# Missing Safe Method ## Introduction Candidate methods for the _Missing Safe Method_ smell are methods whose names end with an exclamation mark. An exclamation mark in method names means (the explanation below is taken from [here](http://dablog.rubypal.com/2007/8/15/bang-methods-or-danger-will-rubyist)): > The ! in method names that end with ! means, “This method is dangerous”—or, > more precisely, this method is the “dangerous” version of an otherwise > equivalent method, with the same name minus the !. “Danger” is relative; the > ! doesn’t mean anything at all unless the method name it’s in corresponds to > a similar but bang-less method name. > > So, for example, gsub! is the dangerous version of gsub. exit! is the > dangerous version of exit. flatten! is the dangerous version of flatten. And > so forth. Such a method is called _Missing Safe Method_ if and only if the non-bang version does not exist and this method is reported as a smell. Missing Safe Method was formerly known as Prima Donna Method. ## Example Given ```Ruby class C def foo; end def foo!; end def bar!; end end ``` Reek would report the _Missing Safe Method_ smell for `bar!`, but not for `foo!`. Reek reports this smell only in a class context, not in a module context in order to allow perfectly legit code like this: ```Ruby class Parent def foo; end end module Dangerous def foo!; end end class Son < Parent include Dangerous end class Daughter < Parent end ``` In this example, Reek would not report the _Missing Safe Method_ smell for the method `foo` of the `Dangerous` module. ## Configuration _Missing Safe Method_ offers the [Basic Smell Options](Basic-Smell-Options.md). ## Example configuration via source comment Imagine code like this: ```Ruby class Alfa def bravo! end end ``` This would report: >> ruby.rb -- 1 warning: [1]:MissingSafeMethod: Alfa has missing safe method 'bravo!' If you want to suppress this warning you can do this via source comment like this: ```Ruby # :reek:MissingSafeMethod { exclude: [ bravo! ] } class Alfa def bravo! end end ```