# frozen_string_literal: true # This file is part of IPsec packetgen plugin. # See https://github.com/sdaubert/packetgen-plugin-ipsec for more informations # Copyright (c) 2018 Sylvain Daubert # This program is published under MIT license. require_relative 'crypto' module PacketGen::Plugin # A ESP header consists of: # * a Security Parameters Index (#{spi}, {PacketGen::Types::Int32} type), # * a Sequence Number ({#sn}, +Int32+ type), # * a {#body} (variable length), # * an optional TFC padding ({#tfc}, variable length), # * an optional {#padding} (to align ESP on 32-bit boundary, variable length), # * a {#pad_length} ({PacketGen::Types::Int8}), # * a Next header field ({#next}, +Int8+), # * and an optional Integrity Check Value ({#icv}, variable length). # # == Create an ESP header # # standalone # esp = PacketGen::Plugin::ESP.new # # in a packet # pkt = PacketGen.gen('IP').add('ESP') # # access to ESP header # pkt.esp # => PacketGen::Plugin::ESP # # == Examples # === Create an enciphered UDP packet (ESP transport mode), using CBC mode # icmp = PacketGen.gen('IP', src: '', dst: ''). # add('ESP', spi: 0xff456e01, sn: 12345678). # add('UDP', dport: 4567, sport: 45362, body 'abcdef') # cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('aes-128-cbc') # cipher.encrypt # cipher.key = 16bytes_key # iv = 16bytes_iv # esp.esp.encrypt! cipher, iv # # === Create a ESP packet tunneling a UDP one, using GCM combined mode # # create inner UDP packet # icmp = PacketGen.gen('IP', src: '', dst: ''). # add('UDP', dport: 4567, sport: 45362, body 'abcdef') # # # create outer ESP packet # esp = PacketGen.gen('IP', src '', dst: '').add('ESP') # esp.esp.spi = 0x87654321 # esp.esp.sn = 0x123 # esp.esp.icv_length = 16 # # encapsulate ICMP packet in ESP one # esp.encapsulate icmp # # # encrypt ESP payload # cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('aes-128-gcm') # cipher.encrypt # cipher.key = 16bytes_key # iv = 8bytes_iv # esp.esp.encrypt! cipher, iv, salt: 4bytes_gcm_salt # # === Decrypt a ESP packet using CBC mode and HMAC-SHA-256 # cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('aes-128-cbc') # cipher.decrypt # cipher.key = 16bytes_key # # hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.new(hmac_key, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new) # # pkt.esp.decrypt! cipher, intmode: hmac # => true if ICV check OK # @author Sylvain Daubert class ESP < PacketGen::Header::Base include Crypto # IP protocol number for ESP IP_PROTOCOL = 50 # Well-known UDP port for ESP UDP_PORT = 4500 # @!attribute spi # 32-bit Security Parameter Index # @return [Integer] define_field :spi, PacketGen::Types::Int32 # @!attribute sn # 32-bit Sequence Number # @return [Integer] define_field :sn, PacketGen::Types::Int32 # @!attribute body # @return [PacketGen::Types::String,PacketGen::Header::Base] define_field :body, PacketGen::Types::String # @!attribute tfc # Traffic Flow Confidentiality padding # @return [PacketGen::Types::String,PacketGen::Header::Base] define_field :tfc, PacketGen::Types::String # @!attribute padding # ESP padding # @return [PacketGen::Types::String,PacketGen::Header::Base] define_field :padding, PacketGen::Types::String # @!attribute pad_length # 8-bit padding length # @return [Integer] define_field :pad_length, PacketGen::Types::Int8 # @!attribute next # 8-bit next protocol value # @return [Integer] define_field :next, PacketGen::Types::Int8 # @!attribute icv # Integrity Check Value # @return [PacketGen::Types::String,PacketGen::Header::Base] define_field :icv, PacketGen::Types::String # ICV (Integrity Check Value) length # @return [Integer] attr_accessor :icv_length # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Integer] :icv_length ICV length # @option options [Integer] :spi Security Parameters Index # @option options [Integer] :sn Sequence Number # @option options [::String] :body ESP payload data # @option options [::String] :tfc Traffic Flow Confidentiality, random padding # up to MTU # @option options [::String] :padding ESP padding to align ESP on 32-bit # boundary # @option options [Integer] :pad_length padding length # @option options [Integer] :next Next Header field # @option options [::String] :icv Integrity Check Value def initialize(options={}) @icv_length = options[:icv_length] || 0 super end # Read a ESP packet from string. # # {#padding} and {#tfc} are not set as they are enciphered (impossible # to guess their respective size). {#pad_length} and {#next} are also # enciphered. # @param [String] str # @return [self] def read(str) return self if str.nil? force_binary str self[:spi].read str[0, 4] self[:sn].read str[4, 4] self[:body].read str[8...