require 'tmpdir' require 'logger' require 'pathname' require 'buzzcore/logging' module MiscUtils def self.logger @logger || @logger = end # applies the given block to key/value pairs included/excluded by the given parameters # aSource must be a hash, and may contain hashes which will be recursively processed. # aInclude/aExclude may be nil, an array of selected keys, or a hash containing arrays of keys for inner hashes of aSource # When aInclude/aExclude are a hash, non-hash source values may be selected by passing a value of true. Hash source values # will be selected as a whole (all keys) when true is passed. # input = { 'a' => 1, 'b' => {'x' => 9, 'y' => 8}, 'c' => 3 } # filter_multilevel_hash(input,['a','b'],{'b'=>['y']}) {|h,k,v| h[k] = true} # input now = { 'a' => true, 'b' => {'x' => true, 'y' => 8}, 'c' => 3 } def self.filter_multilevel_hash(aSource,aInclude=nil,aExclude=nil,&block) aSource.each do |key,value| next if aInclude.is_a?(Array) and !aInclude.include?(key) # skip if not in aInclude array next if aExclude.is_a?(Array) and aExclude.include?(key) # skip if in aExclude array next if aExclude.is_a?(Hash) and aExclude[key]==true # skip if in aExclude hash with value=true next if aInclude.is_a?(Hash) and !aInclude.include?(key) # skip if not in aInclude hash at all if value.is_a?(Hash) # value is hash so recursively apply filter filter_multilevel_hash( value, aInclude.is_a?(Hash) && (f = aInclude[key]) ? f : nil, # pass include array if provided for key aExclude.is_a?(Hash) && (f = aExclude[key]) ? f : nil, # pass exclude array if provided for key &block ) else yield(aSource,key,value) end end end # returns output string if succesful, or integer return code if not, or nil def self.execute(aCommand,aWorkingDir=nil,aTimeout=nil,aTimeoutClass=nil) return nil unless !aWorkingDir || File.exists?(aWorkingDir) begin orig_wd = Dir.getwd pipe = nil result = nil Dir.chdir(aWorkingDir) if aWorkingDir Timeout.timeout(aTimeout,aTimeoutClass || Timeout::Error) do # nil aTimeout will not time out pipe = IO.popen(aCommand) logger.debug "command PID:" result = end ensure pipe.close if pipe Dir.chdir(orig_wd) end return result end def self.execute_string(aCmdString,aWorkingDir=nil) result = nil begin orig_dir = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir(aWorkingDir) if aWorkingDir result = `#{aCmdString}` ensure Dir.chdir(orig_dir) if aWorkingDir end return result end def self.temp_file(aExt=nil,aDir=nil) aExt ||= '.tmp' File.expand_path(("%08X" % rand(0x3FFFFFFF)) + aExt, aDir||Dir.tmpdir) end def self.make_temp_file(aName=nil,aDir=nil,aContent=nil) filename = aName ? File.expand_path(aName,aDir || Dir.tmpdir) : temp_file(nil,aDir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(filename)) aContent ||= "content of "+filename string_to_file(aContent,filename) filename end def self.make_temp_dir(aPrefix='') new_dir = nil begin new_dir = File.join(Dir.tmpdir,aPrefix+("%08X" % rand(0x3FFFFFFF))) end until new_dir && !File.exists?(new_dir) Dir.mkdir new_dir return new_dir end def self.mkdir?(aPath,aPermissions) if File.exists?(aPath) File.chmod(aPermissions, aPath) else Dir.mkdir(aPath, aPermissions) end end def self.set_permissions_cmd(aFilepath,aUser=nil,aGroup=nil,aMode=nil,aSetGroupId=false,aSudo=true) cmd = [] if aGroup cmd << (aUser ? "#{aSudo ? sudo : ''} chown #{aUser}:#{aGroup}" : "#{aSudo ? sudo : ''} chgrp #{aGroup}") + " #{aFilepath}" else cmd << "#{aSudo ? sudo : ''} chown #{aUser} #{aFilepath}" if aUser end cmd << "#{aSudo ? sudo : ''} chmod #{aMode.to_s} #{aFilepath}" if aMode cmd << "#{aSudo ? sudo : ''} chmod g+s #{aFilepath}" if aSetGroupId cmd.join(' && ') end def self.string_to_file(aString,aFilename),'wb') {|file| file.write aString } end def self.string_from_file(aFilename) result = nil, "rb") { |f| result = } # return result && result[0..