=begin Copyright (c) 2019 Aspose Pty Ltd Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =end module AsposeSlidesCloud class TypeRegistry def self.subclass?(subclass_name, class_name) if subclass_name == class_name return true end type_hierarchy.each do |k, v| if v.to_s == class_name && subclass?(subclass_name, k.to_s) return true end end return false end def self.get_type(class_name, map) no_descendants = true type_hierarchy.each do |k, v| if v.to_s == class_name no_descendants = false newType = get_type(k.to_s, map) if newType != "" return newType end end end determiners = type_determiners[class_name.to_sym] is_good = false if (determiners && determiners.keys.length > 0) || no_descendants is_good = true determiners.each do |k, v| is_good_key = false if !map[k].nil? is_good_key = v == map[k] else keyString = k.to_s keyString[0] = keyString[0].downcase if !map[keyString.to_sym].nil? is_good_key = v == map[keyString.to_sym] end end is_good = is_good && is_good_key end if is_good return class_name end end return "" end def self.type_hierarchy { :'AccentElement' => :'MathElement', :'AddLayoutSlide' => :'Task', :'AddMasterSlide' => :'Task', :'AddShape' => :'Task', :'AddSlide' => :'Task', :'ArcToPathSegment' => :'PathSegment', :'ArrayElement' => :'MathElement', :'BarElement' => :'MathElement', :'Base64InputFile' => :'InputFile', :'BlockElement' => :'MathElement', :'BorderBoxElement' => :'MathElement', :'BoxElement' => :'MathElement', :'ClosePathSegment' => :'PathSegment', :'ColorScheme' => :'ResourceBase', :'CubicBezierToPathSegment' => :'PathSegment', :'DelimiterElement' => :'MathElement', :'Document' => :'ResourceBase', :'DocumentProperties' => :'ResourceBase', :'DocumentProperty' => :'ResourceBase', :'FileVersion' => :'StorageFile', :'FontScheme' => :'ResourceBase', :'FormatScheme' => :'ResourceBase', :'FractionElement' => :'MathElement', :'FunctionElement' => :'MathElement', :'GradientFill' => :'FillFormat', :'GroupingCharacterElement' => :'MathElement', :'HeaderFooter' => :'ResourceBase', :'Html5ExportOptions' => :'ExportOptions', :'HtmlExportOptions' => :'ExportOptions', :'Image' => :'ResourceBase', :'ImageExportOptionsBase' => :'ExportOptions', :'Images' => :'ResourceBase', :'LayoutSlide' => :'ResourceBase', :'LayoutSlides' => :'ResourceBase', :'LeftSubSuperscriptElement' => :'MathElement', :'LimitElement' => :'MathElement', :'LineToPathSegment' => :'PathSegment', :'MasterSlide' => :'ResourceBase', :'MasterSlides' => :'ResourceBase', :'MatrixElement' => :'MathElement', :'Merge' => :'Task', :'MoveToPathSegment' => :'PathSegment', :'NaryOperatorElement' => :'MathElement', :'NoFill' => :'FillFormat', :'NotesSlide' => :'ResourceBase', :'NotesSlideHeaderFooter' => :'ResourceBase', :'OneValueChartDataPoint' => :'DataPoint', :'OneValueSeries' => :'Series', :'Paragraph' => :'ResourceBase', :'Paragraphs' => :'ResourceBase', :'PathInputFile' => :'InputFile', :'PathOutputFile' => :'OutputFile', :'PatternFill' => :'FillFormat', :'PdfExportOptions' => :'ExportOptions', :'PictureFill' => :'FillFormat', :'Placeholder' => :'ResourceBase', :'Placeholders' => :'ResourceBase', :'Portion' => :'ResourceBase', :'Portions' => :'ResourceBase', :'PptxExportOptions' => :'ExportOptions', :'ProtectionProperties' => :'ResourceBase', :'QuadraticBezierToPathSegment' => :'PathSegment', :'RadicalElement' => :'MathElement', :'RemoveShape' => :'Task', :'RemoveSlide' => :'Task', :'ReorderSlide' => :'Task', :'ReplaceText' => :'Task', :'RequestInputFile' => :'InputFile', :'ResetSlide' => :'Task', :'ResponseOutputFile' => :'OutputFile', :'RightSubSuperscriptElement' => :'MathElement', :'Save' => :'Task', :'SaveShape' => :'Task', :'SaveSlide' => :'Task', :'ScatterChartDataPoint' => :'DataPoint', :'Section' => :'ResourceBase', :'Sections' => :'ResourceBase', :'ShapeBase' => :'ResourceBase', :'Shapes' => :'ResourceBase', :'Slide' => :'ResourceBase', :'SlideAnimation' => :'ResourceBase', :'SlideBackground' => :'ResourceBase', :'SlideComment' => :'SlideCommentBase', :'SlideComments' => :'ResourceBase', :'SlideModernComment' => :'SlideCommentBase', :'SlideProperties' => :'ResourceBase', :'Slides' => :'ResourceBase', :'SolidFill' => :'FillFormat', :'SplitDocumentResult' => :'ResourceBase', :'SubscriptElement' => :'MathElement', :'SuperscriptElement' => :'MathElement', :'SvgExportOptions' => :'ExportOptions', :'SwfExportOptions' => :'ExportOptions', :'TextElement' => :'MathElement', :'TextItems' => :'ResourceBase', :'Theme' => :'ResourceBase', :'UpdateBackground' => :'Task', :'UpdateShape' => :'Task', :'VideoExportOptions' => :'ExportOptions', :'ViewProperties' => :'ResourceBase', :'XYSeries' => :'Series', :'XamlExportOptions' => :'ExportOptions', :'XpsExportOptions' => :'ExportOptions', :'BoxAndWhiskerSeries' => :'OneValueSeries', :'BubbleChartDataPoint' => :'ScatterChartDataPoint', :'BubbleSeries' => :'XYSeries', :'Chart' => :'ShapeBase', :'DocumentReplaceResult' => :'Document', :'GeometryShape' => :'ShapeBase', :'GifExportOptions' => :'ImageExportOptionsBase', :'GraphicalObject' => :'ShapeBase', :'GroupShape' => :'ShapeBase', :'ImageExportOptions' => :'ImageExportOptionsBase', :'OleObjectFrame' => :'ShapeBase', :'ScatterSeries' => :'XYSeries', :'SlideReplaceResult' => :'Slide', :'SmartArt' => :'ShapeBase', :'SummaryZoomFrame' => :'ShapeBase', :'Table' => :'ShapeBase', :'TiffExportOptions' => :'ImageExportOptionsBase', :'WaterfallChartDataPoint' => :'OneValueChartDataPoint', :'WaterfallSeries' => :'OneValueSeries', :'ZoomObject' => :'ShapeBase', :'AudioFrame' => :'GeometryShape', :'Connector' => :'GeometryShape', :'PictureFrame' => :'GeometryShape', :'SectionZoomFrame' => :'ZoomObject', :'Shape' => :'GeometryShape', :'SmartArtShape' => :'GeometryShape', :'VideoFrame' => :'GeometryShape', :'ZoomFrame' => :'ZoomObject', :'SummaryZoomSection' => :'SectionZoomFrame', } end def self.type_determiners { :'AccessPermissions' => { }, :'ApiInfo' => { }, :'ArrowHeadProperties' => { }, :'Axes' => { }, :'Axis' => { }, :'BlurEffect' => { }, :'Camera' => { }, :'ChartCategory' => { }, :'ChartLinesFormat' => { }, :'ChartTitle' => { }, :'ChartWall' => { }, :'CommonSlideViewProperties' => { }, :'CustomDashPattern' => { }, :'DataPoint' => { }, :'DiscUsage' => { }, :'Effect' => { }, :'EffectFormat' => { }, :'EntityExists' => { }, :'Error' => { }, :'ErrorDetails' => { }, :'ExportFormat' => { }, :'ExportOptions' => { }, :'FileVersions' => { }, :'FilesList' => { }, :'FilesUploadResult' => { }, :'FillFormat' => { }, :'FillOverlayEffect' => { }, :'FontFallbackRule' => { }, :'FontSet' => { }, :'GeometryPath' => { }, :'GeometryPaths' => { }, :'GlowEffect' => { }, :'GradientFillStop' => { }, :'Hyperlink' => { }, :'IShapeExportOptions' => { }, :'ImageExportFormat' => { }, :'InnerShadowEffect' => { }, :'Input' => { }, :'InputFile' => { }, :'InteractiveSequence' => { }, :'Legend' => { }, :'LightRig' => { }, :'LineFormat' => { }, :'MathElement' => { }, :'MathParagraph' => { }, :'MergingSource' => { }, :'NormalViewRestoredProperties' => { }, :'NotesSlideExportFormat' => { }, :'ObjectExist' => { }, :'OrderedMergeRequest' => { }, :'OuterShadowEffect' => { }, :'OutputFile' => { }, :'PathSegment' => { }, :'Pipeline' => { }, :'PlotArea' => { }, :'PortionFormat' => { }, :'PresentationToMerge' => { }, :'PresentationsMergeRequest' => { }, :'PresetShadowEffect' => { }, :'ReflectionEffect' => { }, :'ResourceBase' => { }, :'ResourceUri' => { }, :'Series' => { }, :'SeriesMarker' => { }, :'ShapeBevel' => { }, :'ShapeExportFormat' => { }, :'ShapeImageExportOptions' => { }, :'ShapeThumbnailBounds' => { }, :'ShapeType' => { }, :'ShapesAlignmentType' => { }, :'SlideCommentBase' => { }, :'SlideExportFormat' => { }, :'SmartArtNode' => { }, :'SoftEdgeEffect' => { }, :'SpecialSlideType' => { }, :'StorageExist' => { }, :'StorageFile' => { }, :'TableCell' => { }, :'TableColumn' => { }, :'TableRow' => { }, :'Task' => { }, :'TextBounds' => { }, :'TextFrameFormat' => { }, :'TextItem' => { }, :'ThreeDFormat' => { }, :'AccentElement' => { :'Type' => "Accent", }, :'AddLayoutSlide' => { :'Type' => "AddLayoutSlide", }, :'AddMasterSlide' => { :'Type' => "AddMasterSlide", }, :'AddShape' => { :'Type' => "AddShape", }, :'AddSlide' => { :'Type' => "AddSlide", }, :'ArcToPathSegment' => { :'Type' => "ArcTo", }, :'ArrayElement' => { :'Type' => "Array", }, :'BarElement' => { :'Type' => "Bar", }, :'Base64InputFile' => { :'Type' => "Base64", }, :'BlockElement' => { :'Type' => "Block", }, :'BorderBoxElement' => { :'Type' => "BorderBox", }, :'BoxElement' => { :'Type' => "Box", }, :'ClosePathSegment' => { :'Type' => "Close", }, :'ColorScheme' => { }, :'CubicBezierToPathSegment' => { :'Type' => "CubicBezierTo", }, :'DelimiterElement' => { :'Type' => "Delimiter", }, :'Document' => { }, :'DocumentProperties' => { }, :'DocumentProperty' => { }, :'FileVersion' => { }, :'FontScheme' => { }, :'FormatScheme' => { }, :'FractionElement' => { :'Type' => "Fraction", }, :'FunctionElement' => { :'Type' => "Function", }, :'GradientFill' => { :'Type' => "Gradient", }, :'GroupingCharacterElement' => { :'Type' => "GroupingCharacter", }, :'HeaderFooter' => { }, :'Html5ExportOptions' => { :'Format' => "html5", }, :'HtmlExportOptions' => { :'Format' => "html", }, :'Image' => { }, :'ImageExportOptionsBase' => { }, :'Images' => { }, :'LayoutSlide' => { }, :'LayoutSlides' => { }, :'LeftSubSuperscriptElement' => { :'Type' => "LeftSubSuperscriptElement", }, :'LimitElement' => { :'Type' => "Limit", }, :'LineToPathSegment' => { :'Type' => "LineTo", }, :'MasterSlide' => { }, :'MasterSlides' => { }, :'MatrixElement' => { :'Type' => "Matrix", }, :'Merge' => { :'Type' => "Merge", }, :'MoveToPathSegment' => { :'Type' => "MoveTo", }, :'NaryOperatorElement' => { :'Type' => "NaryOperator", }, :'NoFill' => { :'Type' => "NoFill", }, :'NotesSlide' => { }, :'NotesSlideHeaderFooter' => { }, :'OneValueChartDataPoint' => { }, :'OneValueSeries' => { :'DataPointType' => "OneValue", }, :'Paragraph' => { }, :'Paragraphs' => { }, :'PathInputFile' => { :'Type' => "Path", }, :'PathOutputFile' => { :'Type' => "Path", }, :'PatternFill' => { :'Type' => "Pattern", }, :'PdfExportOptions' => { :'Format' => "pdf", }, :'PictureFill' => { :'Type' => "Picture", }, :'Placeholder' => { }, :'Placeholders' => { }, :'Portion' => { }, :'Portions' => { }, :'PptxExportOptions' => { :'Format' => "pptx", }, :'ProtectionProperties' => { }, :'QuadraticBezierToPathSegment' => { :'Type' => "QuadBezierTo", }, :'RadicalElement' => { :'Type' => "Radical", }, :'RemoveShape' => { :'Type' => "RemoveShape", }, :'RemoveSlide' => { :'Type' => "RemoveSlide", }, :'ReorderSlide' => { :'Type' => "ReoderSlide", }, :'ReplaceText' => { :'Type' => "ReplaceText", }, :'RequestInputFile' => { :'Type' => "Request", }, :'ResetSlide' => { :'Type' => "ResetSlide", }, :'ResponseOutputFile' => { :'Type' => "Response", }, :'RightSubSuperscriptElement' => { :'Type' => "RightSubSuperscriptElement", }, :'Save' => { :'Type' => "Save", }, :'SaveShape' => { :'Type' => "SaveShape", }, :'SaveSlide' => { :'Type' => "SaveSlide", }, :'ScatterChartDataPoint' => { }, :'Section' => { }, :'Sections' => { }, :'ShapeBase' => { }, :'Shapes' => { }, :'Slide' => { }, :'SlideAnimation' => { }, :'SlideBackground' => { }, :'SlideComment' => { :'Type' => "Regular", }, :'SlideComments' => { }, :'SlideModernComment' => { :'Type' => "Modern", }, :'SlideProperties' => { }, :'Slides' => { }, :'SolidFill' => { :'Type' => "Solid", }, :'SplitDocumentResult' => { }, :'SubscriptElement' => { :'Type' => "SubscriptElement", }, :'SuperscriptElement' => { :'Type' => "SuperscriptElement", }, :'SvgExportOptions' => { :'Format' => "svg", }, :'SwfExportOptions' => { :'Format' => "swf", }, :'TextElement' => { :'Type' => "Text", }, :'TextItems' => { }, :'Theme' => { }, :'UpdateBackground' => { :'Type' => "UpdateBackground", }, :'UpdateShape' => { :'Type' => "UpdateShape", }, :'VideoExportOptions' => { :'Format' => "mpeg4", }, :'ViewProperties' => { }, :'XYSeries' => { }, :'XamlExportOptions' => { :'Format' => "xaml", }, :'XpsExportOptions' => { :'Format' => "xps", }, :'BoxAndWhiskerSeries' => { :'DataPointType' => "OneValue", }, :'BubbleChartDataPoint' => { }, :'BubbleSeries' => { :'DataPointType' => "Bubble", }, :'Chart' => { :'Type' => "Chart", }, :'DocumentReplaceResult' => { }, :'GeometryShape' => { }, :'GifExportOptions' => { :'Format' => "gif", }, :'GraphicalObject' => { :'Type' => "GraphicalObject", }, :'GroupShape' => { :'Type' => "GroupShape", }, :'ImageExportOptions' => { :'Format' => "image", }, :'OleObjectFrame' => { :'Type' => "OleObjectFrame", }, :'ScatterSeries' => { :'DataPointType' => "Scatter", }, :'SlideReplaceResult' => { }, :'SmartArt' => { :'Type' => "SmartArt", }, :'SummaryZoomFrame' => { :'Type' => "SummaryZoomFrame", }, :'Table' => { :'Type' => "Table", }, :'TiffExportOptions' => { :'Format' => "tiff", }, :'WaterfallChartDataPoint' => { }, :'WaterfallSeries' => { :'DataPointType' => "OneValue", }, :'ZoomObject' => { }, :'AudioFrame' => { :'Type' => "AudioFrame", }, :'Connector' => { :'Type' => "Connector", }, :'PictureFrame' => { :'Type' => "PictureFrame", }, :'SectionZoomFrame' => { :'Type' => "SectionZoomFrame", }, :'Shape' => { :'Type' => "Shape", }, :'SmartArtShape' => { :'Type' => "SmartArtShape", }, :'VideoFrame' => { :'Type' => "VideoFrame", }, :'ZoomFrame' => { :'Type' => "ZoomFrame", }, :'SummaryZoomSection' => { :'Type' => "SummaryZoomSection", }, } end end end