-@icv_length - 2] self[:tfc].read '' self[:padding].read '' self[:pad_length].read str[-@icv_length - 2, 1] self[:next].read str[-@icv_length - 1, 1] self[:icv].read str[-@icv_length, @icv_length] if @icv_length self end # Encrypt in-place ESP payload and trailer. # # This method removes all data from +tfc+ and +padding+ fields, as their # enciphered values are concatenated into +body+. # # It also removes headers under ESP from packet, as they are enciphered in # ESP body, and then are no more accessible. # @param [OpenSSL::Cipher] cipher keyed cipher. # This cipher is confidentiality-only one, or AEAD one. To use a second # cipher to add integrity, use +:intmode+ option. # @param [String] iv full IV for encryption # * CTR and GCM modes: +iv+ is 8-bytes long. # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :salt salt value for CTR and GCM modes # @option options [Boolean] :tfc # @option options [Fixnum] :tfc_size ESP body size used for TFC # (default 1444, max size for a tunneled IPv4/ESP packet). # This is the maximum size for ESP packet (without IP header # nor Eth one). # @option options [Fixnum] :esn 32 high-orber bits of ESN # @option options [Fixnum] :pad_length set a padding length # @option options [String] :padding set a padding. No check with # +:pad_length+ is made. If +:pad_length+ is not set, +:padding+ # length is shortened to correct padding length # @option options [OpenSSL::HMAC] :intmode integrity mode to use with a # confidentiality-only cipher. Only HMAC are supported. # @return [self] def encrypt!(cipher, iv, options={}) opt = { salt: '', tfc_size: 1444 }.merge(options) set_crypto cipher, opt[:intmode] real_iv = force_binary(opt[:salt]) + force_binary(iv) real_iv += [1].pack('N') if confidentiality_mode == 'ctr' cipher.iv = real_iv authenticate_esp_header_if_needed options, iv case confidentiality_mode when 'cbc' cipher_len = self[:body].sz + 2 self.pad_length = (16 - (cipher_len % 16)) % 16 else mod4 = to_s.size % 4 self.pad_length = 4 - mod4 if mod4.positive? end if opt[:pad_length] self.pad_length = opt[:pad_length] padding = force_binary(opt[:padding] || (1..self.pad_length).to_a.pack('C*')) self[:padding].read padding else padding = force_binary(opt[:padding] || (1..self.pad_length).to_a.pack('C*')) self[:padding].read padding[0...self.pad_length] end tfc = '' if opt[:tfc] tfc_size = opt[:tfc_size] - self[:body].sz if tfc_size.positive? tfc_size = case confidentiality_mode when 'cbc' (tfc_size / 16) * 16 else (tfc_size / 4) * 4 end tfc = force_binary("\0" * tfc_size) end end msg = self[:body].to_s + tfc msg += self[:padding].to_s + self[:pad_length].to_s + self[:next].to_s enc_msg = encipher(msg) # as padding is used to pad for CBC mode, this is unused cipher.final self[:body] = PacketGen::Types::String.new.read(iv) self[:body] << enc_msg[0..-3] self[:pad_length].read enc_msg[-2] self[:next].read enc_msg[-1] # reset padding field as it has no sense in encrypted ESP self[:padding].read '' set_esp_icv_if_needed # Remove enciphered headers from packet id = header_id(self) if id < packet.headers.size - 1 (packet.headers.size - 1).downto(id + 1) do |index| packet.headers.delete_at index end end self end # Decrypt in-place ESP payload and trailer. # @param [OpenSSL::Cipher] cipher keyed cipher # This cipher is confidentiality-only one, or AEAD one. To use a second # cipher to add integrity, use +:intmode+ option. # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Boolean] :parse parse deciphered payload to retrieve # headers (default: +true+) # @option options [Fixnum] :icv_length ICV length for captured packets, # or read from PCapNG files # @option options [String] :salt salt value for CTR and GCM modes # @option options [Fixnum] :esn 32 high-orber bits of ESN # @option options [OpenSSL::HMAC] :intmode integrity mode to use with a # confidentiality-only cipher. Only HMAC are supported. # @return [Boolean] +true+ if ESP packet is authenticated def decrypt!