribute = instance.send(rule.delegate).class.attributes[name] hash[rule.from] = attribute.serialize(value, format) end def mappings_for(format) mappings[format] || default_mappings(format) end def attr_value(attrs, name, attr_rule) value = if attrs.key?(name.to_sym) attrs[name.to_sym] elsif attrs.key?(name.to_s) attrs[name.to_s] else attr_rule.default end if attr_rule.collection? || value.is_a?(Array) (value || []).map do |v| if v.is_a?(Hash) else # TODO: This code is problematic because Type.cast does not know # about all the types. Lutaml::Model::Type.cast(v, attr_rule.type) end end else # TODO: This code is problematic because Type.cast does not know # about all the types. Lutaml::Model::Type.cast(value, attr_rule.type) end end def default_mappings(format) klass = format == :xml ? XmlMapping : KeyValueMapping do |mapping| attributes&.each do |name, attr| mapping.map_element( name.to_s, to: name, render_nil: attr.render_nil?, ) end mapping.root(to_s.split("::").last) if format == :xml end end def apply_child_mappings(hash, child_mappings) return hash unless child_mappings do |key, value| child_mappings.to_h do |attr_name, path| attr_value = if path == :key key elsif path == :value value else path = [path] unless path.is_a?(Array) value.dig(* end [attr_name, attr_value] end end end def generate_hash_from_child_mappings(value, child_mappings) return value unless child_mappings hash = {} value.each do |child_obj| map_key = nil map_value = {} child_mappings.each do |attr_name, path| if path == :key map_key = child_obj.send(attr_name) elsif path == :value map_value = child_obj.send(attr_name) else path = [path] unless path.is_a?(Array) path[0...-1].inject(map_value) do |acc, k| acc[k.to_s] ||= {} end.public_send(:[]=, path.last.to_s, child_obj.send(attr_name)) end end hash[map_key] = map_value end hash end def valid_rule?(rule) attribute = attribute_for_rule(rule) !!attribute || rule.custom_methods[:from] end def attribute_for_rule(rule) return attributes[] unless rule.delegate attributes[rule.delegate].type.attributes[] end def attribute_for_child(child_name, format) mapping_rule = mappings_for(format).find_by_name(child_name) attribute_for_rule(mapping_rule) if mapping_rule end def apply_mappings(doc, format, options = {}) instance = options[:instance] || return instance if Utils.blank?(doc) return apply_xml_mapping(doc, instance, options) if format == :xml mappings = mappings_for(format).mappings mappings.each do |rule| raise "Attribute '#{}' not found in #{self}" unless valid_rule?(rule) attr = attribute_for_rule(rule) value = if doc.key?( || doc.key?( doc[] || doc[] else attr.default end if rule.custom_methods[:from] if Utils.present?(value) value = new.send(rule.custom_methods[:from], instance, value) end next end value = apply_child_mappings(value, rule.child_mappings) value = attr.cast(value, format) rule.deserialize(instance, value, attributes, self) end instance end def apply_xml_mapping(doc, instance, options = {}) return instance unless doc mappings = mappings_for(:xml).mappings if doc.is_a?(Array) raise "May be `collection: true` is" \ "missing for #{self} in #{options[:caller_class]}" end if instance.respond_to?(:ordered=) && doc.is_a?(Lutaml::Model::MappingHash) instance.element_order = doc.item_order instance.ordered = mappings_for(:xml).ordered? || options[:ordered] instance.mixed = mappings_for(:xml).mixed_content? || options[:mixed_content] end if doc["__schema_location"] instance.schema_location = schema_location: doc["__schema_location"][:schema_location], prefix: doc["__schema_location"][:prefix], namespace: doc["__schema_location"][:namespace], ) end mappings.each do |rule| raise "Attribute '#{}' not found in #{self}" unless valid_rule?(rule) value = if rule.content_mapping? doc["text"] elsif doc.key?(rule.namespaced_name.to_s) || doc.key?(rule.namespaced_name.to_sym) doc[rule.namespaced_name.to_s] || doc[rule.namespaced_name.to_sym] else rule.to_value_for(instance) end value = normalize_xml_value(value, rule) rule.deserialize(instance, value, attributes, self) end instance end def normalize_xml_value(value, rule) attr = attribute_for_rule(rule) value = [value].compact if attr&.collection? && !value.is_a?(Array) value = if value.is_a?(Array) do |v| text_hash?(attr, v) ? v["text"] : v end elsif text_hash?(attr, value) value["text"] else value end if attr && !rule.content_mapping? value = attr.cast( value, :xml, caller_class: self, mixed_content: rule.mixed_content, ) end value end def text_hash?(attr, value) return false unless value.is_a?(Hash) return value.keys == ["text"] unless attr !(attr.type <= Serialize) && attr.type != Lutaml::Model::Type::Hash end def ensure_utf8(value) case value when String value.encode("UTF-8", invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: "") when Array { |v| ensure_utf8(v) } when Hash value.transform_keys do |k| ensure_utf8(k) end.transform_values do |v| ensure_utf8(v) end else value end end end attr_accessor :element_order, :schema_location attr_writer :ordered, :mixed def initialize(attrs = {}) @validate_on_set = attrs.delete(:validate_on_set) || false return unless self.class.attributes if attrs.is_a?(Lutaml::Model::MappingHash) @ordered = attrs.ordered? @element_order = attrs.item_order end if attrs.key?(:schema_location) self.schema_location = attrs[:schema_location] end self.class.attributes.each do |name, attr| value = if attrs.key?(name) || attrs.key?(name.to_s) self.class.attr_value(attrs, name, attr) else attr.default end # Initialize collections with an empty array if no value is provided if attr.collection? && value.nil? value = [] end instance_variable_set(:"@#{name}", self.class.ensure_utf8(value)) end end def method_missing(method_name, *args) if method_name.to_s.end_with?("=") && self.class.attributes.key?(method_name.to_s.chomp("=").to_sym) define_singleton_method(method_name) do |value| instance_variable_set(:"@#{method_name.to_s.chomp('=')}", value) end send(method_name, *args) else super end end def validate_attribute!(attr_name) attr = self.class.attributes[attr_name] value = instance_variable_get(:"@#{attr_name}") attr.validate_value!(value) end def ordered? !!@ordered end def mixed? !!@mixed end def key_exist?(hash, key) hash.key?(key.to_sym) || hash.key?(key.to_s) end def key_value(hash, key) hash[key.to_sym] || hash[key.to_s] end Lutaml::Model::Config::AVAILABLE_FORMATS.each do |format| define_method(:"to_#{format}") do |options = {}| adapter = Lutaml::Model::Config.public_send(:"#{format}_adapter") representation = if format == :xml self else self.class.hash_representation(self, format, options) end"to_#{format}", options) end end end end end