-2] # quick hack to stop returning false \n at end UPDATE: this is causing problems now end def self.sniff_seperator(aPath) result = 0.upto(aPath.length-1) do |i| char = aPath[i,1] break char if char=='\\' || char=='/' end result = File::SEPARATOR if result==0 return result end def self.append_slash(aPath,aSep=nil) aSep = sniff_seperator(aPath) unless aSep last_char = aPath[-1,1] aPath += aSep unless last_char=='\\' || last_char=='/' return aPath end def self.remove_slash(aPath) last_char = aPath[-1,1] aPath = aPath[0..-2] if last_char=='\\' || last_char=='/' return aPath end # Remove base dir from given path. Result will be relative to base dir and not have a leading or trailing slash #'/a/b/c','/a' = 'b/c' #'/a/b/c','/' = 'a/b/c' #'/','/' = '' def self.path_debase(aPath,aBase) aBase = MiscUtils::append_slash(aBase) aPath = MiscUtils::remove_slash(aPath) unless aPath=='/' aPath[0,aBase.length]==aBase ? aPath[aBase.length,aPath.length-aBase.length] : aPath end def self.path_rebase(aPath,aOldBase,aNewBase) rel_path = path_debase(aPath,aOldBase) append_slash(aNewBase)+rel_path end def self.path_combine(aBasePath,aPath) return aBasePath if !aPath return aPath if !aBasePath return path_relative?(aPath) ? File.join(aBasePath,aPath) : aPath end def self.path_parent(aPath) MiscUtils.append_slash(File.dirname(MiscUtils.remove_slash(File.expand_path(aPath)))) end def self.simple_dir_name(aPath) File.basename(remove_slash(aPath)) end def self.simple_file_name(aPath) f = File.basename(aPath) dot = f.index('.') return dot ? f[0,dot] : f end def self.path_parts(aPath) sep = sniff_seperator(aPath) aPath.split(sep) end def self.file_extension(aFile,aExtended=true) f = File.basename(aFile) dot = aExtended ? f.index('.') : f.rindex('.') return dot ? f[dot+1..-1] : f end def self.file_no_extension(aFile,aExtended=true) ext = file_extension(aFile,aExtended) return aFile.chomp('.'+ext) end def self.file_change_ext(aFile,aExt,aExtend=false) file_no_extension(aFile,false)+(aExtend ? '.'+aExt+'.'+file_extension(aFile,false) : '.'+aExt) end def self.platform RUBY_PLATFORM.scan(/-(.+)$/).flatten.first end def self.windows_path(aPath) aPath.gsub('/','\\') end def self.ruby_path(aPath) aPath.gsub('\\','/') end def self.is_uri?(aString) /^[a-zA-Z0-9+_]+\:\/\// =~ aString ? true : false end def self.native_path(aPath) is_windows? ? windows_path(aPath) : ruby_path(aPath) end def self.path_relative?(aPath) return false if aPath[0,1]=='/' return false if aPath =~ /^[a-zA-Z]:/ return true end def self.path_absolute?(aPath) !path_relative(aPath) end def self.is_windows? platform=='mswin32' end # takes a path and combines it with a root path (which defaults to Dir.pwd) unless it is absolute # the final result is then expanded def self.canonize_path(aPath,aRootPath=nil) path = path = || Dir.pwd)+path if path.relative? File.expand_path(path) end def self.get_files(aArray,aPath,aFullPath=true,aRootPath=nil,&block) #puts "get_files: aPath='#{aPath}'" if aRootPath abssrcpath = path_combine(aRootPath,aPath) else abssrcpath = aRootPath = aPath aPath = nil end return aArray if !File.exists?(abssrcpath) #abssrcpath is real path to query #aRootPath is highest level path #aPath is current path relative to aRootPath do |file| next if ['.','..'].include? file fullpath = File.join(abssrcpath,file) resultpath = aFullPath ? fullpath : path_combine(aPath,file) if !block_given? || yield(resultpath) if block_given? ? get_files(aArray,path_combine(aPath,file),aFullPath,aRootPath,&block) : get_files(aArray,path_combine(aPath,file),aFullPath,aRootPath) else aArray << resultpath end end end return aArray end def self.recursive_file_list(aPath,aFullPath=true,&block) block_given? ? get_files([],aPath,aFullPath,nil,&block) : get_files([],aPath,aFullPath) end # returns true if aPath1 and aPath2 are the same path (doesn't query file system) # both must be absolute or both relative def self.path_same(aPath1,aPath2) return nil unless path_relative?(aPath1) == path_relative?(aPath2) remove_slash(aPath1) == remove_slash(aPath2) end # returns true if aPath is under aPathParent # both must be absolute or both relative def self.path_ancestor(aPathParent,aPath) return nil unless path_relative?(aPathParent) == path_relative?(aPath) aPath.index(append_slash(aPathParent))==0 end # returns the lowest path containing all files (assumes aFiles contains only absolute paths) def self.file_list_ancestor(aFiles) files = aFiles.is_a?(Hash) ? aFiles.keys : aFiles result = File.dirname(files.first) files.each do |fp| filedir = File.dirname(fp) while path_same(result,filedir)==false && path_ancestor(result,filedir)==false result = path_parent(result) end end result end def self.path_match(aPath,aPatterns) aPatterns = [aPatterns] unless aPatterns.is_a? Array aPatterns.any? do |pat| case pat when String then aPath[0,pat.length] == pat when Regexp then aPath =~ pat else false end end end # for capistrano deployed paths # makes "/var/www/logikal.stage/releases/20090911073620/cms/config.xml" into "/var/www/logikal.stage/current/cms/config.xml" def self.neaten_cap_path(aPath) aPath.sub(/(\/releases\/[0-9]+\/)/,'/current/') end # takes a hash and returns a single closed tag containing the hash pairs as attributes, correctly encoded def self.hash_to_xml_tag(aName,aHash) atts = '' aHash.each do |k,v| atts += ' ' + k.to_s + "=\"#{v.to_s.to_xs}\"" end "<#{aName}#{atts}/>" end def self.filelist_from_patterns(aPatterns,aBasePath) return [] unless aPatterns aPatterns = [aPatterns] unless aPatterns.is_a? Array do |fp| fp = File.expand_path(fp,aBasePath) # relative to rails root fp = FileList[fp] if fp['*'] || fp['?'] fp end.flatten end #:host #:port #:helodomain #:user #:password #:from #:from_alias #:to #:to_alias #:subject #:message #:auth : 'plain', 'login', 'cram_md5' # send an email via an SMTP server def self.send_email(aArgs) msg = < To: #{aArgs[:to_alias]} <#{aArgs[:to]}> Subject: #{aArgs[:subject]} #{aArgs[:message]} END_OF_MESSAGE Net::SMTP.start( aArgs[:host], aArgs[:port], aArgs[:helodomain], aArgs[:user], aArgs[:password], aArgs[:auth] ) do |smtp| smtp.send_message msg, aArgs[:from], aArgs[:to] end end end # include this at the top of a class to protect it from baddies. # eg. # + nearly all ancestor public_instance_methods will be hidden # + inspect will only return the class name # + methods will return public methods module SecureThisClass def self.hack(aClass,aOptions={}) include_actions = (aOptions[:include] || aClass.public_instance_methods.clone) exclude_actions = ['class','public_methods'] | (aOptions[:exclude] || []) actions_to_hide = include_actions-exclude_actions aClass.class_eval do actions_to_hide.each { |m| protected m.to_sym } def inspect return end def methods public_methods end end end end module ::Kernel def secure_class(aOptions={}) SecureThisClass::hack(self,aOptions) end end