= TracWiki = TracWiki is a TracWiki-to-HTML converter for Trac wiki, http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/WikiFormatting. Project page on github: * http://github.com/vitstradal/trac-wiki == INSTALLATION == gem install trac-wiki == SYNOPSIS == require 'trac-wiki' html = TracWiki.render('== TracWiki text ==') # or html = TracWiki.render('== TracWiki text ==', options) parser = TracWiki.parser(options) parser.to_html(text1) parser.to_html(text2) == Options == * `allowed_schemes` Allowed url schemes Examples: http https ftp ftps * `base` base URL (or URI), for link and images * `no_escape` Disable url escaping for local links Escaping: [[/Test]] --> %2FTest No escaping: [[/Test]] --> Test * `no_link` Disable url escaping for local links `[[whatwerver]]` stays `[[whatwerver]]` * `math` math syntax extension: $e^x$ for inline math, $$ e^x $$ for display math * `allow_html` allow some <b> <form> <html> html will be sanitized * `edit_heading` add '<a class='editheading' href="?edit=N>edit</a>' to each heading * `merge` understand merge tags (see diff3(1)) >>>>>>> mine ||||||| orig ======= <<<<<<< yours convert to <div class="merge merge-mine">mine</div> * `id_from_heading` every heading had id, generated from heading text * `id_translit` when `id_from_heading`, non ascii char are transliterated to ascii (Těžiště -> Teziste) * `template_handler` template_handler(macroname) -> template_text when macros enabled and {{myCoolMacro}} ocured, result fo `template_handler('myCoolMacro') inserted * `macros` enable macros|templates (in mediawiki style). macros are in form `{{macro_name | arg1 | arg2 }}` * `macro_commands` like template but more powerfull do no use. == Other parser attributes and functions == * `parser.headings` structure where headings are stored (after parse) list of hasheses with `level` and `title`, `sline` [ { leven: 1, # <h1> sline: 3, # line where head starts eline: 4, # line before next heading starts aname: 'anchor-to-this-heading', title: 'heading title' }, ... ] * `parser.was_math?` if math (inline or dispayed) was parsed. * `parser.make_toc_html` create html toc from previously parsed text * `parser.add_macro_command(name, &block)` * `parser.env.(env|at(key))` access to env values after parse == Macros == * `{{template}}` * `{{$variable}}` * can be set by {{!set variable|value}} * `$1`, `$2` parameters send to template {{template ONE|TWO}} * parameters send to template can be named {{template ahoj=test|hi=west}} * `$0` all parameters (without named) * `$00` all parameters (with named) * `{{!command}}` == BUGS == If you found a bug, please report it at the TracWiki project's tracker on GitHub: http://github.com/vitstradal/trac-wiki/issues == AUTHORS == * Vitas Stradal == LICENSE == GPL