(cipher, options={}) opt = { salt: '', parse: true }.merge(options) set_crypto cipher, opt[:intmode] case confidentiality_mode when 'gcm' iv = self[:body].slice!(0, 8) real_iv = opt[:salt] + iv when 'cbc' cipher.padding = 0 real_iv = iv = self[:body].slice!(0, 16) when 'ctr' iv = self[:body].slice!(0, 8) real_iv = opt[:salt] + iv + [1].pack('N') else real_iv = iv = self[:body].slice!(0, 16) end cipher.iv = real_iv if authenticated? && (@icv_length.zero? || opt[:icv_length]) raise PacketGen::ParseError, 'unknown ICV size' unless opt[:icv_length] @icv_length = opt[:icv_length].to_i # reread ESP to handle new ICV size msg = self[:body].to_s + self[:pad_length].to_s msg += self[:next].to_s self[:icv].read msg.slice!(-@icv_length, @icv_length) self[:body].read msg[0..-3] self[:pad_length].read msg[-2] self[:next].read msg[-1] end authenticate_esp_header_if_needed options, iv, icv private_decrypt opt end private def get_auth_data(opt) ad = self[:spi].to_s if opt[:esn] @esn = PacketGen::Types::Int32.new(opt[:esn]) ad << @esn.to_s if @conf.authenticated? end ad << self[:sn].to_s end def authenticate_esp_header_if_needed(opt, iv, icv=nil) if @conf.authenticated? @conf.auth_tag = icv if icv @conf.auth_data = get_auth_data(opt) elsif @intg @intg.reset @intg.update get_auth_data(opt) @intg.update iv @icv = icv else @icv = nil end end def set_esp_icv_if_needed return unless authenticated? if @conf.authenticated? self[:icv].read @conf.auth_tag[0, @icv_length] else self[:icv].read @intg.digest[0, @icv_length] end end def private_decrypt(options) # decrypt msg = self.body.to_s msg += self.padding + self[:pad_length].to_s + self[:next].to_s plain_msg = decipher(msg) # check authentication tag return false if authenticated? && !authenticate! # Set ESP fields self[:body].read plain_msg[0..-3] self[:pad_length].read plain_msg[-2] self[:next].read plain_msg[-1] # Set padding if self.pad_length.positive? len = self.pad_length self[:padding].read self[:body].slice!(-len, len) end # Set TFC padding encap_length = 0 pkt = nil case self.next when 4 # IPv4 pkt = PacketGen::Packet.parse(body, first_header: 'IP') encap_length = pkt.ip.length when 41 # IPv6 pkt = PacketGen::Packet.parse(body, first_header: 'IPv6') encap_length = pkt.ipv6.length + pkt.ipv6.sz when PacketGen::Header::ICMP::IP_PROTOCOL pkt = PacketGen::Packet.parse(body, first_header: 'ICMP') # no size field. cannot recover TFC padding encap_length = self[:body].sz when PacketGen::Header::UDP::IP_PROTOCOL pkt = PacketGen::Packet.parse(body, first_header: 'UDP') encap_length = pkt.udp.length when PacketGen::Header::TCP::IP_PROTOCOL # No length in TCP header, so TFC may not be used. # Or underlayer protocol should have a size information... pkt = PacketGen::Packet.parse(body, first_header: 'TCP') encap_length = pkt.sz when PacketGen::Header::ICMPv6::IP_PROTOCOL pkt = PacketGen::Packet.parse(body, first_header: 'ICMPv6') # no size field. cannot recover TFC padding encap_length = self[:body].sz else # Unmanaged encapsulated protocol encap_length = self[:body].sz end if encap_length < self[:body].sz tfc_len = self[:body].sz - encap_length self[:tfc].read self[:body].slice!(encap_length, tfc_len) end if options[:parse] packet.encapsulate pkt unless pkt.nil? end true end end PacketGen::Header.add_class ESP PacketGen::Header::IP.bind ESP, protocol: ESP::IP_PROTOCOL PacketGen::Header::IPv6.bind ESP, next: ESP::IP_PROTOCOL PacketGen::Header::UDP.bind ESP, procs: [->(f) { f.dport = f.sport = ESP::UDP_PORT }, lambda { |f| (f.dport == ESP::UDP_PORT || f.sport == ESP::UDP_PORT) && PacketGen::Types::Int32.new.read(f.body[0..3]).to_i.positive? }] ESP.bind PacketGen::Header::IP, next: 4 ESP.bind PacketGen::Header::IPv6, next: 41 ESP.bind PacketGen::Header::TCP, next: PacketGen::Header::TCP::IP_PROTOCOL ESP.bind PacketGen::Header::UDP, next: PacketGen::Header::TCP::IP_PROTOCOL ESP.bind PacketGen::Header::ICMP, next: PacketGen::Header::ICMP::IP_PROTOCOL ESP.bind PacketGen::Header::ICMPv6, next: PacketGen::Header::ICMPv6::IP_PROTOCOL end